Thi Thuy Le
Molecular Engineering and Functional Materials
TPR1 - 5th floor
PhD student

2D nanostructure motion on anisotropic surfaces controlled by electromigration
S. Curiotto, P. Müller, A. El-barraj, F. Cheynis, O. Pierre-louis, F. Leroy
Applied Surface Science 469 463-470 (2019)
A self-assembling supramolecular dendrimer nanosystem for PET imaging of tumors
P. Garrigue, J. Tang, L. Ding, A. Bouhlel, A. Tintaru, E. Laurini, Y. Huang, Z. Lyu, M. Zhang, S. Fernandez, L. Balasse, W. Lan, E. Mas, D. Marson, Y. Weng, X. Liu, S. Giorgio, J. Iovanna, S. Pricl, B. Guillet, L. Peng
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 11454-11459 (2018)
Influence of crystal structure defects on the small-angle neutron scattering/diffraction patterns of clay-rich porous media
E. Ferrage, F. Hubert, A. Baronnet, O. Grauby, E. Tertre, A. Delville, I. Bihannic, D. Prêt, L.J. Michot, P. Levitz
Journal of Applied Crystallography 51 5 1311-1322 (2018)
Mesoscale structure, mechanics, and transport properties of source rocks’ organic pore networks
J. Berthonneau, A. Obliger, P.-L. Valdenaire, O. Grauby, D. Ferry, D. Chaudanson, P. Levitz, J.J. Kim, F.J. Ulm, R.J.-M. Pellenq
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 49 12365-12370 (2018)
A Chemical Library to Screen Protein and Protein–Ligand Crystallization Using a Versatile Microfluidic Platform
C.J.J. Gerard, G. Ferry, L.M. Vuillard, J.A. Boutin, N. Ferte, R. Grossier, N. Candoni, S. Veesler
Crystal Growth and Design 18 5130 (2018)
A scanning probe microscopy study of nanostructured TiO2/poly(3-hexylthiophene) hybrid heterojunctions for photovoltaic applications
L. Letertre, R. Roche, O. Douheret, H.G. Kassa, D. Mariolle, N. Chevalier, L. Borowik, P. Dumas, B. Grevin, R. Lazzaroni, P. Leclere
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 9 2087 (2018)
A parameter to probe microdroplet dynamics and crystal nucleation
R. Grossier, V. Tishkova, R. Morin, S. Veesler
AIP advances 8 075324 (2018)
Nanometrology of Biomass for Bioenergy: The Role of Atomic Force Microscopy and Spectroscopy in Plant Cell Characterization
A.M. Charrier, A.L. Lereu, R. Farahi, B. Davison, A. Passian
Frontiers in Energy Research 6 11 (2018)
Strong Nonlinear Optical Response in the Visible Spectral Range with Epsilon‐Near‐Zero Organic Thin Films
Y.U. Lee, E. Garoni, H. Kita, K. Kamada, B.H. Woo, Y.C. Jun, S.M. Chae, H.J. Kim, K.J. Lee, S. Yoon, E. Choi, F. Mathevet, I. Ozerov, J.C. Ribierre, J.W. Wu, A. D’aléo
Advanced Optical Materials 6 1701400 (2018)
Chemical composition and molecular scale structure of nanominerals formed by precipitation of biotite weathering products
W.Z. Tamrat, J. Rose, O. Grauby, E. Doelsch, C. Levard, P. Chaurand, I. Basile-doelsch
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 229 53-64 (2018)
Formation of cyanide compounds during preparation of gold surfaces evidenced by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
A. Merlen, C. Pardanaud, S. Coussan, C. Panagiotopoulos, O. Grauby, C.M. Ruiz
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (2018)
Estimating single molecule conductance from spontaneous evolution of a molecular contact
M. Gil, T. Malinowski, M. Iazykov, H.R. Klein
Journal of Applied Physics 123 104303 (2018)
Enhancing or inhibiting spontaneous emission from fluorescent molecules in the near-field of silicon nanoantennas
D. Bouchet, M. Mivelle, J. Proust, B. Gallas, I. Ozerov, M.F. Garcia-parajo, Y. De Wilde, N. Bonod, V. Krachmalnicoff, S. Bidault
Proceedings of SPIE. Bellingham: The International Society for Optical Engineering 10540 105401A (2018)
Study of the TiC 1-x – TiO2 reactive interface
F. Réjasse, G. Trolliard, J. Léchelle, O. Rapaud, P. Carles, O. Grauby, H. Khodja
Acta Materialia 146 225-236 (2018)
Thermal activation parameters of plastic flow reveal deformation mechanisms in the CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
G. Laplanche, J. Bonneville, C. Varvenne, W.A. Curtin, E.P. George
Acta Materialia 143 257-264 (2018)
Post-depositional evolution over a time scale of 1 million years of eastern Mediterranean organic-rich and organic-poor sediments: new insights on the debromination and layer-silicate markers
A. Murat, D. Beaufort, B. Hebert, F. Baudin, S. Bernasconi, E. Ducassou, C. Lelievre, E. Poizot, M. Mathian, O. Grauby
Bulletin de la Societe geologique de France 188 4 21-37 (2017)
Piezomagnetism and magnetoelastic memory in uranium dioxide
M. Jaime, A. Saul, M. Salamon, V. Zapf, N. Harrison, T. Durakiewicz, J. Lashley, D. Andersson, C. Stanek, J. Smith, K. Gofryk
Nature Communications 8 99 (2017)
Production of H2 by water radiolysis in cement paste by electron irradiation: A joint experimental and theoretical study
S. Le Caer, L. Dezerald, K. Boukari, M. Laine, S. Taupin, R.M. Kavanagh, C.S.N. Johnston, E. Foy, T. Charpentier, K.J. Krakowiak, R.J.-M. Pellenq, F.J. Ulm, G.A. Tribello, J. Kohano, A. Saul
Cement and Concrete Research 100 110 (2017)
Dynamics of suspended sediments during a dry season and their consequence on metal transportation in a coral reef lagoon impacted by mining activities
J.M. Fernandez, J.D. Meunier, S. Ouillon, B. Moreton, P. Douillet, O. Grauby
Water 9 338 (2017)
Effect of phytoliths for mitigating water stress in durum wheat
J.D. Meunier, D. Bardoni, M. Anwar-ul-haq, C. Levard, P. Chaurand, V. Vidal, O. Grauby, R. Huc, I. Laffont–schwob, J. Rabier, C. Keller
New Phytologist 215 229-239 (2017)
The crystal-chemical control of the elastic properties of 2:1 phyllosilicates minerals
J. Berthonneau, C.G. Hoover, O. Grauby, A. Baronnet, R.J.-M. Pellenq, F. Ulm
Applied Clay Science 143 387-398 (2017)
Crystallization via tubing microfluidics permits both in situ and ex situ X-ray diffraction
C.J.J. Gerard, G. Ferry, L.M. Vuillard, J.A. Boutin, L.M.G. Chavas, T. Huet, N. Ferte, R. Grossier, N. Candoni, S. Veesler
Acta Crystallographica Section F 73 10 574-578 (2017)
Microfluidic platform for optimization of crystallization conditions
S. Zhang, C.J.J. Gerard, A. Ikni, G. Ferry, L.M. Vuillard, J.A. Boutin, N. Ferte, R. Grossier, N. Candoni, S. Veesler
Journal of Crystal Growth 472 18-28 (2017)
Surface-dependent scenarios for dissolution-driven motion of growing droplets
S. Curiotto, F. Leroy, F. Cheynis, P. Müller
Scientific Reports 7 902 (2017)
Plasticity, elasticity, and adhesion energy of plant cell walls: nanometrology of lignin loss using atomic force microscopy
R. Farahi, A. Charrier, A. Tolbert, A. Lereu, A. Ragauskas, B. Davison, A. Passian
Scientific Reports 7 152 (2017)
In Search of the Quantum-Electronic Origin of Color Change: Elucidation of the Subtle Effects of Alloying with Copper on ≈1.8 nm Gold Nanoclusters
R. Sinha-roy, X. Lopez-lozano, R.L. Whetten, P. Garcia-gonzalez, H.CH. Weissker
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 10 5753-5760 (2017)
The coordination of sulfur in synthetic and biogenic Mg calcites: The red coral case
J. Perrin, C. Rivard, D. Vielzeuf, D. Laporte, C. Fonquernie, A. Ricolleau, M. Cotte, N. Floquet
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 197 226-244 (2017)
Ferromagnetic resonance in Mn5Ge3 epitaxial films with weak stripe domain structure
R. Kalvig, E. Jedryka, P. Aleshkevych, M. Wojcik, W. Bednarski, M. Petit, L. Michez
Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics 50 12 125001 (2017)
In Situ Observation of Polymorphic Transition during Crystallization of Organic Compounds Showing Preferential Enrichment By Means Of Temperature-Controlled Video-Microscopy and Time-Resolved X-ray Powder Diffraction
H. Takahashi, S. Iwama, S. Clevers, S. Veesler, G. Coquerel, H. Tsue, R. Tamura
Crystal Growth and Design 17 671-676 (2017)
Step density waves on growing vicinal crystal surfaces: theory and experiment
B. Ranguelov, P. Müller, J.J. Métois, S. Stoyanov
Journal of Crystal Growth 457 184-187 (2017)
Si nanoribbons on Ag(110) studied by grazing incidence x-ray diffraction, scanning tunneling microscopy, and density functional theory: evidence of a pentamer chain structure
G. Prevot, C. Hogan, T. Leoni, R. Bernard, E. Moyen, L. Masson
Physical Review Letters 117 276102 (2016)
Extrinsic spin- and orbital-Hall effect in cyclic group symmetric metamaterial
Y.U. Lee, I. Ozerov, F. Bedu, F. Fages, J.W. Wu
Proceedings of SPIE. Bellingham: The International Society for Optical Engineering 9918 991818 (2016)
Surface plasmon polariton beams from an electrically excited plasmonic crystal
D. Canneson, E. Le Moal, S.Y. Cao, X. Quelin, H. Dallaporta, G. Dujardin, E. Boer-duchemin
Optics Express 24 23 26186-26200 (2016)
Raman characterization of synthetic magnesian calcites
J. Perrin, D. Vielzeuf, D. Laporte, A. Ricolleau, G.R. Rossman, N. Floquet
American Mineralogist 101 11 2525-2538 (2016)
First in-flight synchrotron X-ray absorption and photoemission study of carbon soot nanoparticles
F.X. Ouf, P. Parent, C. Laffon, I MARHABA. , D. Ferry, B. Marcillaud, E. Antonsson, S. Benkoula, X.J. Liu, C. Nicolas, E. Robert, M. Patanen, F.A. Barreda, O. Sublemontier, A. Coppalle, J. Yon, F. Miserque, T. Mostefaoui, T.Z. Regier, J.B.A. Mitchell, C.
