Alain Ranguis


Service microscopie à champ proche



+33(0)6 60 30 28 60











Responsable du Service Microscopie à champ proche (STM, AFM)



Plasmonic sensing: FDTD calculations to interpret experimental LSPR water adsorption isotherms

Benjamin Demirdjian, Igor Ozerov, F. Bedu, Alain Ranguis, Claude R Henry

Chemical Physics Letters 837:141063 (2024)10.1016/j.cplett.2023.141063


Electrical monitoring of organic crystal phase transition using MoS2 field effect transistor

Ilan Boulet, Simon Pascal, F. Bedu, Igor Ozerov, Alain Ranguis, Thomas Leoni, Conrad Becker, Laurence Masson, Aleksandar Matkovic, Christian Teichert, Olivier Siri, Claudio Attaccalite, Jean-Roch Huntzinger, Matthieu Paillet, Ahmed-Azmi Zahab, Romain Parret

Nanoscale Advances 5:1681-1690 (2023)10.1039/d2na00817c


CO and O2 Adsorption and CO Oxidation on Pt Nanoparticles by Indirect Nanoplasmonic Sensing

Benjamin Demirdjian, Igor Ozerov, Frédéric Bedu, Alain Ranguis, Claude R Henry

ACS Omega 6:13398-13405 (2021)10.1021/acsomega.1c01487



Step flow growth of Mn5Ge3 films on Ge(111) at room temperature

Matthieu Petit, Amine Boussadi, Vasile Heresanu, Alain Ranguis, Lisa Michez

Applied Surface Science 480:529-536 (2019)10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.01.164


Noncontact AFM and differential reflectance spectroscopy joint analyses of bis-pyrenyl thin films on bulk insulators: Relationship between structural and optical properties

Franck Bocquet, Laurent Nony, Franck Para, Philipda Luangprasert, Jean-Valère Naubron, Christian Loppacher, Thomas Leoni, Anthony Thomas, Alain Ranguis, Anthony d'Aléo, Frédéric Fages, Conrad Becker

Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015) 97 (2018)10.1103/physrevb.97.235434

Water adsorption by a sensitive calibrated gold plasmonic nanosensor

Benjamin Demirdjian, Frédéric Bedu, Alain Ranguis, Igor Ozerov, Claude Henry

Langmuir 34:5381-5385 (2018)10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b00040

From the very first stages of Mn deposition on Ge(001) to phase segregation

Sion F Olive Mendez, Matthieu Petit, Alain Ranguis, Vinh Le Thanh, Lisa Michez

Crystal Growth & Design 18:5124-5129 (2018)10.1021/acs.cgd.8b00558

Thiol-functionalization of Mn5Ge3 thin films

Marta K Schütz, Matthieu Petit, Lisa Michez, Alain Ranguis, Guillaume Monier, Christine Robert-Goumet, Jean-Manuel Raimundo

Applied Surface Science 451:191-197 (2018)10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.04.231

Growth of Dihydrotetraazapentacene Layers on Cu(110)

Anthony Thomas, Walter Malone, Thomas Leoni, Alain Ranguis, Zhongrui Chen, Olivier Siri, Abdelkader Kara, Peter Zeppenfeld, Conrad Becker

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122:10828-10834 (2018)10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b01336


Adsorption and Growth of Bis-pyrene Molecular Layers on Au(111) Studied by STM

Tony Lelaidier, Thomas Leoni, Alain Ranguis, Anthony D’aléo, Frédéric Fages, Conrad Becker

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121:7214-7220 (2017)10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b12354


N-Substituted Azacalixphyrins: Synthesis, Properties, and Self-Assembly

Zhongrui Chen, Rose Haddoub, Jerome Mahe, Gabriel Marchand, Denis Jacquemin, Judicaelle Andeme Edzang, Gabriel Canard, Daniel Ferry, O. Grauby, Alain Ranguis, Olivier Siri

Chemistry - A European Journal 22:17820-17832 (2016)10.1002/chem.201602288

Optical and morphological properties of thin films of bis-pyrenyl pi-conjugated molecules

Tony Lelaidier, Tobias Luenskens, Alexander Weber, Thomas Leoni, Alain Ranguis, Anthony d'Aléo, Fréderic Fages, Aras Kartouzian, Conrad Becker, Ulrich Heiz

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18:5299-5305 (2016)10.1039/c5cp06011g

Formation of silicene on silver: Strong interaction between Ag and Si

Geoffroy Prévot, Romain Bernard, Hervé Cruguel, Alberto Curcella, Michele Lazzeri, Thomas Leoni, Laurence Masson, Alain Ranguis, Yves Borensztein

physica status solidi (b) 253:206-217 (2016)10.1002/pssb.201552524


Indirect Nanoplasmonic Sensing to Probe with a High Sensitivity the Interaction of Water Vapor with Soot Aerosols

Benjamin Demirdjian, Frédéric Bedu, Alain Ranguis, Igor Ozerov, Artak Karapetyan, Claude R. Henry

