Dominique Chatain





+33(0)6 60 30 28 90









mouillage, interfaces, heteroépitaxie


Wetting and Interfaces

  • Interfaces in metal-metal & metal-oxide systems
  • Hetero-epitaxy & orientation relationships
  • Interfaces in complex alloys


Orientation relationship & film microstructure: The orientation relationship of fcc crystals on crystalline substrates is shown to strongly depend on the atomic steps present on the substrate plane. Our studies merge EBSD and HRTEM experiments, atomistic calculations and the theory of phase transformation. Based on our results, reverse engineering allow to monitor the microstructure of fcc films on substrates of selected orientation and chemistry. The film microstructures which are obtained span from single-crystal to poly-crystal containing specific populations of grain boundaries.

Complexions at interfaces in multinary alloys: Modeling of surfaces and interfaces (grain boundaries) of complex concentrated multinary alloys has been developped using atomistic and thermodynamic approaches. The complexions (chemistry and structure) of these interfaces deviate from those found in classical (diluted) alloys. They are analyzed with respect to the outstanding properties of these new alloys due to surfaces or interfaces.





  • Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, PhD in Physics (1983)
  • Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, Engineer’s Degree in Metallurgy (1979)


  • 1997-present, CNRS Senior Reseacher, Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanosciences de Marseille (CINaM) (former Centre de Recherche en Matière Condensée et Nanosciences, and former Centre de Recherche sur les Mécanismes de la Croissance Cristalline), Marseille
  • 1991-1996, CNRS Researcher, Centre de Recherche sur les Mécanismes de la Croissance Cristalline, Marseille
  • 1981-1990, CNRS Researcher, Laboratoire de Thermodynamique et Physico-Chimie Métallurgiques, Grenoble


  • Von Humbolt Fellowship (2020)
  • American Ceramic Society Fellowship (2018)
  • Associate Researcher at Mines ParisTech (2016)
  • Lady Davis Fellowship from the TECHNION (2014)
  • Silver Medal of CNRS (2010)



A potential mechanism for abnormal grain growth in Ni thin films on c-sapphire

Dominique Chatain, Blandine Courtois, Saba Ahmad, Gerhard Dehm, Christina Scheu, Clémence Badie, Lionel Santinacci

Acta Materialia 281:120451 (2024)10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120451

The role of microfaceting in heteroepitaxial interfaces

Dominique Chatain, Velimir Radmilovic, Paul Wynblatt, Ulrich Dahmen

Acta Materialia 276:120155 (2024)10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120155

Decomposition and dewetting of super-saturated Cu-15 at. % Co solid solution film

Farnaz Farzam, Bárbara Bellón, Dominique Chatain, José A Jiménez, Benjamin Breitbach, Matteo Ghidelli, María Jazmin Duarte, Gerhard Dehm

Materials & Design 241:112892 (2024)10.1016/j.matdes.2024.112892

Morphological evolution and structural study of annealed amorphous-Ge films: Interplay between crystallization and dewetting

Sonia Freddi, Gianfranco Sfuncia, Michele Gherardi, Giuseppe Nicotra, Chiara Barri, Luca Fagiani, Mohammed Bouabdellaoui, Alexey Fedorov, Stefano Sanguinetti, Dominique Chatain, Marco Abbarchi, Monica Bollani

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 174:108228 (2024)10.1016/j.mssp.2024.108228

Statistical and Correlative Characterization of Individual Nanoparticle in Gap Plasmon Resonator Sensors

Peeranuch Poungsripong, Vyshnav Kannampalli, Lionel Santinacci, David Grosso, Dominique Chatain, David Duché, Olivier Margeat, Beniamino Sciacca

Advanced Materials Technologies 202400083 (2024)10.1002/admt.202400083


Statistical behaviour of interfaces subjected to curvature flow and torque effects applied to microstructural evolutions

Sebastian Florez, Karen Alvarado, Brayan Murgas, Nathalie Bozzolo, Dominique Chatain, Carl E Krill, Mingyan Wang, Gregory S Rohrer, Marc Bernacki

Acta Materialia 222:117459 (2022)10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117459

Heteroepitaxy of FCC-on-FCC Systems of Large Misfit

Paul Wynblatt, Dominique Chatain, Ulrich Dahmen

Acta Materialia (2022)10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117550


Nanocrystalline equiatomic CoCrFeNi alloy thin films: Are they single phase fcc?

