spectroscopy working group

Coordinator:  Philippe parent

History of the spectroscopy working group:

The spectroscopy group has been created in 2018 on the basis of the analysis of CINaM’s strengths and weaknesses we performed during the preparation of the 2018-2022 contract. This analysis showed that while CINaM has significant skills in the growth, elaboration and characterization of materials, a step must imperatively be leveled to equip the laboratory with top-level facility providing access to he physical and physico-chemical properties of materials.

A more detailed examination carried out during a few workgroup discussions has enabled us to identify these fundamental needs. Ils se déclinent essentiellement en termes d’études d’énergies de liaison, de structure électronique et de microspectroscopies afin d’étudier des nouveaux matériaux quantiques (dont l’étude requiert la prise en compte d’effets quantiques collectifs) et des matériaux hétérogènes (nanostructurés, fonctionnalisés, architecturés…). They are primarily expressed in terms of studies of binding energies, electronic structure and microspectroscopy, in view of the study of new quantum materials (considering collective quantum effects) and heterogeneous materials (nanostructured, functionalized, architected, etc.). Indeed, while the study of the properties of new quantum materials requires detailed knowledge of their electronic structure (resolved angularly and in spin), the study of complex materials, by nature heterogeneous, also requires access to local electronic and chemical properties.

The PRISM project: a mutualized platform for spectroscopy and spectromicroscopy:

The PRISM project is an equipment project combining angularly resolved photoemission (ARPES) and electron spectromicroscopy at the highest international level.

The equipment will be connected via an Ultra-High-Vacuum (UHV) tube, enabling samples to be transferred from one experiment to another under optimum conditions. A Molecular Jet Epitaxy (MBE) preparation chamber will also be connected, for in-situ preparation of the materials to be studied (see figure). Other equipment can be connected to the system later (upgradeable structure).

The platform will be installed in CINaM’s technical building, which housed the former mechanical workshop (to be redefined and installed elsewhere).

PRISM project combining UHV tube, preparation chamber (MBE), spectroscopy frame (XPS/ARPES/ARUPS) and spectromicroscopy (SEM/SAM).
PRISM project combining UHV tube, preparation chamber (MBE), spectroscopy frame (XPS/ARPES/ARUPS) and spectromicroscopy (SEM/SAM).

Project management and development:

Most of the funds have now been secured under the CPER (Région Sud: 1500 k€, CNRS: 600 k€, AMIDEX: 500 k€, Ville de Marseille: 450 k€, DRARI: 360 k€, AMU: 200 k€, CINaM: 200 k€, Métropole: 150 k€). Additional funding (950 k€) has been solicited from the feder.

The relmoval of the mechanical workshop is in progress. It is managed by CINaM’s infrastructure department.

The technical analysis (technical options for scientific equipment, constraints associated with equipment location) were carried out during the third quarter of 2023, and the renovation of the technical building is scheduled to start by the end of 2023.

The project is managed in close collaboration with the CNRS Provence et Corse Delegation’s departments, in collaboration with the Service Partenariat et Valorisation (SPV) for relations with financial partners, the Service Technique et Logistique (STL) for the rehabilitation of the building housing the PRISM platform, and the Service Finances Achat et Comptabilité (SFAC) for preparing and monitoring the calls for tender.