Lisa Michez Lisa





+33(0)6 62 92 28 89






enseignant - chercheur



magnétisme et semiconducteurs



Magnetic interactions in epitaxial films of Mn5(Ge1-xSix)3/Ge(111) : 55Mn NMR study

R. Kalvig, E. Jędryka, S. Kang, M. Petit, L. Michez, M. Wójcik

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 600:172120 (2024)10.1016/j.jmmm.2024.172120

Epitaxial growth and magnetic properties of Mn5(SixGe1-x)3 thin films

Sueyeong Kang, Matthieu Petit, Vasile Heresanu, Alexandre Altié, Thomas Beaujard, Ganaël Bon, Oscar Cespedes, Brian Hickey, Lisa Michez

Thin Solid Films 797:140338 (2024)10.1016/j.tsf.2024.140338

Anisotropy of the anomalous Hall effect in thin films of the altermagnet candidate Mn5Si3

Miina Leiviskä, Javier Rial, Antonín Badura, Rafael Lopes Seeger, Ismaïla Kounta, Sebastian Beckert, Dominik Kriegner, Isabelle Joumard, Eva Schmoranzerová, Jairo Sinova, Olena Gomonay, Andy Thomas, Sebastian Goennenwein, Helena Reichlová, Libor Šmejkal, Lisa Michez, Tomáš Jungwirth, Vincent Baltz

Physical Review B 109:224430 (2024)10.1103/PhysRevB.109.224430

Observation of a spontaneous anomalous Hall response in the Mn5Si3 d-wave altermagnet candidate

Helena Reichlová, Rafael Lopes Seeger, Rafael González-Hernández, Ismaila Kounta, Richard Schlitz, Dominik Kriegner, Philipp Ritzinger, Michaela Lammel, Miina Leiviskä, Anna Birk Hellenes, Kamil Olejník, Václav Petříček, Petr Doležal, Lukas Horak, Eva Schmoranzerová, Antonín Bad'Ura, Sylvain Bertaina, Andy Thomas, Vincent Baltz, Lisa Michez, Jairo Sinova, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein, Tomáš Jungwirth, Libor Šmejkal

Nature Communications 15:4961 (2024)10.1038/s41467-024-48493-w

Altermagnetic variants in thin films of Mn5Si3

Javier Rial, Miina Leiviskä, Gregor Skobjin, Antonín Bad'Ura, Gilles Gaudin, Florian Disdier, Richard Schlitz, Ismaïla Kounta, Sebastian Beckert, Dominik Kriegner, Andy Thomas, Eva Schmoranzerová, Libor Šmejkal, Jairo Sinova, Tomáš Jungwirth, Lisa Michez, Helena Reichlová, Sebastian Goennenwein, Olena Gomonay, Vincent Baltz

Physical Review B 110:L220411 (2024)10.1103/PhysRevB.110.L220411


Competitive actions of MnSi in the epitaxial growth of Mn5Si3 thin films on Si(111)

Ismaïla Kounta, Helena Reichlova, Dominik Kriegner, Rafael Lopes Seeger, Antonin Bad'Ura, Miina Leiviska, Amine Boussadi, Vasile Heresanu, Sylvain Bertaina, Matthieu Petit, Eva Schmoranzerova, Libor Smejkal, Jairo Sinova, Tomas Jungwirth, Vincent Baltz, Sebastian T B Goennenwein, Lisa Michez

Physical Review Materials 7:024416 (2023)10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.7.024416


Tuning the Mn5Ge3 and Mn11Ge8 thin films phase formation on Ge(111) via growth process

Mohamed-Amine Guerboukha, Matthieu Petit, Aurélie Spiesser, Alain Portavoce, Omar Abbes, Vasile Heresanu, Sylvain Bertaina, Cyril Coudreau, Lisa Michez

Thin Solid Films 761:139523 (2022)10.1016/j.tsf.2022.139523

Tuning the Mn5Ge3 and Mn11Ge8 thin films phase formation on Ge(111) via growth process

Mohamed-Amine Guerboukha, Matthieu Petit, Aurélie Spiesser, Alain Portavoce, Omar Abbes, Vasile Heresanu, Sylvain Bertaina, Cyril Coudreau, Lisa Michez

Thin Solid Films 761:139523 (2022)10.1016/j.tsf.2022.139523

Unveiling the atomic position of C in Mn5Ge3Cx thin films

L.-A. Michez, M. Petit, V. Heresanu, V. Le Thanh, E. Prestat, F. d'Acapito, Q. Ramasse, F. Boscherini, P. Pochet, M. Jamet

Physical Review Materials 6:074404 (2022)10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.6.074404


Magnetic anisotropy of one-dimensional Co nanostructures

Michel Daher Mansour, Romain Parret, F. Cheynis, Matthieu Petit, Fadi Choueikani, Lisa Michez, Laurence Masson

Physical Review B 102:155403 (2020)10.1103/PhysRevB.102.155403

Selective modification of the unquenched orbital moment of manganese introduced by carbon dopant in epitaxial Mn5Ge3C0.2/Ge(111) films