Maya K Kini, Subin Lee, Alan Savan, Benjamin Breitbach, Younes Addab, Wenjun Lu, Matteo Ghidelli, Alfred Ludwig, Nathalie Bozzolo, Christina Scheu, Dominique Chatain, Gerhard Dehm

Surface and Coatings Technology 126945 (2021)10.1016/j.surfcoat.2021.126945

Structure and hardness of in situ synthesized nano-oxide strengthened CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy thin films

Subin Lee, Dominique Chatain, Christian Liebscher, Gerhard Dehm

Scripta Materialia 203:114044 (2021)10.1016/j.scriptamat.2021.114044


Microstructure evolution and thermal stability of equiatomic CoCrFeNi films on (0001) alpha-Al2O3

Younès Addab, Maya K Kini, Blandine Courtois, Alan Savan, Alfred Ludwig, Nathalie Bozzolo, Christina Scheu, Gerhard Dehm, Dominique Chatain

Acta Materialia 200:908-921 (2020)10.1016/j.actamat.2020.09.064

Influence of step structure on preferred orientation relationships of Ag deposited on Ni(111)

Dominique Chatain, Saransh Singh, Blandine Courtois, Jérémie Silvent, Elodie Verzeroli, Gregory S Rohrer, Marc de Graef, Paul Wynblatt

Acta Materialia 200:287-296 (2020)10.1016/j.actamat.2020.08.082


Growth and orientation relationships of Ni and Cu films annealed on slightly miscut (1-102) r-sapphire substrates

Dominique Chatain, Blandine Courtois, Igor Ozerov, Nathalie Bozzolo, Madeleine Kelly, Gregory S Rohrer, Paul Wynblatt

Journal of Crystal Growth 508:24-33 (2019)10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2018.11.024

On pinning-depinning and microkink-flow in solid state dewetting: Insights by in-situ ESEM on Al thin films

Stefan Werner Hieke, Marc-Georg Willinger, Zhu-Jun Wang, Günther H.S. Richter, Dominique Chatain, Gerhard Dehm, Christina Scheu

Acta Materialia 165:153-163 (2019)10.1016/j.actamat.2018.11.028


Two-dimensional versus three-dimensional constraints in hetero-epitaxy/orientation relationships

Paul Wynblatt, Dominique Chatain

Journal of Materials Science 52:9630-9639 (2017)10.1007/s10853-017-1145-z


Orientation relationship of Cu crystals on the sapphire (10-10) m-plane and (10-12) r-plane

D. Chatain, S. Curiotto, P. Wynblatt, H. Meltzman, W.D. Kaplan, G.S. Rohrer

Journal of Crystal Growth 418:57-63 (2015)


The role of abnormal grain growth on solid-state dewetting kinetics

Galit Atiya, Dominique Chatain, Vissarion Mikhelashvili, Gadi Eisenstein, Wayne D Kaplan

Acta Materialia 81:304-314 (2014)10.1016/j.actamat.2014.08.038


Copper crystals on the (11-20) sapphire plane: orientation relationships, triple line ridges and interface shape equilibrium

S. Curiotto, H. Chien, H. Meltzman, S. Labat, P. Wynblatt, G.S. Rohrer, W.D. Kaplan, D. Chatain

Journal of Materials Science 48:3013-3026 (2013)

A review of wetting vs. adsorption, complexions and related phenomena: the Rosetta stone of wetting

W.D. Kaplan, D. Chatain, P. Wynblatt, W.C. Carter

Journal of Materials Science 48:5681-5717 (2013)10.1007/s10853-013-7462-y


Le mouillage et les interfaces dans les matériaux inorganiques

D. Chatain

L'Actualité Chimique 359:III-XI (2012)

Preface to the special section E-MRS MACAN

D. Chatain, W.D. Kaplan, M. Finnis, C. Scheu

Journal of Materials Science 47:1603-1604 (2012)10.1007/s10853-011-6024-4

New software tools for the calculation and display of isolated and attached interfacial-energy minimizing particle shapes

R.V. Zucker, D. Chatain, U. Dahmen, S. Hagège, W.C. Carter

Journal of Materials Science 47:8290-8302 (2012)


Orientation Relationships of Copper Crystals on C-Plane Sapphire

S. Curiotto, H. Chien, H. Meltzman, P. Wynblatt, G.S. Rohrer, W.D. Kaplan, D. Chatain

Acta Materialia 59:5320-5331 (2011)10.1016/j.actamat.2011.05.008

Impact of the liquid phase shape on the structure of III-V nanowires

P. Krogstrup, S. Curiotto, E. Johnson, M. Aagesen, J. Nygaard, D. Chatain

Physical Review Letters 106:125505 (2011)10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.125505

Modelling of ultrasound transmission through a solid-liquid interface comprising a network of gas pockets

K. Paumel, J. Moysan, D. Chatain, G. Corneloup, F. Baqué

Journal of Applied Physics 110:044910 (2011)10.1063/1.3611422