Research Areas

Nanomaterials Optoelectronics

Events & News


    Congratulations to Piw for the best poster award at the SCF PACA meeting!


    23/01/2023 - Congratulations to Anna for her PhD defence!


    Congratulations to Anna for the best talk award at the 12th Meeting on Nanoscale Advances (Porquerolles)!

ANR-gray ANR grants funding to the PRCI project APRiCOT in collaboration with the Fritz Haber Insititute (Max Planck) Berlin, the IEM (Montpellier) and RWTH Aachen

ANR-gray ANR grants funding to the JCJC project MeMeNtO

ANR-gray ANR grants funding to the PRC project PlasMORELIGHT in collaboration with the IM2NP, ICR and IEMS.

Are you motivated to do a Master thesis, a PhD or a postdoc? Contact us!