Scientific Reports 6 36495 (2016)
A fluorinated bola-amphiphilic dendrimer for on-demand delivery of siRNA via specific response to reactive oxygen species
X. Liu, Y. Wang, C. Chen, A. Tintaru, Y. Cao, J. Liu, F. Ziarelli, J. Tang, H. Guo, R. Rosas, S. Giorgio, L. Charles, P. Rocchi, L. Peng
Advanced Functional Materials 26 8594-8603 (2016)
Enhancement and Inhibition of Spontaneous Photon Emission by Resonant Silicon Nanoantennas
D. Bouchet, M. Mivelle, J. Proust, B. Gallas, I. Ozerov, M.F. García-parajó, A. Gulinatti, I. Rech, Y. De Wilde, N. Bonod, V. Krachmalnicoff, S. Bidault
Physical Review Applied 6 064016 (2016)
Free Volume Theory of Hydrocarbon Mixture Transport in Nanoporous Materials
A. Obliger, R. Pellenq, F.J. Ulm, B. Coasne
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 19 3712-3717 (2016)
How the Intricate Interactions between Carbon Nanotubes and Two Bilirubin Oxidases Control Direct and Mediated O-2 Reduction
I. Mazurenko, K. Monsalve, J. Rouhana, P. Parent, C. Laffon, A. Le Goff, S. Szunerits, R. Boukherroub, M.T. Giudici-orticoni, N. Mano, E. Lojou
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 35 23074-23085 (2016)
Soot optical properties determined by analyzing extinction spectra in the visible near-UV : Toward an optical speciation according to constituents and structure
A. Bescond, J. Yon, F.-X. Ouf, C. Rozé, A. Coppalle, P. Parent, D. Ferry, C. Laffon
Journal of Aerosol Science 101 118-132 (2016)
Evolution of organo-clay composites with respect to thermal maturity in type II organic-rich source rocks
J. Berthonneau, O. Grauby, M. Abuhaikal, R. J.-M. Pellenq, F. J. Ulm, H. Van Damme
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 195 68-83 (2016)
Characterization of suspended particulate matter in the Rhone River : Insights into analogue selection
D. Slomberg, P. Ollivier, O. Radakovitch, N. Balan, N. Sani-kast, MICHE. , BORSCHNECK. , O. Grauby, A. Bruchet, M. Scheringer, J. Labille
Environmental Chemistry 13 5 804-815 (2016)
Improvement of Boron doping in SiGe raised sources and drains for FDSOI technology by carbon incorporation
M. Labrot, F. Cheynis, D. Barge, M. Juhel, P. Müller
ECS Transactions 75 8 29-38 (2016)
A new class of spirocyclic photochromes reacting with light of both UV and visible ranges
L. Bekere, N. Larina, V. Lokshin, A. Ellern, M. Sigalov, V. Khodorkovsky
New Journal of Chemistry 40 8 6554-6558 (2016)
Square-Centimeter-Sized High-Efficiency Polymer Solar Cells: How the Processing Atmosphere and Film Quality Influence Performance at Large Scale
S. Ben Dkhil, M. Pfannmoller, S. Bals, T. Koganezawa, N. Yoshimoto, D. Hannani, M. Gaceur, C. Videlot Ackermann, O. Margeat, J. Ackermann
Advanced Energy Materials 6 13 1600290 (2016)
Square-Centimeter-Sized High-Efficiency Polymer Solar Cells: How the Processing Atmosphere and Film Quality Influence Performance at Large Scale
S. Ben Dkhil, M. Pfannmoller, S. Bals, T. Koganezawa, N. Yoshimoto, D. Hannani, M. Gaceur, C. Videlot Ackermann, O. Margeat, J. Ackermann
Advanced Engineering Materials 6 13 1600290 (2016)
Controlling charge separation and recombination by chemical design in donor-acceptor dyads
L. Liu, P. Eisenbrandt, T. Roland, M. Polkehn, P.O. Schwartz, K. Bruchlos, B. Omieienski, S. Ludwigs, N. Leclerc, E. Zaborova, J. Leonard, S. Mery, I. Burghardt, S. Haacke
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 27 18536-18548 (2016)
Mn5Ge3C0.6 /Ge(1 1 1) Schottky contacts tuned by an n-type ultra-shallow doping layer
M. Petit, R. Hayakawa, Y. Wakayama, V. Le Thanh, L. Michez
Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics 49 35 355101 (2016)
Solvent screening and crystal habit of metformin hydrochloride
I. Benmessaoud, O. Koutchoukali, M. Bouhelassa, A. Nouar, S. Veesler
Journal of Crystal Growth 451 42-51 (2016)
All-Dielectric silicon nanogap antennas to enhance the fluorescence of single molecules
R. Regmi, J. Berthelot, P.M. Winkler, M. Mivelle, J. Proust, F. Bedu, I. Ozerov, T. Begou, J. Lumeau, H. Rigneault, M.F. García-parajó, S. Bidault, J. Wenger, N. Bonod
Nano Letters 16 5143-5151 (2016)
Infrared light emission from nano hot electron gas created in atomic point contacts
T. Malinowski, H.R. Klein, M. Iazykov, PH. Dumas
EuroPhysics Letters 114 57002 (2016)
In situ Raman microspectroscopic analysis of soot samples with different organic content: structural changes during heating
M.N. Ess, D. Ferry, E.D. Kireeva, R. Niessner, F.-X. Ouf, N.P. Ivleva
Carbon 105 572-585 (2016)
Realistic molecular model of kerogen's nanostructure
C. Bousige, C.M. Ghimbeu, C. Vix Guterl, A.E. Pomerantz, A. Suleimenova, G. Vaughan, G. Garbarino, M. Feygenson, C. Wildgruber, F.J. Ulm, R-J-M. Pellenq, B. Coasne
Nature Materials 15 5 576+ (2016)
Non-Photochemical Laser-Induced Nucleation of Sulfathiazole in a Water/Ethanol Mixture
W.J. Li, A. Ikni, P. Scouflaire, X.X. Shi, N. El Hassan, P. Gemeiner, J.M. Gillet, A. Spasojevic De Bire
Crystal Growth and Design 16 5 2514-2526 (2016)
Polymerization Initiated by Organic Electron Donors
J. Broggi, M. Rollet, J.L. Clément, G. Canard, T. Terme, D. Gigmes, P. Vanelle
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 20 5994-5999 (2016)
How to control solid state dewetting: a short review
F. Leroy, L. Borowik, F. Cheynis, Y. Almadori, S. Curiotto, M. Trautmann, J.C. Barbé, P. Müller
Surface Science Reports 71 391-409 (2016)
An alternative model for the formation of hydrous Mg/Ni layer silicates (‘deweylite’/‘garnierite’) in faulted peridotites of New Caledonia: I. Texture and mineralogy of a paragenetic succession of silicate infillings
E. Fritsch, F. Juillot, G. Dublet, L. Fonteneau, D. Fandeur, E. Martin, L. Caner, A.L. Auzende, O. Grauby, D. Beaufort
European Journal of Mineralogy 28 295-311 (2016)
A comprehensive analysis of the (root 13 x root 13)R13.9 degrees type II structure of silicene on Ag(111)
H. Jamgotchian, B. Ealet, H. Maradj, J.Y. Hoarau, J.P. Bibérian, B. Aufray
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 28 19 95002-95002 (2016)
Nano-clustering of ligands on surrogate antigen presenting cells modulates T cell membrane adhesion and organization
P. Dillard, F.W. Pi, A.C. Lellouch, L. Limozin, K. Sengupta
Integrative Biology 8 3 287-301 (2016)
Electronic energy and electron transfer processes in photoexcited donor-acceptor dyad and triad molecular systems based on triphenylene and perylene diimide units
K.J. Lee, J.H. Woo, E. Kim, Y. Xiao, X. Su, L.M. Mazur, A.J. Attias, F. Fages, O. Cregut, A. Barsella, F. Mathevet, L. Mager, J.M. Wu, A. D'aléo, J.C. Ribierre
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 11 7875-7887 (2016)
Boron Difluoride Curcuminoid Fluorophores with Enhanced Two-Photon Excited Fluorescence Emission and Versatile Living-Cell Imaging Properties
K. Kamada, T. Namikawa, S. Senatore, C. Matthews, P.F. Lenne, O. Maury, C. Andraud, M. Ponce Vargas, B. Le Guennic, D. Jacquemin, P. Agbo, D.D. An, S.S. Gauny, X. Liu, R.J. Abergel, F. Fages, A. D'aléo
Chemistry - A European Journal 22 15 5219-5232 (2016)
Borondifluoride complexes of hemicurcuminoids as bio-inspired push-pull dyes for bioimaging
E. Kim, A. Felouat, E. Zaborova, J.C. Ribierre, J.W. Wu, S. Senatore, C. Matthews, P.F. Lenne, C. Baffert, A. Karapetyan, M. Giorgi, D. Jacquemin, M. Ponce Vargas, B. Le Guennic, F. Fages, A. D'aléo
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry / Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 14 4 1311-1324 (2016)
NIR-to-NIR Two-Photon Scanning Laser Microscopy Imaging of Single Nanoparticles Doped by Yb-III Complexes
A. Bourdolle, A. D'aléo, C. Philippot, P.L. Baldeck, Y. Guyot, F. Dubois, A. Ibanez, C. Andraud, S. Brasselet, O. Maury
ChemPhysChem 17 1 128-135 (2016)
Catalytically-enhanced thermal decomposition of chemically grown silicon oxide layers on Si(001)
