Quantum materials
Coordinator: Aurélien Manchon
A short presentation on Quantum Materials, given at the last « Day of the Lab » June 2023 : https://amubox.univ-amu.fr/s/iRK4B2AntBmFGCf
Doctoral School lessons : Quantum Magnetism and Spintronics
February to June 2023
In recent years, research on quantum magnetism and spin transport at Aix-Marseille University has experienced significant development, recently accelerated by the selection of the PEPR SPIN in which CINaM and IM2NP actively participate.
In this rapidly expanding context, this course pursues three objectives: (i) introduce non-specialist students and researchers to the fundamental notions of quantum magnetism and spin electronics; (ii) by confronting recent results, develop an informed critical approach to the major questions in this field; (iii) present the activities carried out on the CINaM and IM2NP sites and encourage vocations among students.
Lecture 1 : Spin nowadays : what’s at stake ? Aurélien Manchon, CINaM
Lecture 2 : Origin of the magnetic moment Andrès Saul, CINaM
Lecture 3 : 2D Magnetism Andrès Saul, CINaM
Lecture 4 : Magnetic domains and textures Aurélien Manchon, CINaM
Lecture 5 : Magnetic materials under scrutiny Lisa Michez, CINaM
Lecture 6 : Spin qubit and paramagnetic resonance Sylvain Bertaina, IM2NP
Lecture 7 :Magnetic interactions from first principles Andrès Saul, CINaM
Lecture 8 : Spin transport in metals Aurélien Manchon, CINaM
Lecture 9 :Spin transfer torque and dynamics Aurélien Manchon, CINaM
Lecture 10 :Spin-charge interconversion Aurélien Manchon, CINaM
Lecture 11 :Antiferromagnetic spintronics Lisa Michez, CINaM
Some courses took place on a whiteboard and others on Powerpoint. The slides are available here: https://amubox.univ-amu.fr/s/LMsgXeT2SiZ5dRB
Doctoral theses defended at CINaM on quantum materials
10/19/23 : Ismaela Kounta, Epitaxial growth and study of the structural and magnetic properties of the antiferromagnetic compound Mn5Si3, (dir : L. Michez, co-dir : M. Petit)
10/23/23: Diego Ovalle, Nonlinear Transport in Topological Materials and Heterostructures, (dir. A. Manchon)
10/25/23 : Julien Lévêque, Theoretical study of the magnetic properties of highly correlated and potentially multiferroic materials (dir : A. Saul and M.-B. Lepetit)
10/27/2023 : Pierre Lechifflart, Exciton-phonon coupling and phonon-assisted luminescence in hexagonal boron nitride nanostructures (dir : C. Attaccalite)
02/27/24 : Ilan Boulet, Physical properties of Zwitterionic Quinone hybrid heterostructures / Two-dimensional materials (dir : C. Attaccalite ; co-dir : R. Parret)
03/11/24 : Alexandre Llopez, Inversion symmetry breaking chalcogenides: epitaxial growth and electronic properties (dir : F. Leroy ; co-dir : F. Cheynis)
Next meeting in 2024:
The next meeting of the “quantum materials” thematic group will take place on Monday March 25 at 2 p.m. in R1…we will talk about supramolecular networks on graphene and magnon-phonon interactions in van der Waals magnets.