R. Kalvig, E. Jedryka, M. Wojcik, Matthieu Petit, L. Michez

Physical Review B: Condensed Matter (1978-1997) 101 (2020)10.1103/PhysRevB.101.094401


Step flow growth of Mn5Ge3 films on Ge(111) at room temperature

Matthieu Petit, Amine Boussadi, Vasile Heresanu, Alain Ranguis, Lisa Michez

Applied Surface Science 480:529-536 (2019)10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.01.164


Hyperfine fields and anisotropy of the orbital moment in epitaxial Mn5Ge3 films studied by Mn55 NMR

R. Kalvig, E. Jedryka, M. Wojcik, G. Allodi, R. de Renzi, Matthieu Petit, Lisa Michez

Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015) 97:174428-174428 (2018)10.1103/PhysRevB.97.174428

From the very first stages of Mn deposition on Ge(001) to phase segregation

Sion F Olive Mendez, Matthieu Petit, Alain Ranguis, Vinh Le Thanh, Lisa Michez

Crystal Growth & Design 18:5124-5129 (2018)10.1021/acs.cgd.8b00558

Thiol-functionalization of Mn5Ge3 thin films

Marta K Schütz, Matthieu Petit, Lisa Michez, Alain Ranguis, Guillaume Monier, Christine Robert-Goumet, Jean-Manuel Raimundo

Applied Surface Science 451:191-197 (2018)10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.04.231


Study of manganese germanides formation and their magnetic response

Omar Abbes, Alain Portavoce, Christophe Girardeaux, Lisa Michez, Vinh Le Thanh

Advanced Materials Letters 8:600-604 (2017)

Ferromagnetic resonance in Mn 5 Ge 3 epitaxial films with weak stripe domain structure

R Kalvig, E Jedryka, P. Aleshkevych, M Wojcik, W Bednarski, Matthieu Petit, L. Michez

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50:125001 (2017)10.1088/1361-6463/aa5ce5


An introduction to photocatalysis through methylene blue photodegradation

Matthieu Petit, Lisa Michez, Jean-Manuel Raimundo, Tuhiti Malinowski, Philippe Dumas

European Journal of Physics 37:065808 (2016)10.1088/0143-0807/37/6/065808

Electrical and optical measurements of the bandgap energy of a light-emitting diode

Matthieu Petit, Lisa Michez, Jean-Manuel Raimundo, Philippe Dumas

Physics Education 51:025003 (2016)10.1088/0031-9120/51/2/025003

Mn5Ge3C0.6/Ge(111) Schottky contacts tuned by a n-type ultra-shallow doping layer

Matthieu Petit, Ryoma Hayakawa, Yutaka Wakayama, Vinh Le Thanh, Lisa Michez

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49:355101 (2016)10.1088/0022-3727/49/35/355101


Ferromagnetic resonance and magnetic damping in C-doped Mn5Ge3

Charles Emmanuel Dutoit, Voicu Dolocan, Michael Kuzmin, Lisa Michez, Matthieu Petit, Vinh Le Thanh, Benjamin Pigeau, Sylvain Bertaina

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49:045001 (2015)10.1088/0022-3727/49/4/045001

Magnetic anisotropy and magnetic domain structure in C-doped Mn5Ge3

L.-A. Michez, F. Virot, Matthieu Petit, R. Hayn, L. Notin, Olivier Fruchart, Vasile Heresanu, Matthieu Jamet, Vinh Le Thanh

Journal of Applied Physics 118:043906 (2015)10.1063/1.4927423

Magnetic reversal in Mn5Ge3 thin films: an extensive study

L. Michez, A. Spiesser, M. Petit, S. Bertaina, J.F. Jacquot, Didier Dufeu, C. Coudreau, M. Jamet, Thanh V. Le

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27:266001 (2015)10.1088/0953-8984/27/26/266001

Magnetic properties of self-organized Co dimer nanolines on Si/Ag(110)

Lisa Michez, Kai Chen, Fabien Cheynis, Frédéric Leroy, Alain Ranguis, Haik Jamgotchian, Margrit Hanbücken, Laurence Masson

Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 6:777-784 (2015)10.3762/bjnano.6.80

Very low-temperature epitaxial growth of Mn5Ge3 and Mn5Ge3C0.2 films on Ge(111) using molecular beam epitaxy

Matthieu Petit, Lisa Michez, Charles-Emmanuel Dutoit, Sylvain Bertaina, Voicu O Dolocan, Vasile Heresanu, Mathieu Stoffel, Vinh Le Thanh

Thin Solid Films 589:427-432 (2015)10.1016/j.tsf.2015.05.068

Mn–Ge nanocluster formation vs. diluted magnetic semiconductuor formation

A. Portavoce, Omar Abbes, A. Spiesser, Christophe Girardeaux, L. Michez, V. Le Thanh

Scripta Materialia 100:70-73 (2015)10.1016/j.scriptamat.2014.12.016

Mn Diffusion and Reactive Diffusion in Ge: Spintronic Applications

Alain Portavoce, Omar Abbes, Sylvain Bertaina, Yauheni Rudzevich, Lee Chow, Vinh Le Thanh, Christophe Girardeaux, Lisa Michez

Defect and Diffusion Forum 363:56-61 (2015)10.4028/