Laurence Masson





+33(0)6 09 89 16 14






enseignant - chercheur



Surfaces – Interfaces – Bottom-up nanostructuration– Self-organized growth - Scanning probe microscopy



Head of the team 2D ASAP

  • Topics * Bottom-up nanostructuration of metallic and semiconducting substrates * Growth of ultrathin layers (metallic, semiconducting, alkali-halide) * Self-organized atomic and molecular nanostructures : growth mechanisms and characterization of intrinsic properties (structural, magnetic, electronic).
  • Technics * Preparation of nanopatterned surfaces and nanostructures in Ultra-High-Vacuum  * Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) for structural and electronic characterization at the nanometric scale * Synchrotron beamlines : XMCD ( X-ray magnetic circular dichroism) ; GIXD (grazing incidence X-ray diffraction)
  • Publications: 45







Double-pentagon silicon chains in a quasi-1D Si/Ag(001) surface alloy

Conor Hogan, Andrea Sette, Vasil A Saroka, Stefano Colonna, Roberto Flammini, Laurita Florean, Romain Bernard, Laurence Masson, Geoffroy Prévot, Fabio Ronci

Nature Communications 15:9242 (2024)10.1038/s41467-024-53589-4

High-Order Commensurate Zwitterionic Quinonoid Phase Induces a Nanoscale Dipole Lattice on Graphene

Gaelle Nassar, Diego Cortés-Arriagada, Luis Sanhueza-Vega, Périne Landois, Matthieu Paillet, Haitham Hrich, Sylvie Contreras, Olivier Siri, Simon Pascal, Laurence Masson, Conrad Becker, Alain Ranguis, Romain Parret, Gabriel Canard, Thomas Leoni

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128:9712-9721 (2024)10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c01695


Electrical monitoring of organic crystal phase transition using MoS2 field effect transistor

Ilan Boulet, Simon Pascal, F. Bedu, Igor Ozerov, Alain Ranguis, Thomas Leoni, Conrad Becker, Laurence Masson, Aleksandar Matkovic, Christian Teichert, Olivier Siri, Claudio Attaccalite, Jean-Roch Huntzinger, Matthieu Paillet, Ahmed-Azmi Zahab, Romain Parret

Nanoscale Advances 5:1681-1690 (2023)10.1039/d2na00817c

Epitaxial growth and structural properties of silicene and other 2D allotropes of Si

Laurence Masson, Geoffroy Prévot

Nanoscale Advances 5:1574-1599 (2023)10.1039/d2na00808d


Demonstration of the Existence of Dumbbell Silicene: A Stable Two-Dimensional Allotrope of Silicon

Thomas Leoni, Conor Hogan, Kai Zhang, Michel Daher Mansour, Romain Bernard, Romain Parret, Andrea Resta, Stefano Colonna, Yves Borensztein, Fabio Ronci, Geoffroy Prévot, Laurence Masson

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125:17906-17917 (2021)10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c02088


Magnetic anisotropy of one-dimensional Co nanostructures

Michel Daher Mansour, Romain Parret, F. Cheynis, Matthieu Petit, Fadi Choueikani, Lisa Michez, Laurence Masson

Physical Review B 102:155403 (2020)10.1103/PhysRevB.102.155403

Edge-On Self-Assembly of Tetra-bromoanthracenyl-porphyrin on Silver Surfaces

Nataliya Kalashnyk, Michel Daher Mansour, Joffrey Pijeat, Rémi Plamont, Xavier Bouju, Teodor Silviu Balaban, Stéphane Campidelli, Laurence Masson, Sylvain Clair

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124:22137-22142 (2020)10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c05908


Nanoscale investigation of Si nanoribbon growth on Ag(110)

Michel Daher Mansour, Romain Parret, Laurence Masson

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A (2018)10.1116/1.5041917



Formation of silicene on silver: Strong interaction between Ag and Si

Geoffroy Prévot, Romain Bernard, Hervé Cruguel, Alberto Curcella, Michele Lazzeri, Thomas Leoni, Laurence Masson, Alain Ranguis, Yves Borensztein

physica status solidi (b) 253:206-217 (2016)10.1002/pssb.201552524


KCl ultra-thin films with polar and non-polar surfaces grown on Si(111)7x7

Igor Beinik, Clemens Barth, Margrit Hanbücken, Laurence Masson

Scientific Reports 5 (2015)10.1038/srep08223

Magnetic properties of self-organized Co dimer nanolines on Si/Ag(110)

Lisa Michez, Kai Chen, Fabien Cheynis, Frédéric Leroy, Alain Ranguis, Haik Jamgotchian, Margrit Hanbücken, Laurence Masson

Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 6:777-784 (2015)10.3762/bjnano.6.80


Large differences in the optical properties of a single layer of Si on Ag(110) compared to silicene

