Christine Mottet
Computational Material Science, Surfaces and interfaces, Metallic clusters: structure and dynamics, Nanoalloys
* Physique du Solide * Sciences des Matériaux * Simulations Numériques (Dynamique Moléculaire, Monte Carlo) * Potentiels semi-empiriques en Liaisons Fortes * Calculs ab initio (DFT) * Nanoparticules métalliques et d'alliages * Nanoalliages * Surfaces et interfaces * Structure et Dynamique * Transition de Phase * Vieillissement
Modélisation de la structure et de la dynamique de nanoparticules métalliques libres et supportées, comportant un ou plusieurs éléments. Ces systèmes de taille nanométrique, de par leur taille, leur morphologie, leur structure et leur composition chimique dans le cas des nanoalliages, présentent des propriétés remarquables, notamment en catalyse hétérogène, magnétisme ou optique.
A l'origine des ces propriétés physico-chimiques, la structure et l'arrangement des espèces chimiques en surface et au coeur de la nanoparticule doivent être contrôlés en vue des divers applications en catalyse, pile à combustible, stockage utlra haute densité de l'information ou encore pour la détection et le traitement de certaines maladies.
D'un point de vue théorique, ces systèmes de faible symétrie, avec un nombre d'atomes plus ou moins élevé, peuvent être traités de manière ab initio dans la limite des très petites tailles mais requièrent des méthodes semi-empiriques plus légères pour traiter des tailles de quelques nm (quelques milliers d'atomes) et également en vue d'un traitement statistique (recherche de la structure d'équilibre dans l'espace des configurations, transition de phase) ou dynamique (croissance, vieillissement, ...).
- Directrice Adjointe du CINaM depuis janvier 2024
- Membre du bureau de l'IRN "Nanoalloys" 2019 - 2024
- Co-directrice du GDR3182 "Nanoalliages": Synthèse, Structure et Propriétés”, puis
"Nanohybrides et Nanoalliages à base de métaux” de 2008 à 2015
- Représentant national du COST Action : ”Nanoalloys as advanced materials : from
structure to properties and applications”
- 2009 HDR de l'Université Aix-Marseille
- 1997 à 1998: Post-doc au Dipartimento di Fisica de l'Université de Gênes, Italie, dans le groupe de R. Ferrando et A. Levi.
- 1997: Thèse au CRMC2 sous la direction de Guy Tréglia.
Size and shape effects on chemical ordering in Ni–Pt nanoalloys
Pamela Camilos, Céline Varvenne, Christine Mottet
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26:15192-15204 (2024)10.1039/D4CP00979G
Composition-dependent chemical ordering predicted in Pt–Ag nanoalloys
Alexis Front, Christine Mottet
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25:8386-8391 (2023)10.1039/d2cp05829d
Composition-dependent chemical ordering predicted in Pt–Ag nanoalloys
Alexis Front, Christine Mottet
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25:8386-8391 (2023)10.1039/d2cp05829d
Melting properties of Ag x Pt 1− x nanoparticles
Alexis Front, Djahid Oucheriah, Christine Mottet, Hakim Amara
Faraday Discussions (2022)10.1039/d2fd00116k
Trends of chemical ordering in Pt-based nanoalloys
Alexis Front, Christine Mottet
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts: Theory, Computation, and Modeling 141:2 (2022)10.1007/s00214-021-02861-7
Interplay between interdiffusion and shape transformations in nanoalloys evolving from core–shell to intermixed structures
Diana Nelli, Christine Mottet, Riccardo Ferrando
Faraday Discussions 242:52-68 (2022)10.1039/d2fd00113f
Ordering Frustration in Large-Scale Co–Pt Nanoalloys
Alexis Front, Christine Mottet
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125:16358-16365 (2021)10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c05701
Stress effect on segregation and ordering in Pt–Ag nanoalloys
Alexis Front, Christine Mottet
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33:154006 (2021)10.1088/1361-648X/abe07a
Tight-binding Ising modeling of the interplay between bulk ordering and surface segregation in Pt-Ag nanoalloys
Abir Hizi, Alexis Front, Moncef Said, Fabienne Berthier, Guy Tréglia, Christine Mottet
Surface Science : A Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces 700:121626 (2020)10.1016/j.susc.2020.121626
Order-disorder or phase-separation transition: Analysis of the Au-Pd system by the effective site energy model
F. Berthier, J. Creuze, T. Gabard, B. Legrand, M.-C. Marinica, C. Mottet
Physical Review B 99 (2019)10.1103/PhysRevB.99.014108
Bidimensional phases in Co–Pt surface alloys: A theoretical study of ordering and surface segregation
Alexis Front, Bernard Legrand, Guy Tréglia, Christine Mottet
Surface Science : A Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces 679:128-138 (2019)10.1016/j.susc.2018.08.024
