Vasile Heresanu
Instrumentation RX, diffusion aux petits angles (SAXS), diffraction de poudre
Responsable du service RX. Dans le cadre de ce service je suis en charge de l'utilisation et l'entretien des dispositifs SWAXS et DRX. Je réalise également la formation des utilisateurs et je participe aux traitement des données. Dans le cadre du développement instrumental je suis responsable de la mise en place du dispositif de diffraction en incidence rasante et du dispositif de diffusion aux petits angles, tous les deux montés sur une anode tournante Rigaku RU 200 (60kV, 200mA) 1. Dispositif SWAXS (Small and Wide Angle X-ray Scattering) Le dispositif SWAXS commercialisé par HECUS M. BRAUN est arrivé au laboratoire fin janvier 2008. Le montage est très compact (60cm contre plus de 250 cm, pour un montage SAXS classique) et il permet d'analyser des objets avec des tailles comprises entre 1.5 nm et 120 nm, (λ = 0.154 nm). La température de l'échantillon est régularisée entre 5 et 70°C à l'aide d'un dispositif à effet Peltier. 2. Diffractomètre de poudre INEL Le diffractomètre de poudre marque INEL est équipé d'un détecteur linéaire courbé qui couvre un domaine angulaire de 120°. Un monochromateur en Si assure la focalisation du faisceau sur le détecteur. La radiation utilisée est celle du Cu ( = 0.154 nm). Les échantillons sont disposés dans des capillaires positionnés verticalement.
Ablation rate in limestone cave walls or monuments linked to bat guano. From in situ measurements in the Azé cave (Monts du Mâconnais, France) to laboratory modelling
Lionel Barriquand, Vasile Heresanu, Olivier Grauby, Philippe Audra, Laurent Bruxelles, Didier Cailhol
Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering 12:33-53 (2024)10.4236/msce.2024.1212003
Epitaxial growth and magnetic properties of Mn5(SixGe1-x)3 thin films
Sueyeong Kang, Matthieu Petit, Vasile Heresanu, Alexandre Altié, Thomas Beaujard, Ganaël Bon, Oscar Cespedes, Brian Hickey, Lisa Michez
Thin Solid Films 797:140338 (2024)10.1016/j.tsf.2024.140338
Competitive actions of MnSi in the epitaxial growth of Mn5Si3 thin films on Si(111)
Ismaïla Kounta, Helena Reichlova, Dominik Kriegner, Rafael Lopes Seeger, Antonin Bad'Ura, Miina Leiviska, Amine Boussadi, Vasile Heresanu, Sylvain Bertaina, Matthieu Petit, Eva Schmoranzerova, Libor Smejkal, Jairo Sinova, Tomas Jungwirth, Vincent Baltz, Sebastian T B Goennenwein, Lisa Michez
Physical Review Materials 7:024416 (2023)10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.7.024416
La biocorrosion : un nouveau regard sur le karst
Lionel Barriquand, Laurent Bruxelles, Philippe Audra, Jean-Yves Bigot, Didier Cailhol, Vasile Heresanu, Stéphane Jaillet, Nathalie Vanara
A hypogenic cave system with late-stage condensation-corrosion and epigenic overprinting (Toirano, Liguria, Italy)
Andrea Columbu, Philippe Audra, Fernando Gázquez, Ilenia d'Angeli, Jean-Yves Bigot, Gabriella Koltai, Roberto Chiesa, Tsai-Luen Yu, Hsun-Ming Hu, Chuan-Chou Shen, Cristina Carbone, Vasile Heresanu, Jean-Claude Nobécourt, Jo de Waele
Geomorphology 376:107561 (2021)10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107561
Photocatalytical properties of NiO nanofilms doped with Ba
S. Boulila, M. Ghamnia, A. Boukhachem, A. Ouhaibi, M. Chakhoum, C. Fauquet, V. Heresanu, D. Tonneau
Philosophical Magazine Letters 100:283-293 (2020)10.1080/09500839.2020.1760389
On the why's and how's of clay minerals' importance in life's emergence
Simon Duval, Elbert Branscomb, Fabienne Trolard, Guilhem Bourrié, O. Grauby, Vasile Heresanu, Barbara Schoepp-Cothenet, Kilian Zuchan, Michael Russell, Wolfgang Nitschke
Applied Clay Science 195:105737 (2020)10.1016/j.clay.2020.105737
Influence of texture and microstructure on the reactivity of aluminum powders
Pierre-Henry Esposito, Christine Leroux, Vasile Heresanu, Thomas Neisius, Véronique Madigou, Renaud Denoyel, Marie-Vanessa Coulet
Materialia 14:100880 (2020)10.1016/j.mtla.2020.100880
Synchrotron high-resolution XRD and thermal expansion of synthetic Mg calcites
Nicole Floquet, Daniel Vielzeuf, Vasile Heresanu, Didier Laporte, Jonathan Perrin
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 47 (2020)10.1007/s00269-020-01115-5
The contribution of condensation-corrosion in the morphological evolution of caves in semi-arid regions : preliminary investigations in the Kyrenia range, Cyprus.