Y. Borensztein, Geoffroy Prévot, L. Masson

Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015) 89:245410 (2014)10.1103/PhysRevB.89.245410


Growth of Si ultrathin films on silver surfaces: Evidence of an Ag(110) reconstruction induced by Si

R. Bernard, T. Leoni, A. Wilson, T. Lelaidier, H. Sahaf, E. Moyen, L. Assaud, L. Santinacci, F. Leroy, F. Cheynis, A. Ranguis, H. Jamgotchian, C. Becker, Y. Borensztein, M. Hanbücken, Geoffroy Prévot, L. Masson

Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015) 88:121411 (2013)10.1103/PhysRevB.88.121411

Growth of Si ultrathin films on silver surfaces: Evidence of an Ag(110) reconstruction induced by Si

Romain Bernard, Thomas Leoni, Axel Wilson, Tony Lelaidier, Houda Sahaf, Eric Moyen, Loïc Assaud, Lionel Santinacci, Frédéric Leroy, Fabien Cheynis, Alain Ranguis, Haik Jamgotchian, Conrad Becker, Yves Borensztein, Margrit Hanbücken, Geoffroy Prévot, Laurence Masson

Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015) 88 (2013)10.1103/PhysRevB.88.121411

Nanoscale Si template for the growth of self-organized one-dimensional nanostructures

L. Masson, H. Sahaf, P. Amsalem, F. Dettoni, E. Moyen, N. Koch, M. Hanbücken

Applied Surface Science 267:192-195 (2013)


A graphene electron lens

L. Gerhard, E. Moyen, T. Balashov, I. Ozerov, M. Portail, H. Sahaf, L. Masson, W. Wulfhekel, M. Hanbücken

Applied Physics Letters 100:153106 (2012)10.1063/1.3701594

A Novel Self-Ordered Sub-10 nm Nanopore Template for Nanotechnology

E. Moyen, L. Santinacci, L. Masson, W. Wulfhekel, M. Hanbücken

Advanced Materials 24:5094-5098 (2012)10.1002/adma.201200648

Anodic 3D nanostructuring for tailored applications

E. Moyen, L. Santinacci, L. Masson, H. Sahaf, M. Macé, L. Assaud, M. Hanbücken

International Journal of Nanotechnology 9:246 (2012)10.1504/IJNT.2012.045330

Functionalisation through periodically arranged nanostructures

H. Sahaf, E. Moyen, M. Macé, L. Masson, M. Hanbücken, L. Gerhard, W. Wulfhekel

International Journal of Nanotechnology 9:216-229 (2012)


Nanoscale template for the growth of one-dimensional nanostructures

F. Dettoni, H. Sahaf, E. Moyen, L. Masson, M. Hanbücken

EPL - Europhysics Letters 94:28007 (2011)


AAO-based nanoreservoir arrays: A quick and easy support for TEM characterization

M. Mace, H. Sahaf, E. Moyen, F. Bedu, L. Masson, M. Hanbücken

EPL - Europhysics Letters 92:56001 (2010)

Novel anodic aluminum oxide-based nanofabrication: applications in physics and biology

E. Moyen, H. Sahaf, M. Mace, L. Masson, K. Sengupta, M. Hanbucken

Surface and Interface Analysis 42:1556-1560 (2010)

Self-assembled Si nanostripe grating at the molecular scale as a template for 1D growth

H. Sahaf, F. Dettoni, C. Leandri, E. Moyen, L. Masson, M. Hanbücken

Surface and Interface Analysis 42:687-691 (2010)


Large scale ordered topographical and chemical nano-features from anodic alumina templates

S. Massou, L. Masson, I. Ozerov, E. Moyen, K. Sengupta, M. Hanbucken

Applied Surface Science 256:395-398 (2009)10.1016/j.apsusc.2009.05.096

Metal-rich Au-silicide nanoparticles for use in nanotechnology

E. Moyen, M. Macé, G. Agnus, A. Fleurence, T. Maroutian, F. Houzé, A. Stupakiewics, L. Masson, B. Bartenlian, W. Wulfhekel, P. Beauvillain, M. Hanbücken

Applied Physics Letters 94:233101 (2009)

Selective functionalization of substrates through assembled nanostructures : from physics to biology

E. Moyen, M. Macé, S. Massou, H. Sahaf, L. Masson, K. Sengupta, M. Hanbucken

Applied Surface Science 256:414-418 (2009)

Growth of Co nanolines on self-assembled Si nanostripes

H. Sahaf, C. Léandri, E. Moyen, M. Macé, L. Masson, M. Hanbücken

EPL - Europhysics Letters 86:28006 (2009)

Large-scale ordered plastic nanopillars for quantitative live-cell imaging

K. Sengupta, E. Moyen, M. Mace, A.-M. Benoliel, A. Pierres, F. Thibaudau, L. Masson, L. Limozin, P. Bongrand, M. Hanbücken

Small 5:449-453 (2009)