Placed under the responsibility of a engineer (D. Chaudanson) and an assistant-engineer (A.Altié), the service includes:
For material characterization, 3 electron microscopes
- A high-resolution scanning electron microscope Jeol JSM-7900F. This microscope is specialized in low accelerating voltages studies and is coupled with a chemical microanalysis system using X-ray spectrometry (BRUKER Esprit).
- A high-resolution transmission electron microscope (LaB6) Jeol JEM-2010 analytical (EDX bruker Esprit).
- A high-resolution transmission electron microscope (FEG) Jeol JEM-2100F. This microscope is coupled to an analytic system (EDS, JEOL) and a STEM module using HAADF detector and allow to make a elementary mapping in EDX analysis.
We have the possibility to use an environmental holder POSEIDON (Protochips) to heat and/or circulate a liquid inside our two TEM.
For sample preparation, a room is equipped with specific equipment
- Precision wire saws, polishers, ion slimming machines (PIPS), metallizer, carbon evaporator, ultra-microtome, etc...
The service is open to researchers, PhD students, laboratory trainees, users from other laboratories, universities, industrialists in the region, but also from other French regions and abroad (about a hundred people use the Electron Microscopy service each year). This service remains an essential support in the research activities of groups, mineralogical materials, aggregates and semiconductor heterostructures. It has been declared "National Facility for High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy" by INSU / CNRS.