Didier Cailhol, Philippe Audra, Carole Nehme, Fadi H. Nader, Mladen Garašić, Vasile Heresanu, Salih Gucel, Iris Charalambidou, Lauren Satterfield, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards
Acta Carsologica 48 (2019)10.3986/ac.v48i1.6782
Step flow growth of Mn5Ge3 films on Ge(111) at room temperature
Matthieu Petit, Amine Boussadi, Vasile Heresanu, Alain Ranguis, Lisa Michez
Applied Surface Science 480:529-536 (2019)10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.01.164
Regular Arrays of Pt Clusters on Alumina: A New Superstructure on Al 2 O 3 /Ni 3 Al(111)
Georges Sitja, Aude Bailly, Maurizio de Santis, Vasile Heresanu, Claude R Henry
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123:24487-24494 (2019)10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b05109
The effect of strontium doping on structural and morphological properties of ZnO nanofilms synthesized by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis method
A. Ouhaibi, M. Ghamnia, A. Dahamni, V. Heresanu, C. Fauquet, D. Tonneau
Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 3:29-36 (2018)10.1016/j.jsamd.2018.01.004
Biocompatible titanate nanotubes with high loading capacity of genistein: cytotoxicity study and anti-migratory effect on U87-MG cancer cell lines
Tarek Baati, Bochra Bejaoui Kefi, Aïcha Aouane, Leila Njim, Florence Chaspoul, Vasile Heresanu, Abdelhamid Kerkeni, Fadoua Neffati, Mohamed Hammami
RSC Advances 6:101688-101696 (2016)10.1039/c6ra24569b
Tuning solid-state emission properties of pyrene-containing chalcone derivatives
A. d'Aléo, A. Karapetyan, V. Heresanu, M. Giorgi, F. Fages
Thermally Induced Modifications and Phase Transformations of Red Coral Mg-Calcite Skeletons from Infrared Spectroscopy and High Resolution Synchrotron Powder Diffraction Analyses
N. Floquet, D. Vielzeuf, Daniel Ferry, A. Ricolleau, V. Heresanu, J. Perrin, Didier Laporte, A.N. Fitch
Magnetic anisotropy and magnetic domain structure in C-doped Mn5Ge3
L.-A. Michez, F. Virot, Matthieu Petit, R. Hayn, L. Notin, Olivier Fruchart, Vasile Heresanu, Matthieu Jamet, Vinh Le Thanh
Journal of Applied Physics 118:043906 (2015)10.1063/1.4927423
Very low-temperature epitaxial growth of Mn5Ge3 and Mn5Ge3C0.2 films on Ge(111) using molecular beam epitaxy
Matthieu Petit, Lisa Michez, Charles-Emmanuel Dutoit, Sylvain Bertaina, Voicu O Dolocan, Vasile Heresanu, Mathieu Stoffel, Vinh Le Thanh
Thin Solid Films 589:427-432 (2015)10.1016/j.tsf.2015.05.068
Two-photon excited fluorescence of BF2 complexes of curcumin analogues: toward NIR-to-NIR fluorescent organic nanoparticles
A. d'Aleo, A. Felouat, V. Heresanu, A. Ranguis, D. Chaudanson, A. Karapetyan, M. Giorgi, F. Fages