F. Leroy, T. Passanante, F. Cheynis, S. Curiotto, E. Bussmann, P. Müller
Applied Physics Letters 108 111601 (2016)
Low thermal budget for Si and SiGe surface preparation for FD-SOI technology
M. Labrot, F. Cheynis, D. Barge, P. Müller, M. Juhel
Applied Surface Science 371 436 (2016)
D/A cruciform bithiophene chromophores as potential molecular scaffolds for optoelectronic applications
H. Aboubakr, C. Praveen, V. Malytskyi, R. Sawadogo, J.-M. Sotiropoulos, L. Belec, H. Brisset, J.-M. Raimundo
Tetrahedron 72 10 1381-1386 (2016)
CO Adsorption-Induced Surface Segregation and Formation of Pd Chains on AuPd(100) Alloy: Density Functional Theory Based Ising Model and Monte Carlo Simulations
B.E. Zhu, J. Creuze, C. Mottet, B. Legrand, H. Guesmi
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 1 350-359 (2016)
Formation of silicene on silver: Strong interaction between Ag and Si
G. Prevot, R. Bernard, H. Cruguel, A. Curcella, M. Lazzeri, T. Leoni, L. Masson, A. Ranguis, Y. Borenszstein
Physica Status solidi (b) 253 2 206-217 (2016)
Optical and morphological properties of thin films of bis-pyrenyl π-conjugated molecules
T. Lelaidier, T. Lünskens, A. Von Weber, T. Leoni, A. Ranguis, A. D'aléo, F. Fages, A. Kartouzian, C. Becker, U. Heiz
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 5299-5305 (2016)
Pd surface and Pt subsurface segregation in Pt1-c Pd c nanoalloys
A. De Clercq, S. Giorgio, C. Mottet
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 28 6 064006 (2016)
The spalling decay of building bioclastic limestones of Provence (South East of France): From clay minerals swelling to hydric dilation
J. Berthonneau, P. Bromblet, F. Chezrblanc, E. Ferrage, J-M. Vallet, O. Grauby
Journal of Cultural Heritage 17 53-60 (2016)
Elastic cost of silicon rebonding
F. Leroy, Y. Garreau, F. Cheynis, B. Croset, A. Coati, P. Müller, G. Prévot
Physical Review B 93 045416 (2016)
Core–shell Pd–Pt nanocubes for the CO oxidation
A. De Clercq, O. Margeat, G. Sitja, C.R. Henry, S. Giorgio
Journal of Catalysis 336 33-40 (2016)
Modern and past volcanic degassing of iodine
H. Bureau, A.L. Auzende, M. Marocchi, C. Raepsaet, P. Munch, D. Testemale, M. Mezouar, S. Kubsky, M. Carriere, A. Ricolleau, G. Fiquet
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 173 114-125 (2016)
Clinopyroxene in postshield Haleakala ankaramite. 2 : Texture, compositional zoning and supersaturation in the magma - DOI 10.1007/s00410-015-1213-9
B. Welsch, J. Hammer, A. Baronnet, S. Jacob, E. Hellebrand, J. Sinton
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 171 1 1-19 (2016)
Theoretical study of defect impact on two-dimensional MoS2
A. Krivosheeva, V. Shaposhnikov, V. Borisenko, J-L. Lazzari, C. Waileong, J. Gusakova, B.K. Tay
Journal of Semiconductors 36 12 122002-12200 (2016)
Surface diffusion of Au on Si(111)-Au studied by nucleation-rate and Ostwald-ripening analysis
S. Curiotto, F. Cheynis, F. Leroy, P. Müller
Surface Science 647 L8-L11 (2016)
Ferromagnetic resonance and magnetic damping in C-doped Mn5Ge3
C-E DUTOIT. , V.O. Dolocan, M. Kuzmin, L. Michez, M. Petit, V. Le Thanh, B. Pigeau, S. Bertaina
Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics 49 4 045001 (2015)
Key roles of carbon solubility in single-walled carbon nanotube nucleation and growth
M. He, H. Amara, H. Jiang, J. Hassinen, C. Bichara, R. H. A. Ras, J. Lehtonen, E. I. Kauppinen, A. Loiseau
Nanoscale 7 20284–2028 (2015)
Thermal behaviour and thin film properties of a bis-pyrene compound for organic thin film transistor applications
C. Constantinescu, A.K. Diallo, A. D’aleo, F. Fages, P. Rotaru, C. Videlot-ackermann, P. Delaporte, A.-P. Alloncle
Synthetic Metals 209 29 (2015)
Cement As a Waste Form for Nuclear Fission Products: The Case of Sr-90 and Its Daughters
L. Dezerald, J.J. Kohanoff, A.A. Correa, A. Caro, R-J-M. Pellenq, F.J. Ulm, A. Saul
Environmental Science and Technology 49 22 13676-13683 (2015)
Versatile Microfluidic Approach to Crystallization
S. Zhang, N. Ferté, N. Candoni, S. Veesler
Organic Process Research and development 19 12 1837-1841 (2015)
Effect of Chain Length and Pore Accessibility on Alkane Adsorption in Kerogen
K. Falk, R. Pellenq, F.J. Ulm, B. Coasne
Energy and Fuels 29 12 7889-7896 (2015)
Measuring fast stochastic displacements of bio-membranes with dynamic optical displacement spectroscopy
C. Monzel, D. Schmidt, C. Kleusch, D. Kirchenbuechler, U. Seifert, A.-S. Smith, K. Sengupta, R. Merkel
Nature Communications 6 8162 (2015)
A novel triazole nucleoside suppresses prostate cancer cell growth by inhibiting heat shock factor 1 and androgen receptor
Y. Xia, M. Wang, E. Beraldi, M. Cong, A. Zoubeidi, M. Gleave, L. Peng
Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 15 10 1333-1340 (2015)
Rigidity Transition in Materials: Hardness is Driven by Weak Atomic Constraints
M. Bauchy, M.J.A. Qomi, C. Bichara, F-J. Ulm, R-J.-M. Pellenq
Physical Review Letters 114 125502 (2015)
Size Dependent Phase Diagrams of Nickel-Carbon Nanoparticles
Y. Magnin, A. Zapelli, H. Amara, F. Ducastelle, C. Bichara
Physical Review Letters 115 205502 (2015)
Serum Pantetheinase/Vanin levels regulate erythrocyte homeostasis and severity of Malaria
S. Rommelaere, V. Millet, P. Rihet, S. Atwell, E. Helfer, L. Chasson, C. Beaumont, G. Chimini, M. D. Sambo, A. Viallat, C. Penha-gonçalves, F. Galland, P. Naquet
The American Journal of Pathology 185 11 3039-3052 (2015)
Crossover among structural motifs in Pd–Au nanoalloys
B. Zhu, H. Guesmi, J. Creuze, B. Legrand, C. Mottet
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 28129-28136 (2015)
A comprehensive study of the (23*23)R30° structure of silicene on Ag(111)
H. Jamgotchian, B. Ealet, Y. Colignon, H. Maradj, J-Y. Hoarau, J-P. Biberian, B. Aufray
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 27 39 395002 (2015)
Thermally Induced Modifications and Phase Transformations of Red Coral Mg-Calcite Skeletons from Infrared Spectroscopy and High Resolution Synchrotron Powder Diffraction Analyses
N. Floquet, D. Vielzeuf, D. Ferry, A. Ricolleau, V. Heresanu, J. Perrin, D. Laporte, A.N. Fitch
Crystal Growth and Design 15 8 3690-3706 (2015)
RAFT-synthesized polymers based on new ferrocenyl methacrylates and electrochemical properties
R. W. Nguema Edzang, M. Lejars, H. Brisset, J.-M. Raimundo, C. Bressy
RSC Advances 5 77019-77026 (2015)
Morphology, microstructure, crystallography, and chemistry of distinct CaCO3 deposits formed by early recruits of the scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis
M. Gilis, A. Meibom, D. Alexander, O. Grauby, J. Stolarski, A. Baronnet
Journal of Morphology 276 10 1146-1156 (2015)
Tuning solid-state emission properties of pyrene-containing chalcone derivatives
A. D'aleo, A. Karapetyan, V. Heresanu, M. Giorgi, F. Fages
Tetrahedron 71 2255-2259 (2015)
Prediction of sizes and frequencies of nanoliter-sized droplets in cylindrical T-junction microfluidics
S. Zhang, C. Guivier Curien, S. Veesler, N. Candoni
Chemical Engineering and Science 138 128-139 (2015)
Magnetic anisotropy and magnetic domain structure in C-doped Mn5Ge3
L.A. Michez, F. Virot, M. Petit, R. Hayn, L. Notin, O. Fruchart, V. Heresanu, M. Jamet, V. Le Thanh
Journal of Applied Physics 118 4 043906 (2015)
Epitaxial growth of strained Mn5Ge3 nanoislands on Ge(001)
S.F.O. Mendez, L.A. Michez, A. Spiesser, V. Le Thanh
Physica Status solidi (b) 252 8 1854-1859 (2015)
Nucleation in complex multi-component and multi-phase systems: general discussion
S. Price, B. Rimez, W. Sun, B. Peters, H. Christenson, C. Hughes, C.C. Sun, S. Veesler, H. Pan, C. Brandel, B. Biscans, H. Meekes, I. Rosbottom, W.J. Roth, L. Seton, F. Taulelle, S. Black, T. Threlfall, P. Vekilov, S. Poornachary, J. Diemand, D. Toroz, M.
