Scientifique Day of Planète Nanofabrication Platform
October 11th 2022 in Raymond Kern room at CINaM.
Program :
08:30 | Welcome | |
09:00 | Igor Ozerov (CINaM) | Presentation of the day’s events |
09:15 | Pierre Müller (CINaM) | Director’s greetings |
09:30 | Lionel Santinacci (CINaM) | AMUtech Platforms |
09:50 | Julien Lumeau (Fresnel) | Chalcogenide materials: a tool for the fabrication of versatile optical structures |
10:20 | Fabien Cheynis (CINaM) | Magneto-transport characterizations of GeTe(111) thin films |
10:40 | coffee break | |
11:00 | David Grosso (Im2np) | Direct NIL patterning of sol-gel based metal oxides |
11:30 | Cédric Pardanaud (PIIM) | Optical characterization of modified graphene and projects for electrical measurements |
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14:00 | Nicolas Bonod (Fresnel) | Photonic nanostructures realized at Planète |
14:30 | Anna Capitaine (CINaM) | Directed assembly of nanocubes for the fabrication of monocrystalline nanostructures |
14:50 | Benjamin Demirdjian (CINaM) | Nanoplasmonic detection: a highly sensitive and promising probe |
15:10 | Anne Charrier (CINaM) | Development of a chemical etching prototype |
15:30 | Andrei Kabashin (LP3) | Development of plasmonic metamaterials for ultrasensitive biosensing |
16:00 | Olivier Théodoly (LAI) | Microfluidics applied to cell biology |
16:20 | coffee break & visit of Planète |