NIR Emission in Borondifluoride Complexes of 2 '-Hydroxychalcone Derivatives Containing an Acetonaphthone Ring
A. d'Aléo, V. Heresanu, M. Giorgi, Boris Le Guennic, D. Jacquemin, F. Fages
Molecular-beam epitaxial growth of tensile-strained and n-doped Ge/Si(001) films using a GaP decomposition source
T.K.P. Luong, A. Ghrib, M.T. Dau, M.A. Zrir, M. Stoffel, V. Le Thanh, Rachid Daineche, T.G. Le, V. Heresanu, Omar Abbes, Matthieu Petit, M. El Kurdi, P. Boucaud, H. Rinnert, J. Murota
Thin Solid Films 557:70-75 (2014)10.1016/j.tsf.2013.11.027
Nanocomposites composed of P3HT:PCBM and nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation of a bulk PbS target in liquid
N. G. Semaltianos, K. A. Maximova, A. I. Aristov, A. V. Kabashin, V. Heresanu, J. -Y. Hoarau, Z. Cao, Ludovic Escoubas
Colloid and Polymer Science 292:3347-3354 (2014)10.1007/s00396-014-3397-3
Fabrication of p/n heterojunctions by electrochemical deposition of Cu2O onto TiO2 nanotubes
L. Assaud, V. Heresanu, M. Hanbucken, L. Santinacci
Biomineralization in living hypercalcified demosponges: Toward a shared mechanism?
M. Gilis, O. Grauby, P. Willenz, P. Dubois, V. Heresanu, A. Baronnet
Efficient NIR-Light Emission from Solid-State Complexes of Boron Difluoride with 2'-Hydroxychalcone Derivatives
A. d'Aléo, D. Gachet, V. Heresanu, M. Giorgi, F. Fages
Multi-scale mineralogical characterization of the hypercalcified sponge Petrobiona massiliana (Calcarea, Calcaronea)
M. Gillis, O. Grauby, P. Willenz, P. Dubois, L. Legras, V. Heresanu, Alain Baronnet
The 2C putative helicase of echovirus 30 adopts a hexameric ring-shaped structure
N. Papageorgiou, B. Coutard, V. Lantez, E. Gautron, Olivier Chauvet, C. Baronti, H. Norder, X. de Lamballerie, V. Heresanu, N. Ferte, S. Veesler, A.E. Gorbalenya, B. Canard
Acta crystallographica Section D : Structural biology [1993-...] 66:1116-1120 (2010)
X-ray diffraction study of the evolution of Fe-filled multiwalled carbon nanotubes under pressure
J. Cambedouzou, V. Heresanu, Celia Castro, M. Pinault, F. Datchi, M. Mezouar, M. Mayne-L'Hermite, Nedjma Bendiab, P. Launois
The European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 72:145-151 (2009)10.1140/epjb/e2009-00329-6
Dye-adsorption-induced gelation of suspensions of spherical and rodlike zinc oxide nanoparticles in organic solvents
C. Martini, F.J. Stadler, A. Said, V. Heresanu, Daniel Ferry, Cedric Bailly, J. Ackermann, F. Fages
Vanadium Oxide-PANI Nanocomposite-Based Macroscopic Fibers: 1D Alcohol Sensors Bearing Enhanced Toughness
J. Dexmer, C. M. Leroy, L. Binet, V. Heresanu, P. Launois, N. Steunou, C. Coulon, J. Maquet, N. Brun, J. Livage, R. Backov
Chemistry of Materials 20:pp. 5541-5549 (2008)10.1021/cm800886v