Faraday Discussions 179 503-542 (2015)
Solvent and additive interactions as determinants in the nucleation pathway: general discussion
C.C. Sun, W. Sun, S. Price, C. Hughes, J. Ter Horst, S. Veesler, K. Lewtas, A. Myerson, H. Pan, G. Coquerel, J. Van Den Ende, H. Meekes, M. Mazzotti, I. Rosbottom, F. Taulelle, S. Black, A. Mackenzie, S. Janbon, P. Vekilov, T. Threlfall, T. Turner, K. Bac
Faraday Discussions 179 383-420 (2015)
Molecular self-assembly and clustering in nucleation processes: general discussion
S. Price, S. Veesler, H. Pan, K. Lewtas, M. Smets, B. Rimez, A. Myerson, C. Hughes, A. Hare, F. Zhang, H. Meekes, M. Mazzotti, I. Rosbottom, D. Khamar, J. Van Den Ende, L. Fabian, S. Black, F. Taulelle, M. Gich, P. Vekilov, D. Toroz, C.A. Bertran, J. Sefc
Faraday Discussions 179 155-197 (2015)
Atomic-order thermal nitridation of group IV semiconductors for ultra-large-scale integration
J. Murota, V. Le Thanh
Advances in Natural Sciences : Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 6 015001-01500 (2015)
Making germanium, an indirect band gap semiconductor, suitable for light-emitting devices
T.K. Phuong Luong, V. Le Thanh, A. Ghrib, M. El Kurdi, P. Boucaud
Advances in Natural Sciences : Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 6 015013 (2015)
Tuning the Direction of Intramolecular Charge Transfer and the Nature of the Fluorescent State in a T-Shaped Molecular Dyad
A. Felouat, A. D'aléo, A. Charaf-eddin, D. Jacquemin, B. Le Guennic, E. Kim, K-J. Lee, J-H. Woo, J-C. Ribierre, J-W. Wu, F. Fages
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 119 24 6283-6295 (2015)
In-plane Si nanowire growthmechanis in absence of external Si flux
S. Curiotto, F. Leroy, F. Cheynis, P. Müller
Nano Letters 15 4788-4792 (2015)
Surface segregation in AuPd alloys: Ab initio analysis of the driving forces
J. Creuze, H. Guesmi, C. Mottet, B.E. Zhu, B. Legrand
Surface Science 639 48-53 (2015)
Structural and chemical changes in kaolinite caused by fl ash calcination: Formation of spherical particles
M. Claverie, F. Martin, J.P. Tardy, M. Cyr, P. De Parseval, O. Grauby, C. Leroux
Applied Clay Science 114 247-255 (2015)
Localizing and inducing primary nucleation
Z. Hammadi, R. Grossier, A. Ikni, N. Candoni, R. Morin, S. Veesler
Faraday Discussions 179 489-501 (2015)
Very low-temperature epitaxial growth of Mn5Ge3 and Mn5Ge3C0.2 films on Ge(111) using molecular beam epitaxy
M. Petit, L. Michez, C-E. Dutoit, S. Bertaina, V.O. Dolocan, V. Heresanu, M. Stoffel, V. Le Thanh
Thin Solid Films 589 427-432 (2015)
Diffusion of Interlayer Cations in Swelling Clays as a Function of Water Content: Case of Montmorillonites Saturated with Alkali Cations
F. Salles, J.M. Douillard, O. Bildstein, S. El Ghazi, B. Prelot, J. Zajac, H. Van Damme
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 19 10370-10378 (2015)
Magnetic reversal in Mn5Ge3 thin films: an extensive study
L-A. Michez, A. Spiesser, M. Petit, S. Bertaina, J-F. Jacquot, D. Dufeu, C. Coudreau, M. Jamet, V. Le Thanh
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 27 26 266001 (2015)
Importance of interfacial step alignment in hetero-epitaxy and orientation relationships: the case of Ag equilibrated on Ni substrates. Part 2 experiments
D. Chatain, P. Wynblatt, A.D. Rollett, G.S. Rohrer
Journal of Materials Science 50 15 5276-5285 (2015)
Synthesis of poly(aminoester) dendrimers via 'click' chemistry in combination with the divergent and convergent strategies
P. Moreno, G. Quelever, L. Peng
Tetrahedron Letters 56 4043-4046 (2015)
Structural examination of the interface between Au catalysts and Ge(111)
H. Zitouni, A. Mehdaoui, A. Spisser, K.F. Khodia, L. Josien, V. Le Thanh, C. Pirri
Acta Materialia 90 310-317 (2015)
Shape transition in nano-pits after solid-phase etching of SiO2 by Si islands
F. Leroy, Y. Saito, S. Curiotto, F. Cheynis, O. Pierre-louis, P. Müller
Applied Physics Letters 106 191601 (2015)
Magnetic properties of self-organized Co dimer nanolines on Si/Ag(110)
L. Michez, K. Chen, F. Cheynis, F. Leroy, A. Ranguis, H. Jamgotchian, M. Hanbücken, L. Masson
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 6 777-784 (2015)
Optimized molecular reconstruction procedure combining hybrid reverse Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics
C. Bousige, A. Botan, F.J. Ulm, R-J-M. Pellenq, B. Coasne
Journal of Chemical Physics 142 11 14112-14112 (2015)
Functional multilayered capacitor pixels printed by picosecond laser-induced forward transfer using a smart beam shaping technique
L. Rapp, C. Constantinescu, Y. Larmande, A.K. Diallo, C. Videlot Ackermann, P. Delaporte, A.P. Alloncle
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 224 111-118 (2015)
Mn-Ge nanocluster formation vs. diluted magnetic semiconductuor formation
A. Portavoce, O. Abbes, A. Spiesser, C. Girardeaux, L. Michez, V. Le Thanh
Scripta Materialia 100 70-73 (2015)
Microcapacitors with controlled electrical capacity in the pF-nF range printed by laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT)
C. Constantinescu, L. Rapp, A.K. Diallo, C. Videlot Ackermann, P. Delaporte, P. Alloncle
Organic Electronics 20 1-7 (2015)
Laser-induced forward transfer of a bis-pyrene compound for OTFTs
C. Constantinescu, A.K. Diallo, A. D'aléo, F. Fages, C. Videlot Ackermann, P. Delaporte, A.P. Alloncle
Applied Surface Science 336 133-137 (2015)
Laser-induced forward transfer of multi-layered structures for OTFT applications
C. Constantinescu, A.K. Diallo, L. Rapp, P. Cremillieu, R. Mazurczyk, F. Serein Spirau, J.P. Lere Porte, P. Delaporte, A.P. Alloncle, C. Videlot Ackermann
Applied Surface Science 336 11-15 (2015)
Antiferromagnetic phase of the gapless semiconductor V3Al
M.E. Jamer, B.A. Assaf, G.E. Sterbinsky, D. Arena, L.H. Lewis, A.A. Saùl, G. Radtke, D. Heiman
Physical Review B 91 094409 (2015)
Temperature dependence of the radiative lifetimes in Ge and Si nanocrystals
N.C. Forero Martinez, H.L. Thi Le, N. Ning, H. Vach, H.-C. Weissker
Nanoscale 7 4942 (2015)
Molecular Size and Electronic Structure Combined Effects on the Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence of Sulfurated Pyrene-Cored Dendrimers
G. Valenti, A. Fiorani, S. Di Motta, G. Bergamini, M. Gingras, P. Ceroni, F. Negri, F. Paolucci, M. Marcaccio
Chemistry - A European Journal 21 2936-2947 (2015)
Strain distribution due to surface domains: a self-consistent approach with respect to surface elasticity
J. Fuhr, P. Müller
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 6 321 (2015)
Ordering and surface segregation in Co1−cPtc nanoparticles: A theoretical study from surface alloys to nanoalloys
A. Lopes, G. Tréglia, C. Mottet, B. Legrand
Physical Review B 91 035407 (2015)
Structural characterization of new defective molecules in poly(amidoamide)dendrimers by combining mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance
A. Tintaru, R. Ungaro, X. Liu, C. Chen, L. Giordano, L. Peng, L. Charles
Analytica Chimica Acta 853 451-459 (2015)
Self propelled motion of Au-Si droplets on Si(111) mediated by monoatomic step dissolution
S. Curiotto, F. Leroy, F. Cheynis, P. Müller
Surface Science 632 1-8 (2015)
Two-photon excited fluorescence of BF2 complexes of curcumin analogues: toward NIR-to-NIR fluorescent organic nanoparticles
A. D'aleo, A. Felouat, V. Heresanu, A. Ranguis, D. Chaudanson, A. Karapetyan, M. Giorgi, F. Fages
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2 5208-5215 (2014)
An atomistic modeling of the xenon bubble behavior in the UO2 matrix
A. Jelea, R.J.-M. Pellenq, F. Ribeiro
Journal of nuclear materials 444 1-3 153-160 (2014)
Controlling local packing and growth in calcium-silicate-hydrate gels
K. Ioannidou, R.J.-M. Pellenq, E. Delgado
Soft Matter 10 8 1121-1133 (2014)
Docking Sr-90 radionuclide in cement: An atomistic modeling study
M. Youssef, R.J.-M. Pellenq, B. Yildiz
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 70-71 39-44 (2014)
Effect of temperature on adsorption of mixtures in porous materials
K.I. Falk, B.A. Coasne, R.J.M. Pellenq
Molecular Simulation 40 1-3 45-51 (2014)
Anomalous composition-dependent dynamics of nanoconfined water in the interlayer of disordered calcium-silicates
M.J.A. Qomi, M. Bauchy, F.J. Ulm, R.J.M. Pellenq
Journal of Chemical Physics 140 5 054515 (2014)
Mesoscale properties of clay aggregates from potential of mean force representation of interactions between nanoplatelets
D. Ebrahimi, A.J. Whittle, R.J.M. Pellenq
Journal of Chemical Physics 140 15 154309 (2014)
Elastic Properties of Swelling Clay Particles at Finite Temperature upon Hydration
B. Carrier, M. Vandamme, R.J.-M. Pellenq, H. Van Damme
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 17 8933-8943 (2014)
Si Ultrathin Films on Silver Surfaces: An Intriguing Epitaxial System
T. Leoni, R. Bernard, A. Ranguis, Y. Borensztein, G. Prévot, L. Masson
ECS Transactions 64 89 (2014)
Effect of concentration in Ge-Te liquids: A combined density functional and neutron scattering study
