Romain Grossier
Nucleation / Crystallization / Microfluidics / Optical Microscopy / Image Processing
Milieu confiné
Rapid Polymorphic Screening using Sessile Microdroplets: Competitive Nucleation of Mannitol Polymorphs
Ruel Cedeno, Romain Grossier, Nadine Candoni, Stéphane Veesler
CrystEngComm 26:5235-5240 (2024)10.1039/d4ce00648h
CNT effective interfacial energy and pre-exponential kinetic factor from measured NaCl crystal nucleation time distributions in contracting microdroplets
Ruel Cedeno, Romain Grossier, Nadine Candoni, Nicolas Levernier, Adrian Flood, Stéphane Veesler
The Journal of Chemical Physics 158:194705 (2023)10.1063/5.0143704
Microdroplet Approach for Measuring Aqueous Solubility and Nucleation Kinetics of a Metastable Polymorph: The case of KDP Phase IV
Ruel Cedeno, Romain Grossier, Nadine Candoni, Stéphane Veesler
Crystal Growth & Design 23:9052-9057 (2023)10.1021/acs.cgd.3c01086
Modular microfluidic platform for solubility measurement, nucleation statistics and polymorph screening of active pharmaceutical ingredients: Irbesartan, Rimonabant, Aripiprazole and Sulfathiazole
Mathilde Lambert, Romain Grossier, Mehdi Lagaize, Thirou Bactivelane, Vasile Heresanu, Benoît Robert, Nadine Candoni, Stéphane Veesler
Evaporation Dynamics of Sessile Saline Microdroplets in Oil
Ruel Cedeno, Romain Grossier, Victoria Tishkova, Nadine Candoni, Adrian E. Flood, Stéphane Veesler
Langmuir 38:9686-9696 (2022)10.1021/acs.langmuir.2c01269
Nucleation in Sessile Saline Microdroplets: Induction Time Measurement via Deliquescence-Recrystallization Cycling
Ruel Cedeno, Romain A Grossier, Mehdi Lagaize, D. Nerini, Nadine Candoni, A. E. Flood, Stéphane Veesler
Faraday Discussions 183-197 (2022)10.1039/D1FD00090J
Preparation of alginate hydrogel microparticles by gelation introducing cross-linkers using droplet-based microfluidics: a review of methods
Cheng Zhang, Romain A Grossier, Nadine Candoni, Stéphane Veesler
Biomaterials Research 25:41 (2021)10.1186/s40824-021-00243-5
Microfluidics platform for polymorph screening directly from powder
Guillem Peybernès, Romain Grossier, Frédéric Villard, Philippe Letellier, Nadine Candoni, Stéphane Veesler
A microfluidic method generating monodispersed microparticles with controllable sizes and mechanical properties
Cheng Zhang, Romain A Grossier, Leda Lacaria, Felix Rico, Nadine A Candoni, Stéphane A Veesler
Chemical Engineering Science 211:115322 (2020)10.1016/j.ces.2019.115322
Advances in the Use of Microfluidics to Study Crystallization Fundamentals
Nadine A Candoni, Romain Grossier, Mehdi Lagaize, Stéphane Veesler
Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 10:59-83 (2019)10.1146/annurev-chembioeng-060718-030312
A chemical library to screen protein and protein-ligand crystallization using a versatile microfluidic platform
Charline J. J. Gerard, Gilles Ferry, Laurent M Vuillard, Jean A. Boutin, Nathalie A Ferte, Romain A Grossier, Nadine A Candoni, Stéphane A Veesler
Crystal Growth & Design 18:5130-5137 (2018)10.1021/acs.cgd.8b00572
A parameter to probe microdroplet dynamics and crystal nucleation
R. Grossier, Victoria Tishkova, R. Morin, S. Veesler
AIP Advances 8:075324 (2018)10.1063/1.5034443
Microfluidics set-up rapidly measures solubility directly from powder