Reversed size-dependent stabilization of ordered nanophases
J. Pirart, A. Front, D. Rapetti, Caroline Andreazza-Vignolle, Pascal Andreazza, C. Mottet, R. Ferrando
Nature Communications 10 (2019)10.1038/s41467-019-09841-3
Magic compositions in Pd-Au nanoalloys
Zhu Beien, Front Alexis, Hazar Guesmi, Jérôme Creuze, Bernard Legrand, Christine Mottet
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1107:49-56 (2017)10.1016/j.comptc.2016.12.023
Magic compositions in Pd-Au nanoalloys
Christine Mottet, Beien Zhu, Alexis Front, Hazar Guesmi, Jérôme Creuze, Bernard Legrand
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1107:49-56 (2017)10.1016/j.comptc.2016.12.023
Freezing and Melting of Silver Nanoparticles on Silica Substrate Using a Simple Interatomic Potential for Ag–SiO 2 Interaction on the Basis of ab Initio Calculations and Experimental Data
Alain Cabrel Ngandjong, C. Mottet, Joël Puibasset
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121:3615-3622 (2017)10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b12084
Pd surface and Pt subsurface segregation in Pt 1− c Pd c nanoalloys
Astrid de Clercq, S. Giorgio, C. Mottet
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28:064006 (2016)10.1088/0953-8984/28/6/064006
Influence of the Silica Support on the Structure and the Morphology of Silver Nanoparticles: A Molecular Simulation Study
Alain Cabrel Ngandjong, C. Mottet, Joël Puibasset
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120:8323-8332 (2016)10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b00290
CO adsorption-induced surface segregation and formation of Pd chains on AuPd(100) alloy: density functional theory based ising model and Monte Carlo simulations
Beien Zhu, Jérôme Creuze, Christine Mottet, Bernard Legrand, Hazar Guesmi
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120:350-359 (2016)10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b10158
Surface segregation in AuPd alloys: Ab initio analysis of the driving forces
Jérôme Creuze, Hazar Guesmi, Christine Mottet, Beien Zhu, Bernard Legrand
Surface Science : A Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces 639:48-53 (2015)10.1016/j.susc.2015.04.017
Ordering and surface segregation in Co$_{1−c}$Pt$_c$ nanoparticles: A theoretical study from surface alloys to nanoalloys
A. Lopes, G. Tréglia, C. Mottet, B. Legrand
Physical Review B 91:035407 (2015)10.1103/PhysRevB.91.035407
Ordering and surface segregation in Co1−cPtc nanoparticles: A theoretical study from surface alloys to nanoalloys
A. Lopes, G. Tréglia, C. Mottet, B. Legrand
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015) 91:035407 (2015)
Crossover among structural motifs in Pd–Au nanoalloys
B. Zhu, H. Guesmi, J. Creuze, Bernard Legrand, C. Mottet
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17:28129-28136 (2015)10.1039/C5CP00491H
Aspect-ratio- and size-dependent emergence of the surface-plasmon resonance in gold nanorods - an ab initio TDDFT study
X. Lopez-Lozano, H. Barron, C. Mottet, H.-C. Weissker
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16:1820-1823 (2014)10.1039/c3cp53702a
Surface segregation trends in transition metal alloys
J.H. Los, C. Mottet, G. Tréglia
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015) 88:165408 (2013)
Effect of Alloying on the Optical Properties of Ag-Au Nanoparticles
X.L. Lozano, C. Mottet, H.C. Weissker
Evidence of Pd segregation and stabilization at edges of AuPd nano-clusters in the presence of CO: A combined DFT and DRIFTS study
Beien Zhu, Gode Thrimurthulu, Laurent Delannoy, Catherine Louis, Christine Mottet, Jerome Creuze, Bernard Legrand, Hazar Guesmi
Journal of Catalysis 308:272-281 (2013)10.1016/j.jcat.2013.08.022
Structure and properties of nanoscale materials: theory and atomistic computer simulation
C. Bichara, P. Marsal, C. Mottet, R. Pellenq, F. Ribeiro, A. Saul, G. Tréglia, H.C. Weissker
International Journal of Nanotechnology 9:576-604 (2012)10.1504/IJNT.2012.045335
Order-disorder transition in Co-Pt nanoparticles: Coexistence, transition states, and finite-size effects
F. Calvo, C. Mottet
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015) 84:035409 (2011)
Ordering trends in transition metal alloys from tight-binding electronic structure calculations
J.H. Los, C. Mottet, G. Tréglia, C. Goyhenex
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015) 84:180202 (R) (2011)
Optical properties of pure and core-shell noble-metal nanoclusters from TDDFT: The influence of the atomic structure
H.C. Weissker, C. Mottet
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015) 84:165443 (2011)