M. Micoulaut, M.-V. Coulet, A. Piarristeguy, M.R. Johnson, G.J. Cuello, C. Bichara, J.-Y. Raty, H. Flores-ruiz, A. Pradel
Physical Review B 89 174205 (2014)
Nanoscale Structure of Cement: Viewpoint of Rigidity Theory
M. Bauchy, M.J.A. Qomi, C. Bichara, F-J. Ulm, R.J.-M. Pellenq
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 12485-12493 (2014)
Extendable nickel complex tapes that reach NIR absorptions
H. Audi, Z. Chen, A. Charaf-eddin, A. D'aleo, G. Canard, D. Jacquemin, O. Siri
Chemical Communications / Chem Commun (Cambridge) 50 96 15140-3 (2014)
A soft matter in construction - Statistical physics approach for formation and mechanics of C-S-H in cement
E. Del Gado, K. Ioannidou, E. Masoero, A. Baronnet, R.J.-M. Pellenq, F.J. Ulm, S. Yip
European Physical Journal-special Topics 223 2285-2295 (2014)
Combinatorial molecular optimization of cement hydrates
M.J. Abdolhosseini Qomi, K. Krakoviac, M. Bauchy, K. Stewart, R. Shahsavari, D. Jagannathan, D. Brommer, A. Baronnet, M. Buehler, S. Yip, K. Van Vliet, F.J. Ulm, R.J.-M. Pellenq
Nature Communications 5 4960 (2014)
Interdependency of Subsurface Carbon Distribution and Graphene-Catalyst Interaction
R.S. Weatherum, H. Amara, R. Blume, B. Dlubak, B.C. Bayer, M. Diarra, M. Bahri, A. Cabrerovilatela, S. Caneva, P.R. Kidambi, M.B. Martin, C. Deranlot, P. Seneor, R. Schloegl, F. Ducastelle, C. Bichara, S. Hofmann
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 39 13698-13708 (2014)
Separation of rare gases and chiral molecules by selective binding in porous organic cages
L. Chen, P.S. Reiss, S.Y. Chong, D. Holden, K.E. Jelfs, T. Hasell, M.A. Little, A. Kewley, M.E. Briggs, A. Stephenson, K.M. Thomas, J.A. Armstrong, J. Bell, J. Busto, R. Noel, J. Liu, D.M. Strachan, P.K. Thallapally, A.I. Cooper
Nature Materials 13 954-960 (2014)
The triplite-triploidite supergroup: structural modulation in wagnerite, discreditation of magniotriplite, and the new mineral hydroxylwagnerite
C. Chopin, T. Armbruster, E.S. Grew, A. Baronnet, C. Leyx, O. Medenbach
European Journal of Mineralogy 26 4 553-565 (2014)
Impact of swelling clays on the spalling decay of building limestones : insights from X-ray diffraction profile modeling
J. Berthonneau, O. Grauby, E. Ferrage, J-M. Vallet, P. Bromblet, D. Dessandier, D. Chaudanson, A. Baronnet
European Journal of Mineralogy 26 643-656 (2014)
Solution cocrystallization, an effective tool to explore the variety of cocrystal systems: caffeine/dicarboxylic acid cocrystals
T. Leyssens, N. Tumanova, K. Robeyns, N. Candoni, S. Veesler
CrystEngComm 16 9603-9611 (2014)
Transmission enhancement through square coaxial aperture arrays in metallic film: when leaky modes filter infrared light for multispectral imaging
B. Vial, M. Commandré, G. Demesy, A. Nicolet, F. Zolla, F. Bedu, H. Dallaporta, S. Tisserand, L. Roux
Optics Letters 39 16 4723-4726 (2014)
Growth of Pt-Pd Nanoparticles Studied In Situ by HRTEM in a Liquid Cell
A. De Clercq, W. Dachraoui, O. Margeat, K. Pelzer, C.R. Henry, S. Giorgio
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5 12 2126-2130 (2014)
Multiphase equation of state for carbon addressing high pressures and temperatures
L.X. Benedict, K.P. Driver, S. Hamel, B. Militzer, T.T. Qi, A.A. Correa, A. Saul, E. Schwegler
Physical Review B 89 22 224109 (2014)
C-H center dot center dot center dot BF2O2 Interactions in Crystals: A Case for Boron Hydrogen Bonding?
P. Alemany, A. D'aléo, M. Giorgi, E. Canadell, F. Fages
Crystal Growth and Design 14 8 3700-3703 (2014)
Comparative study of nano-sized particles CoFe2O4 effects on superconducting properties of Y-123 and Y-358
Y. Slimani, E. Hannachi, M.K. Bensalem, A. Hamrita, A. Varilci, W. Dachraoui, M. Bensalem, F. Benazzouz
Physica B : Condensed Matter 450 7-15 (2014)
Highly Efficient Chiral Resolution of dl-Arginine by Cocrystal Formation Followed by Recrystallization under Preferential-Enrichment Conditions
S. Iwama, K. Kuyama, Y. Mori, K. Manoj, R.G. Gonnade, K. Suzuki, C.E. Hughes, P.A. Williams, K.D.M. Harris, S. Veesler, H. Takahashi, H. Tsue, R. Tamura
Chemistry - A European Journal 20 10343-10350 (2014)
A ‘click’ chemistry constructed affinity system for 2-oxoglutaric acid receptors and binding proteins
Y. Wang, Z. Assaf, X. Liu, F. Ziarelli, A. Latifi, O. Lamrabet, G. Quélever, F. Qu, C-C. Zhang, L. Peng
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry / Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 12 6470-6475 (2014)
Determination of Aggregate Primary Particle Size Distribution by TEM Image Analysis: Application to Soot
A. Bescond, J. Yon, F.X. Ouf, D. Ferry, D. Delhaye, D. Gaffié, A. Coppalle, C. Rozé
Aerosol Science and Technology 48 8 831-841 (2014)
Imaging angiogenesis: an innovative radiolabeled RGD-targeting dendrimer
P. Garrigue, L. Peng, D. Taieb, B. Guillet
Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology 28 1-SI 3-3 (2014)
Atomic-scale modelling of elastic and failure properties of clays
G. Hantal, L. Brochard, H. Laubie, E. Ebrahimi, R-J-M. Pellenq, F.J. Ulm, B. Coasne
Molecular Physics 112 9-10 1294-1305 (2014)
NIR Emission in Borondifluoride Complexes of 2 '-Hydroxychalcone Derivatives Containing an Acetonaphthone Ring
A. D'aléo, V. Heresanu, M. Giorgi, B. Le Guennic, D. Jacquemin, F. Fages
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 22 11906-11918 (2014)
Experimental Demonstration of the Carbamazepine Crystallization from Non-photochemical Laser-Induced Nucleation in Acetonitrile and Methanol
A. Ikni, B. Clair, P. Scouflaire, S. Veesler, J.-M. Gillet, N. El Hassan, F. Dumas, A. Spasojević-de Biré
Crystal Growth and Design 14 3286-3299 (2014)
Incipient weathering by Stereocaulon vulcani at Réunion volcanic island
J.D. Meunier, S. Kirman, D. Srasberg, O. Grauby, P. Dussouillez
Chemical Geology 382 123-131 (2014)
Non equilibrium diffusion of reactive solid islands
F. Leroy, Y. Saito, F. Cheynis, E. Bussmann, O. Pierre-louis, P. Müller
Physical Review B 89 235406 (2014)
Highly-ordered molecular films on Au(111): the N-Heteroacene approach
T. Lelaidier, T. Leoni, P. Arumugam, A. Ranguis, C. Becker, O. Siri
Langmuir 30 5700 (2014)
Mechanical characterization of cross-linked serum albumin microcapsules
C. De Loubens, C. Deschamps, M. Georgelin, A. Charrier, F. Edwards-levy, M. Leonetti
Soft Matter 10 4561-4568 (2014)
Weathering of olivine under CO2 atmosphere : a Martian perspective
E. Dehouck, A. Gaudin, N. Mangold, L. Lajaunie, A. Dauzère, O. Grauby, E. Le Menn
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 135 170-189 (2014)
Information on quantum states pervades the visible spectrum of the ubiquitous Au144(SR)60 gold nanocluster
H.CH. Weissker, H. Barron Escobar, V.D. Thanthirige, K. Kwark, D. Lee, G. Ramakrishna, R.L. Whetten, X. Lopez Lozano
Nature Communications 5 3785 (2014)
Investigating the Dissolution of the Metastable Triclinic Polymorph of Carbamazepine using in situ Microscopy
M. O’mahony, C. C. Seaton, D.M. Croker, S. Veesler, Å. C. Rasmusona, B. K. Hodnett
CrystEngComm 16 20 4133-4141 (2014)
Combining Low-Energy Electron Microscopy and Scanning Probe Microscopy techniques for Surface Science : development of a novel sample-holder
F. Cheynis, F. Leroy, A. Ranguis, B. Detailleur, P. Bindzi, C. Veit, W. Bon, P. Müller
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 043705 (2014)
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Investigation of Ultrathin Titanium Oxide Films Grown on Pt3Ti(111)
C. Breinlich, M. Buchholz, M. Moors, S. Le Moal, C. Becker, K. Wandelt
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 6186 (2014)
Molecular-beam epitaxial growth of tensile-strained and n-doped Ge/Si(001) films using a GaP decomposition source
T.K.P. Luong, A. Ghrib, M.T. Dau, M.A. Zrir, M. Stoffel, V. Le Thanh, R. Daineche, T.G. Le, V. Heresanu, O. Abbes, M. Petit, M. El Kurdi, P. Boucaud, H. Rinnert, J. Murota
Thin Solid Films 557 70-75 (2014)
About Ge(Mn) diluted magnetic semiconductor
A. Portavoce, S. Bertaina, O. Abbes, L. Chow, V. Lethanh
Materials Letters 119 68-70 (2014)
Surface Chemistry and Atomic-Scale Reconstruction of Kerogen-Silica Composites
G. Hantal, L. Brochard, M.N.D.S. Cordeiro, F.J. Ulm, R.J.M. Pellenq
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 5 2429-2438 (2014)
Synthesis and electrical conductivity of multilayer silicene
P. Vogt, P. Capiod, M. Berthe, A. Resta, P. De Padova, T. Bruhn, G. Le Lay, B. Grandidier
Applied Physics Letters 104 2 021602 (2014)
Influence of Pyrene Grafting on PMMA Nanosecond Laser Ablation at 248 nm
E. Biver, M. Berta, A. D'aleo, T. Phan, S. Maria, F. Fages, D. Gigmes, M. Sentis, P. Delaporte
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 1 41-48 (2014)
Tuning the transport properties of graphene films grown by CVD on SiC(0001): Effect of in situ hydrogenation and annealing
B. Jabakhanji, A. Michon, C. Consejo, W. Desrat, M. Portail, A. Tiberj, M. Paillet, A. Zahab, F. Cheynis, F. Lafont, F. Schopfer, W. Poirier, F. Bertran, P. Le Fèvre, A. Taleb-ibrahimi, D. Kazazis, W. Escoffier, B.C. Camargo, Y. Kopelevich, J. Camassel