Guillem Peybernès, Romain A Grossier, Frédéric Villard, Philippe Letellier, Mehdi Lagaize, Nadine A Candoni, Stéphane Veesler
Organic Process Research and Development 22:1856-1860 (2018)10.1021/acs.oprd.8b00300
Crystallization via tubing microfluidics permits both in situ and ex situ X-ray diffraction
Charline J. J. Gerard, Gilles Ferry, Laurent M Vuillard, Jean A Boutin, Léonard M.G. Chavas, Tiphaine Huet, Nathalie A Ferte, Romain A Grossier, Nadine Candoni, Stéphane Veesler
Acta crystallographica Section F : Structural biology communications [2014-...] 73:574-578 (2017)10.1107/S2053230X17013826
Microfluidic platform for optimization of crystallization conditions
Shuheng A Zhang, Charline J. J. Gerard, Aziza A Ikni, Gilles Ferry, Laurent M Vuillard, Jean A. Boutin, Nathalie A Ferte, Romain A Grossier, Nadine A Candoni, Stéphane A Veesler
Journal of Crystal Growth 472:18-28 (2017)10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2017.01.026
Localizing and inducing primary nucleation
Z. Hammadi, R. Grossier, Aziza Ikni, N. Candoni, R. Morin, S. Veesler
Faraday Discussions 179:489-501 (2015)10.1039/c4fd00274a
Small-volumes nucleation
Z. Hammadi, N. Candoni, R. Grossier, Manuel Ildefonso, R. Morin, S. Veesler
Small-volume nucleation
Zoubida Hammadi, Nadine Candoni, Romain Grossier, Manuel Ildefonso, Roger Morin, Stéphane Veesler
Comptes Rendus. Physique 14:192-198 (2013)10.1016/j.crhy.2012.12.004
Monitoring Picoliter Sessile Microdroplet Dynamics Shows That Size Does Not Matter
I. Rodriguez-Ruiz, Z. Hammadi, R. Grossier, J. Gomez-Morales, S. Veesler
Langmuir 29:12628-12632 (2013)10.1021/la402735k
Nanotechnologies dedicated to nucleation control
N. Candoni, R. Grossier, Manuel Ildefonso, E. Revalor, N. Ferté, T. Okutsu, R. Morin, S. Veesler
Practical Physics Behind Growing Crystals of Biological Macromolecules
N. Candoni, R. Grossier, Z. Hammadi, R. Morin, S. Veesler
Generating nanoliter to femtoliter microdroplets with ease
R. Grossier, Z. Hammadi, R. Morin, A. Magnaldo, S. Veesler
Predictive nucleation of Crystals in Small Volumes and Its Consequences
R. Grossier, Z. Hammadi, R. Morin, S. Veesler
Ultra-fast crystallization due to Confinement
R. Grossier, A. Magnaldo, S. Veesler
Usual and Unusual Crystallization from Solution
E. Revalor, Z. Hammadi, J.P. Astier, R. Grossier, E. Garcia, C. Hoff, K. Furuta, T. Okutsu, R. Morin, S. Veesler
Reaching one single and stable critical cluster through finite sized systems
R. Grossier, S. Veesler
The effect of ultrasound on crystallization-precipitation processes : some examples and a new segregation model
John A. Dodds, Fabienne Espitalier, Olivier Louisnard, Romain Grossier, René David, Myriam Hassoun, Fabien Baillon, Cendrine Gatumel, Nathalie Lyczko
Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 24:p.18-28 (2007)10.1002/ppsc.200601046
Mixture segregation by an inertial cavitation bubble
R. Grossier, Olivier Louisnard, Y. Vargas
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 14:431-437 (2007)10.1016/j.ultsonch.2006.10.010
Segregation of a liquid mixture by a radially oscillating bubble
Olivier Louisnard, Francisco J. Gomez, Romain Grossier
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 577:385-415 (2007)10.1017/S002211200700479X