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6:4148-4152 (2015)10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b01630

Magnetic properties of self-organized Co dimer nanolines on Si/Ag(110)

Lisa Michez, Kai Chen, Fabien Cheynis, Frédéric Leroy, Alain Ranguis, Haik Jamgotchian, Margrit Hanbücken, Laurence Masson

Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 6:777-784 (2015)10.3762/bjnano.6.80


Combining Low-Energy Electron Microscopy and Scanning Probe Microscopy techniques for Surface Science : development of a novel sample-holder

F. Cheynis, F. Leroy, A. Ranguis, B. Detailleur, P. Bindzi, C. Veit, W. Bon, Pierre Müller

Review of Scientific Instruments 85:043705 (2014)

Two-photon excited fluorescence of BF2 complexes of curcumin analogues: toward NIR-to-NIR fluorescent organic nanoparticles

A. d'Aleo, A. Felouat, V. Heresanu, A. Ranguis, D. Chaudanson, A. Karapetyan, M. Giorgi, F. Fages

Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2:5208-5215 (2014)

Highly-ordered molecular films on Au(111): the N-Heteroacene approach

T. Lelaidier, T. Leoni, P. Arumugam, A. Ranguis, C. Becker, O. Siri

Langmuir 30:5700 (2014)


Growth of Si ultrathin films on silver surfaces: Evidence of an Ag(110) reconstruction induced by Si

R. Bernard, T. Leoni, A. Wilson, T. Lelaidier, H. Sahaf, E. Moyen, L. Assaud, L. Santinacci, F. Leroy, F. Cheynis, A. Ranguis, H. Jamgotchian, C. Becker, Y. Borensztein, M. Hanbücken, Geoffroy Prévot, L. Masson

Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015) 88:121411 (2013)10.1103/PhysRevB.88.121411

Growth of Si ultrathin films on silver surfaces: Evidence of an Ag(110) reconstruction induced by Si

Romain Bernard, Thomas Leoni, Axel Wilson, Tony Lelaidier, Houda Sahaf, Eric Moyen, Loïc Assaud, Lionel Santinacci, Frédéric Leroy, Fabien Cheynis, Alain Ranguis, Haik Jamgotchian, Conrad Becker, Yves Borensztein, Margrit Hanbücken, Geoffroy Prévot, Laurence Masson

Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015) 88 (2013)10.1103/PhysRevB.88.121411

Mapping of X-ray induced luminescence using a SNOM probe

F. Jandard, C. Fauquet, M. Dehlinger, A. Ranguis, A. Bjeoumikhov, S. Ferrero, D. Pailharey, B. Dahmani, D. Tonneau

Applied Surface Science 267:81-85 (2013)

Atomic Structures of Silicene Layers Grown on Ag(111) : Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy Observations

Andrea Resta, Thomas Leoni, Clemens Barth, Alain Ranguis, Conrad Becker, Thomas Bruhn, Patrick Vogt, Guy Le Lay

Scientific Reports 3:2399 (2013)10.1038/srep02399

Atomic Structures of Silicene Layers Grown on Ag(111): Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy Observations

Andrea Resta, Thomas Leoni, Clemens Barth, Alain Ranguis, Conrad Becker, Thomas Bruhn, Patrick Vogt, Guy Le Lay

Scientific Reports 3 (2013)


An unusual phenomenon of surface reaction observed during Ge overgrowth on Mn5Ge3/Ge(111) heterostructures

M-T. Dau, V. Le Thanh, L.A. Michez, Matthieu Petit, T-G. Le, A. Spiesser, A. Ranguis

New Journal of Physics 14:103020-10303 (2012)10.1088/1367-2630/14/10/103020


Are conductance plateaus independent events in atomic point contact measurements? A statistical approach

Thomas Leoni, Remi Zoubkoff, Sabrina Homri, Nadine Candoni, Petar Vidakovic, Alain Ranguis, Hubert Klein, Andrés Saúl, Philippe Dumas

Nanotechnology 19:355401 (2008)10.1088/0957-4484/19/35/355401

Growth of magnetic materials and Structures on Si(001) substrates using Co2Si as a template layer

S. Olive Mendez, V. Le Thanh, A. Ranguis, J. Derrien

Applied Surface Science 254:6040 (2008)


Growth of Si nanostructures on Ag(001)

C. Leandri, H. Oughaddou, B. Aufray, J.M. Gay, G. Le Lay, A. Ranguis, Y. Garreau

Surface Science : A Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces 601 (1):262-267 (2007)

Factors affecting the coverage dependence of the diffusivity of one metal over the surface of another

P. Wynblatt, D. Chatain, A. Ranguis, Jean-Philippe Monchoux, J. Moon, S. Garoff

International Journal of Thermophysics 28:646-660 (2007)

STM study of Bi-on-Cu(100)

P. Wynblatt, D. Chatain, A. Ranguis

Surface Science : A Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces 601:1623-1629 (2007)