Physical Review B 89 085422 (2014)
Oxygen-induced inhibition of silicon-on-insulator dewetting
S. Curiotto, F. Leroy, F. Cheynis, P. Müller
Applied Physics Letters 104 061603 (2014)
Transient Calcium Carbonate Hexahydrate (Ikaite) Nucleated and Stabilized in Confined Nano- and Picovolumes
I. Rodríguez-ruiz, S. Veesler, J. Gómez-morales, J.M. Delgado-lópez, O. Grauby, Z. Hammadi, N. Candoni, J.M. García-ruiz
Crystal Growth and Design 14 792-802 (2014)
Nano-scale mechanics of colloidal C-S-H gels
E. Masoero, E. Delgado, R.J.M. Pellenq, S. Yip, F.J. Ulm
Soft Matter 10 3 491-499 (2014)
Vibrational properties of epitaxial silicene layers on (111) Ag
E. Scalise, E. Cinquanta, M. Houssa, B. Van Den Broek, D. Chiappe, C. Grazianetti, G. Pourtois, B. Ealet, A. Molle, M. Fanciulli, V.V. Afanas'ev, A. Stesmans
Applied Surface Science 291 113-117 (2014)
Theoretical aspects of graphene-like group IV semiconductors
M. Houssa, B. Van Den Broek, E. Scalise, B. Ealet, G. Pourtois, D. Chiappe, E. Cinquanta, C. Grazianetti, M. Fanciulli, A. Molle, V.V. Afanas'ev, A. Stesmans
Applied Surface Science 291 98-103 (2014)
Conformational sensibility of PEO-PAMAM hybrid molecules to cations adducted upon electrospray ionization – A mass spectrometry, ion mobility and molecular modeling study
A. Tintaru, C. Chendo, Q. Wang, S. Viel, G. Quelever, L. Peng, P. Posocco, S. Pricl, L. Charles
Analytica Chimica Acta 808 163-174 (2014)
Simple views on surface stress and surface energy concepts
P. Müller, A. Saul, F. Leroy
Advances in Natural Sciences : Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 5 013002 (2014)
'Distribution of sulphur and magnesium in the red coral
D. Vielzeuf, J. Garrabou, A. Gagnon, A. Ricolleau, J. Adkins, D. Günther, K. Hametner, J.-L. Devidal, E. Reusser, J. Perrin, N. Floquet
Chemical Geology 355 13-27 (2013)
Giant optical field enhancement in multi-dielectric stacks by photon scanning tunneling microscopy
C. Ndiaye, M. Zerrad, A.L. Lereu, R. Roche, P. Dumas, F. Lemarchand, C. Amra
Applied Physics Letters 103 13 131102 (2013)
Evidence of Pd segregation and stabilization at edges of AuPd nano-clusters in the presence of CO: A combined DFT and DRIFTS study
B. Zhu, G. Thrimurthulu, L. Delannoy, C. Louis, C. Mottet, J. Creuze, B. Legrand, H. Guesmi
Journal of Catalysis 308 272-281 (2013)
Ab Initio Electronic Gaps of Ge Nanodots: The Role of Self-Energy Effects
M. Marsili, S. Botti, M. Palummo, E. Degoli, O. Pulci, H.-C. Weissker, M.A.L. Marques, S. Ossicini, R. Del Sole
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 14229−1423 (2013)
A star-shaped molecule as hole transporting material in solution-processed thin-film transistors
A.K. Diallo, N. Metri, F. Brunel, X. Sallenave, F. Goubard, O. Margeat, J. Ackermann, C. Videlot-ackermann
Synthetic Metals 184 35-40 (2013)
Efficient delivery of therapeutic small nucleic acids to prostate cancer cells using ketal nucleoside lipid nanoparticles
D. Luvino, S. Khiati, K. Oumzil, P. Rochdi, M. Camplo, P. Barthelemya
Journal of Controlled Release 172 3 954-961 (2013)
Physical and chemical characterisation of PM emissions from two ships operating in European Emission Control Areas
J. Moldanová, E. Fridell, H. Winnes, S. Holmin-fridell, J. Boman, A. Jedynska, V. Tishkova, B. Demirdjian, S. Joulie, H. Bladt, N.P. Ivleva, R. Niessner
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 6 12 3577-3596 (2013)
Long-wavelength multiphoton ionization inside band-gap solids
D. Grojo, S. Leyder, P. Delaporte, W. Marine, M. Sentis, O. Uteza
Physical Review B 88 19 195135 (2013)
C-S coupling using a mixed-ligand Pd catalyst: a highly effective strategy for synthesizing arylthio-substituted heterocycles
M. Cong, Y. Fan, J-L. Raimundo, Y. Xia, Y. Liu, G. Quelever, F. Qu, L. Peng
Chemistry - A European Journal 19 17267-17272 (2013)
Microcrystals with Enhanced Emission Prepared from Hydrophobic Analogues of the Green Fluorescent Protein Chromophore via Reprecipitation
S. Fery-forgues, S. Veesler, W.B. Fellows, L.M. Tolbert, K.M. Solntsev
Langmuir 29 47 14718-14727 (2013)
Conformational changes of small PAMAM dendrimers as a function of their charge state: a combined electrospray mass spectrometry, traveling-wave ion mobility and molecular modeling study
A. Tintaru, S. Pricl, L. Denbigh, X. Liu, L. Peng, L. Charles
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 354-355 235-241 (2013)
Fabrication and characterization of large metallic nanodots arrays for organic thin film solar cells using anodic aluminum oxide templates
A. Sangar, A. Merlen, P. Torchio, S. Vedraine, F. Flory, L. Escoubas, L. Patrone, G. Delafosse, V. Chevallier, E. Moyen, M. Hanbucken
Solar energy Materials and Solar Cells 117 657-662 (2013)
The effect of carbon doping on structural and magnetic properties of Mn5Ge3/Ge heterostructures
A. Spiesser, M.T. Dau, L.A. Michez, M. Petit, V. Le Thanh
ECS Transactions 58 9 157-165 (2013)
Mn5Ge3C0.8 contact for spin injection into Ge
I.A. Fischer, C. Sürgers, M. Petit, V. Le Thanh, J. Schulze
ECS Transactions 58 9 29-36 (2013)
Monitoring Picoliter Sessile Microdroplet Dynamics Shows That Size Does Not Matter
I. Rodriguez-ruiz, Z. Hammadi, R. Grossier, J. Gomez-morales, S. Veesler
Langmuir 29 12628-12632 (2013)
Phase formation during Mn thin film reaction with Ge: Self-aligned germanide process for spintronics
O. Abbes, A. Portavoce, V. Le Thanh, C. Girardeaux, L. Michez
Applied Physics Letters 103 172405 (2013)
Epitaxial growth and magnetic properties of Mn5Ge3/Ge and Mn5Ge3Cx/Ge heterostructures for spintronic applications
V. Le Thanh, A. Spiesser, M.T. Dau, S.F. Olive-mendez, L. Michez, M. Petit
Advances in Natural Sciences : Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 4 043002 (2013)
The quasiparticle band dispersion in epitaxial multilayer silicene
P. De Padova, J. Avila, A. Resta, I. Razado-colambo, C. Quaresima, C. Ottaviani, B. Olivieri, T. Bruh, P. Vogt, M.C. Asensio, G. Lelay
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 25 38 382202 (2013)
Growth of Si ultrathin films on silver surfaces: Evidence of an Ag(110) reconstruction induced by Si
R. Bernard, T. Leoni, A. Wilson, T. Lelaidier, H. Sahaf, E. Moyen, L. Assaud, L. Santinacci, F. Leroy, F. Cheynis, A. Ranguis, H. Jamgotchian, C. Becker, Y. Borensztein, M. Hanbücken, G. Prévot, L. Masson
Physical Review B 88 121411 (2013)
Molecular Simulations of Supercritical Fluid Permeation through Disordered Microporous Carbons
A. Botan, R. Vermorel, F. Ulm, R.J.M. Pellenq
Langmuir 29 32 9985-9990 (2013)
Biomineralization in living hypercalcified demosponges: Toward a shared mechanism?
M. Gilis, O. Grauby, P. Willenz, P. Dubois, V. Heresanu, A. Baronnet
Journal of Structural Biology 183 3 441-454 (2013)
Determination of mechanical properties of cortical bone using AFM under dry and immersed conditions
E. Lefèvre, C. Guivier-curien, M. Pithioux, A. Charrier
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 16 supp.1 337-339 (2013)
Strain-induced modification in the magnetic properties of Mn5Ge3 thin films
D.D. Dung, D. Odkhuu, V. Le Thanh, S.C. Hong, S. Cho
Journal of Applied Physics 114 073906 (2013)
Control of tensile strain and interdiffusion in Ge/Si(001) epilayers grown by molecular-beam epitaxy
T.K. P. Luong, M.T. Dau, M.A. Zrir, M. Stoffel, V. Le Thanh, M. Petit, A. Ghrib, M. Elkurdi, P. Boucaud, H. Rinnert, J. Murota
Journal of Applied Physics 114 083504 (2013)
Dynamics and instability of solid-state dewetting
F. Cheynis, F. Leroy, P. Müller
Comptes Rendus Physique 14 578-589 (2013)
Atomic Structures of Silicene Layers Grown on Ag(111) : Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy Observations
A. Resta, T. Leoni, C. Barth, A. Ranguis, C. Becker, T. Bruhn, P. Vogt, G. Le Lay
Scientific Reports 3 2399 (2013)
Presence of gapped silicene-derived band in the prototypical (3 x 3) silicene phase on silver (111) surfaces
J. Avila, P. De Padova, S. Cho, I. Colambo, S. Lorcy, C. Quaresima, P. Vogt, A. Resta, G. Le Lay, M.C. Asensio
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 25 26 262001 (2013)
Influence of facets on solid state dewetting mechanisms: Comparison between Ge and Si on SiO2
F. Leroy, F. Cheynis, T. Passanante, P. Muller
Physical Review B 88 3 035306 (2013)
Non-linear absorption of focused femtosecond laser pulses at 1.3 mu m inside silicon: Independence on doping concentration
S. Leyder, D. Grojo, P. Delaporte, W. Marine, M. Sentis, O. Uteza
Applied Surface Science 278 13-18 (2013)
Evidence of Dirac fermions in multilayer silicene
P. De Padova, P. Vogt, A. Resta, J. Avila, I. Razado-colambo, C. Quaresima, C. Ottaviani, B. Olivieri, T. Bruhn, T. Hirahara, T. Shirai, S. Hasegawa, M.C. Asensio, G. Le Lay
Applied Physics Letters 102 16 163106 (2013)
Statistical evidence of strain induced breaking of metallic point contacts
M. Alwan, N. Candoni, P. Dumas, H. Klein
European Physical Journal B 86 243 (2013)
Restauration des peintures au plomb par irradiation laser.
