Installation of a new spectroscopy and spectromicroscopy platform


CINaM (UMR CNRS, AMU n°7325) is an internationally renowed laboratory for its expertise in the synthesis and development of innovative materials, at the interface of physics, chemistry and biology. The solutions to many current societal challenges require the development of new materials with singular properties. However, only a detailed analysis of the relationships between growth and material properties allows these new properties to be revealed and/or optimized.

The new CINaM platform, funded by the CPER contract (PRISM project) and the FEDER program (P4PRISM project), will enable the synthesis of various types of materials, and subsequent in-situ studies of their electronic structure and chemical composition at the local scale. A tube will enable the samples to be transferred from one analysis module to another under ultra-high vacuum conditions (i.e., with no external pollution).

The platform will combine a growth chamber, angularly resolved photoemission analysis equipment (ARPES) and photoemission microscopy equipment.

Additional techniques such as Auger spectromicroscopy, Reflected Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, Inverse Photoemission, Raman Spectroscopy and Ion Scattering Spectroscopy will complete the package.

Specific tools are dedicated to the study of buried interfaces.

The platform, housed in a dedicated building,

– will provide a unique set of instruments for the synthesis and characterization of materials, and in particular their surfaces and interfaces.

– will strengthen research into heterogeneous and/or complex materials

– will stimulate new partnerships with local companies

– will benefit to the development of the Aix-Marseille site.

The PRISM – P4PRISM project (5.2 M€) is supported and managed by CNRS, with financial contributions from

– Aix-Marseille University ;

– the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Southern Region, Aix-Marseille Métropole

Metropole and the City of Marseille, as part of the 2021-2027 State-Region Plan Contract (PRISM project) ;

– the A*Midex Initiative of Excellence and the France 2030 program.

The “P4PRISM” project is co-financed by the European Union as part of the

European Regional Development Fund (FEDER 2021-2027).