S. Aze, J.M. Vallet, O. Grauby, V. Detalle, PH. Delaporte
Techniques de l'Ingenieur RE 224 1-12 (2013)
Investigation into the Mechanism of Solution-Mediated Transformation from FI to FIII Carbamazepine: The Role of Dissolution and the Interaction between Polymorph Surface
M.A. O'mahony, C.C. Seaton, D.M. Croker, S. Veesler, A.C. Rasmuson, B.K. Hodnett
Crystal Growth and Design 13 5 1861-1871 (2013)
Heterogeneous nucleation in droplet-based nucleation measurements
M. Ildefonso, N. Candoni, S. Veesler
Crystal Growth and Design 13 2107-2110 (2013)
Measuring the Solubility of a Quickly Transforming Metastable Polymorph of Carbamazepine
M.A. O'mahony, D.M. Croker, A.C. Rasmuson, S. Veesler, B.K. Hodnett
Organic Process Research and development 17 512-518 (2013)
Electronic properties and field-effect transistors of oligomers based on thiophene and furan units end capped with benzofuran moieties
C. Mallet, Y. Didane, T. Watanabe, N. Yoshimoto, M. Allain, C. Videlot-ackermann, P. Frère
ChemPlusChem 78 459 (2013)
Agglomeration dynamics of germanium islands on a silicon oxide substrate: A grazing incidence small-angle x-ray scattering study
F. Cheynis, F. Leroy, T. Passanante, P. Müller
Applied Physics Letters 102 161603 (2013)
Phyllosilicates synthesis: a way of accessing edges contributions in NMR and FTIR spectroscopies. Example of synthetic talc
A. Dumas, F. Martin, C. Leroux, P. Micoud, S. Petit, E. Ferrage, J. Brendle, O. Grauby, M. Grenhill-hooper
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 40 4 361-373 (2013)
Growth and Dissolution of Crystal under Load: New Experimental Results on KCl
J. Desarnaud, O. Grauby, P. Bromblet, J.M. Vallet, A. Baronnet
Crystal Growth and Design 13 3 1067-1074 (2013)
Dendritic Crystallization: A Single Process for all the Textures of Olivine in Basalts?
B. Welsch, F. Faure, V. Famin, A. Baronnet, P. Bachelery
Journal of Petrology 54 3 539-574 (2013)
Magnetism of Ba4Ru3O10 revealed by density functional calculations: Structural trimers behaving as coupled magnetic dimers
G. Radtke, A. Saul, Y. Klein, G. Rousse
Physical Review B 87 5 054436 (2013)
Nanoscale Si template for the growth of self-organized one-dimensional nanostructures
L. Masson, H. Sahaf, P. Amsalem, F. Dettoni, E. Moyen, N. Koch, M. Hanbücken
Applied Surface Science 267 192-195 (2013)
Small-volumes nucleation
Z. Hammadi, N. Candoni, R. Grossier, M. Ildefonso, R. Morin, S. Veesler
Comptes Rendus Physique 14 192-198 (2013)
Two-photon excited luminescence of lanthanide complex in monolithic sol-gel hybrid material
O. Maury, A. D'aléo, A. Picot, S. Brasselet, P.L. Baldeck, F. Chaput, S. Parola, C. Andraud
Journal of Luminescence 133 175-179 (2013)
Mn-silicide nanostructures aligned on massively parallel silicon nano-ribbons
P. De Padova, C. Ottaviani, F. Ronci, S. Colonna, B. Olivieri, C. Quaresima, A. Cricenti, M.E. Davila, F. Hennies, A. Pietzsch, N. Shariati, G. Le Lay
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 25 1 014009 (2013)
Structural and compositional characterization of ultrathin titanium oxide films grown on Pt3Ti(111)
S. Le Moal, M. Moors, J.M. Essen, C. Breinlich, C. Becker, K. Wandelt
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 25 045013 (2013)
Multiple scaled disorder in the photonic structure of Morpho Rhetenor butterfly
J. Boulenguez, S. Berthier, F. Leroy
Applied Physics A : Materials Science and Processing 106 1005-1011 (2012)
Regular arrays of palladium and palladium-gold clusters supported on alumina ultrathinfilms: stability under oxygen
G. Sitja, M. Marsault, F. Leroy, S. Le Moal, C.R. Henry
International Journal of Nanotechnology 9 567-575 (2012)
Biologically controlled mineralization in the hypercalcified sponge Petrobiona massiliana (Calcarea, Calcaronea)
M. Gillis, A. Baronnet, P. Dubois, L. Legras, O. Grauby, P. Willenz
Journal of Structural Biology 178 3 279-289 (2012)
Laser printing of air-stable high performing organic thin film transistors
L. Rapp, F. Serein-spirau, J.P. Lere-porte, A.P. Alloncle, P. Delaporte, F. Fagès, C. Videlot-ackermann
Organic Electronics 13 10 2035-2041 (2012)
Multivalent and Sulfur-Rich PyBox Asterisk Ligands in Asymmetric Metal-Catalysis
C. Aubert, C. Dallaire, G. Pèpe, E. Levillain, G. Félix, M. Gingras
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 6145-6154 (2012)
Multilayer Silicene Nanoribbons
P. De Padova, O. Kubo, B. Olivieri, C. Quaresima, T. Nakayama, M. Aono, G. Le Lay
Nano Letters 12 11 5500-5503 (2012)
Multivalent, Sulfur-Rich PyBox Asterisk Ligands in Asymmetric Metal Catalysis
C. Aubert, C. Dallaire, G. Pepe, E. Levillain, G. Felix, M. Gingras
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 31 6145-6154 (2012)
Structure properties relationships of liquid crystal bent core organic semiconductors based on benzo[2,1-b:3,4-b ']dithiophene-4,5-dione
H. Aboubakr, M.G. Tamba, A.K. Diallo, C. Videlot-ackermann, L. Belec, O. Siri, J.M. Raimundo, G.H. Mehl, H. Brisset
Journal of materials chemistry 22 43 23159-23168 (2012)
Carbon solubility in nickel nanoparticles: A grand canonical Monte Carlo study
M. Diarra, H. Amara, F. Ducastelle, C. Bichara
Physica Status solidi (b) 249 12 2629-2634 (2012)
An unusual phenomenon of surface reaction observed during Ge overgrowth on Mn5Ge3/Ge(111) heterostructures
M-T. Dau, V. Le Thanh, L.A. Michez, M. Petit, T-G. Le, A. Spiesser, A. Ranguis
New Journal of Physics 14 103020-10303 (2012)
Comparative structural and electronic studies of hydrogen interaction with isolated versus ordered silicon nanoribbons grown on Ag(110)
M.E. Davila, A. Marele, P. De Padova, I. Montero, F. Hennies, A. Pietzsch, M.N. Shariati, J.M. Gomez-rodriguez, G. Le Lay
Nanotechnology 23 38 385703 (2012)
Nanostructure and Nanomechanics of Cement: Polydisperse Colloidal Packing
E. Masoero, E. Del Gado, R.J.M. Pellenq, F.J. Ulm, S. Yip
Physical Review Letters 109 15 155503 (2012)
Importance of Carbon Solubility and Wetting Properties of Nickel Nanoparticles for Single Wall Nanotube Growth
M. Diarra, A. Zappelli, H. Amara, F. Ducastelle, C. Bichara
Physical Review Letters 109 185501 (2012)
Epitaxial silicene: can it be strongly strained?
G. Le Lay, P. Depadova, A. Resta, T. Bruhn, P. Vogt
Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics 45 39 392001 (2012)
Synthesis, metal ion binding, and photochromic properties of benzo- and naphthopyrans annelated by crown ether moieties
S.V. Paramonov, V. Lokshi, A.B. Smolentsev, E.M. Glebov, W. Korolev, S.S. Basok, K.A. Lysenko, S. Delbaere, O.A. Fedorova
Tetrahedron 68 38 7873-7883 (2012)
The seemingly trivial yet challenging synthesis of poly(aminoester) dendrimers
Y. Wang, G. Quélever, L. Peng
Current Medicinal Chemistry 19 5011 (2012)
Magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial Mn5Ge3 films
A. Spiesser, F. Virot, L.A. Michez, R. Hayn, S. Bertaina, L. Favre, M. Petit, V. Le Thanh
Physical Review B 86 3 035211 (2012)
Charge-Reversal Lipids, Peptide-Based Lipids, and Nucleoside-Based Lipids for Gene Delivery
C.M. Lamanna, H. Lusic, M. Camplo, T.J. Mcintosh, P. Barthelemy, M.W. Grinstaff
Accounts of Chemical Research 45 7 1026-1038 (2012)
Role of defect healing on the chirality of single-wall carbon nanotubes
M. Diarra, H. Amara, C. Bichara, F. Ducastelle
Physical Review B 85 24 245446 (2012)
An Amphiphilic Dendrimer for Effective Delivery of Small Interfering RNA and Gene Silencing In Vitro and In Vivo
T. Yu, X. Liu, A-L. Bolcato-bellemin, Y. Wang, C. Liu, P. Erbacher, F. Qu, P. Rocchi, J-P. Behr, L. Peng
Angewandte Chemie/Angew Chem Int Ed 51 8478–8484 (2012)
Effect of surface functionalization of porous silicon microcavities on biosensing performance
M. Martin, L. Massif, E. Estephan, M. Saab, T. Cloitre, C. Larroque, V. Agarwal, F.J.G. Cuisinier, G. Le Lay, C. Gergely
Journal of Nanophotonics 6 061506 (2012)
1D graphene-like silicon systems: silicene nano-ribbons
P. De Padova, P. Perfetti, B. Olivieri, C. Quaresima, C. Ottaviani, G. Le Lay
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 24 22 223001 (2012)
Conductance fluctuations in gold point contacts: an atomistic picture
H. Klein, T. Leoni, R. Zoubkoff, P. Dumas, A. Saul
Nanotechnology 23 23 235707 (2012)
Formation of supramolecular systems via directed Nucleoside-Lipid recognition
N. Taib, A. Aime, L. Moreau, C. Camplo, S. Houmadi, B. Desbat, M. Laguerre, M.W. Grinstaff, I. Bestel, P. Barthelemy
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 377 122-130 (2012)
Carbon diffusion and reactivity in Mn5Ge3 thin films
M. Petit, M.-T. Dau, G. Monier, L. Michez, X. Barre, A. Spiesser, V. Le Thanh, A. Glachant, C. Coudreau, L. Bideux, C. Robert-goumet
Physica Status solidi (c) 9 6 1374-1377 (2012)
Manganese diffusion in monocrystalline germanium
A. Portavoce, O. Abbes, Y. Rudzevich, L. Chow, V. Le Thanh, C. Girardeaux
Scripta Materialia 67 269-272 (2012)
A novel bitriazoyl acyclonucleoside endowed with dual antiproliferative and immunomodulatory activity
Y. Xia, M. Wang, O. Demaria, J. Tang, P. Rocchi, F. Qu, J.L. Iovanna, L. Alexopoulou, L. Peng
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry / JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY 55 5642-5646 (2012)
Practical Physics Behind Growing Crystals of Biological Macromolecules
N. Candoni, R. Grossier, Z. Hammadi, R. Morin, S. Veesler
Protein and Peptide Letters 19 714-724 (2012)
Set in stone? A perspective on the concrete sustainability challenge
K. Van Vliet, R. Pellenq, M.J. Buehler, J.C. Grossman, H. Jennings, F.J. Hulm, S. Yip
MRS Bulletin 37 4 395 (2012)
Silicene: Compelling Experimental Evidence for Graphenelike Two-Dimensional Silicon
P. Vogt, P. De Padova, C. Quaresima, J. Avila, E. Frantzeskakis, M.C. Asensio, A. Resta, B. Ealet, G. Le Lay
Physical Review Letters 108 15 155501 (2012)
Dynamics, anisotropy and stability of silicon-on-insulator dewetting fronts
F. Leroy, F. Cheynis, T. Passanante, P. Müller
Physical Review B 85 195414 (2012)
Effect of Mn thickness on the Mn-Ge phase formation during reactions of 50 nm and 210 nm thick Mn films deposited on Ge (111) substrate
O. Abbes, F. Xu, A. Portavoce, C. Girardeaux, K. Hoummada, V. Lethanh
Defect and Diffusion Forum 323-325 439 (2012)
Suppression of Mn segregation in Ge/Mn5Ge3 heterostructures induced by interstitial carbon
M.T. Dau, V. Le Thanh, T-G. Le, A. Spiesser, M. Petit, L.A. Michez, T.H. Ngo, D.L. Vu, Q.L. Nguyen, P. Sebban
Thin Solid Films 520 3410-3414 (2012)
Growth competition between semiconducting Ge1-x Mnx nanocolumns and metallic Mn5Ge3 clusters
T-G. Le, M.T. Dau, V. Le Thanh, D.N.H. Nam, M. Petit, L.A. Michez, V.K. Nguyen, M.A. Nguyen
Advances in Natural Sciences : Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 3 025007 (2012)
A Cheap, Easy Microfluidic Crystallization Device Ensuring Universal Solvent Compatibility
M. Ildefonso, N. Candoni, S. Veesler
Organic Process Research and development 16 556-560 (2012)
Growth of silicene layers on Ag(111): unexpected effect of the substrate temperature
H. Jamgotchian, Y. Colignon, N. Hamzaoui, B. Ealet, J.Y. Hoarau, B. Aufray, J.P. Bibérian
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 24 172001 (2012)
Structure and properties of nanoscale materials: theory and atomistic computer simulation
C. Bichara, P. Marsal, C. Mottet, R. Pellenq, F. Ribeiro, A. Saul, G. Tréglia, H.C. Weissker
International Journal of Nanotechnology 9 3-7 576-604 (2012)
Near field optical microscopy: a brief review
A.L. Lereu, A. Passian, P. Dumas
International Journal of Nanotechnology 9 3-7 488-501 (2012)
Spectroscopy and imaging of arrays of nanorods toward nanopolarimetry
A.L. Lereu, A. Passian, R.H. Farahi, L. Abel-tiberini, L. Tetard, T. Thundat
Nanotechnology 23 4 045701 (2012)
Adsorption-Induced Deformation of Microporous Materials: Coal Swelling Induced by CO2-CH4 Competitive Adsorption
L. Brochard, M. Vandamme, R. Pellenq, T. Fen-chong
Langmuir 28 5 2659-2670 (2012)
Solid-state dye-sensitized and bulk heterojunction solar cells using TiO2 and ZnO nanostructures: recent progress and new concepts at the borderline
J. Boucle, J. Ackermann
Polymer International 61 3 355-373 (2012)
Importance of Solvent Selection for Stoichiometrically Diverse Cocrystal Systems: Caffeine/Maleic Acid 1:1 and 2:1 Cocrystals
T. Leyssens, G. Springuel, R. Montis, N. Candoni, S. Veesler
Crystal Growth and Design 12 3 1520-1530 (2012)
Micromagnetic study of flux-closure states in Fe dots using quantitative Lorentz microscopy
A. Massebœuf, O. Fruchart, F. Cheynis, N. Rougemaille, J.-C. Toussaint, A. Marty, P. Bayle-guillemaud
Ultramicroscopy 115 26-34 (2012)
Barrier height and interface characteristics of Au/Mn 5 Ge 3 /Ge (1 1 1) Schottky contacts for spin injection
A. Sellai, A. Mesli, M. Petit, V. Le Thanh, D. Taylor, M. Henini
Semiconductor Science and Technology 27 3 035014 (2012)
Boosting the Curie temperature in carbon-doped Mn5Ge3/Ge heterostructures
A. Spiesser, M.T. Dau, L. Michez, M. Petit, C. Coudreau, A. Glachant, V. Le Thanh
International Journal of Nanotechnology 9 428-438 (2012)
Laser printing of a semiconducting oligomer as active layer in organic thin film transistors: impact of a protecting triazene layer.
L. Rapp, A.K. Diallo, S. Nénon, A.P. Alloncle, C. Videlot-ackermann, F. Fages, M. Nagel, T. Lippert, P. Delaporte
Thin Solid Films 520 3043 (2012)
Sea water desalination by dynamic layer melt crystallization: Parametric study of the freezing and sweating steps
A. Rich, Y. Mandri, D. Mangin, A. Rivoire, S. Abderafi, C. Bebon, N. Semlali, J.-P. Klein, T. Bouhaouss, S. Veesler
Journal of Crystal Growth 342 1 110-116 (2012)
Nucleation and polymorphism explored via an easy-to-use microfluidic tool
M. Ildefonso, E. Revalor, P. Punniam, J.B. Salmon, N. Candoni, S. Veesler
Journal of Crystal Growth 342 1 9-12 (2012)
Stress effects on solid-state dewetting of nano-thin films
F. Cheynis, E. Bussmann, F. Leroy, T. Passanante, P. Müller
International Journal of Nanotechnology 9 396-411 (2012)
Columnar Self-Assemblies of a 3D-Persulfurated Coronene Asterisk. The Dominant Role of Aryl-Sulfur Bonds
P. Kowalzik, S. Rathgeber, S. Karthäuser, R. Waser, N. Schnaebele, J.-M. Raimundo, M. Gingras
New Journal of Chemistry 36 477-483 (2012)
Arylthio-substituted coronenes as tailored building blocks for molecular electronics
P. Kowalzik, N. Atodiresei, M. Gingras, V. Caciuc, N. Schnaebele, J.-M. Raimundo, S. Blügel, R. Waser, S. Karthäuser
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 5 1635-1641 (2012)
Nanotechnologies dedicated to nucleation control
N. Candoni, R. Grossier, M. Ildefonso, E. Revalor, N. Ferté, T. Okutsu, R. Morin, S. Veesler
International Journal of Nanotechnology 9 3-7 439-459 (2012)
Step-induced elastic relaxation and surface structure of the Si(7710) surface
G. Prévot, F. Leroy, B. Croset, Y. Garreau, A. Coati, P. Müller
Surface Science 606 209-216 (2012)
Charge-assisted hydrogen bond-directed self-assembly of an amphiphilic zwitterionic quinonemonoimine at the liquid–solid interface
Y. Fang, P. Nguyen, O. Ivasenko, M. Paola Aviles, E. Kebede, M. S. Askari, X. Ottenwaelder, U. Ziener, O. Siri, L. A. Cuccia
Chemical Communications / Chem Commun (Cambridge) 47 11255-11257 (2011)
Tools for conductance measurements of metallic and molecular nanowires
T. Leoni, M. Alwan, H. Klein, N. Candoni, A. Lereu, P. Dumas
Global Journal of Physical Chemistry 2 97-103 (2011)
Multi-scale mineralogical characterization of the hypercalcified sponge Petrobiona massiliana (Calcarea, Calcaronea)
M. Gillis, O. Grauby, P. Willenz, P. Dubois, L. Legras, V. Heresanu, A. Baronnet
Journal of Structural Biology 176 3 315-329 (2011)
The effects of Mn concentration on structural and magnetic properties of Ge1-xMnx diluted magnetic semiconductors
T-G. Le, D.N.H. Nam, M-T. Dau, T.K.P. Luong, N.V. Khiem, V. Lethanh, L. Michez, J. Derrien
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 292 012012 (2011)
Thermal stability of epitaxial Mn5Ge3 and carbon-doped Mn5Ge3 films
A. Spiesser, V. Lethanh, S. Bertaina, L.A. Michez
Applied Physics Letters 99 121904 (2011)
Sequential phase formation during reactive diffusion of a nanometric-thick Mn film on Ge (111)
O. Abbes, F. Xu, A. Portavoce, K. Hoummada, V. Lethanh, C. Girardeaux
Solid State Phenomena 172-174 579-584 (2011)
Growth of Germanium Nanowires on Silicon(111) Substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
M.T. Dau, M. Petit, A. Watanabe, L. Michez, S.O. Mendez, R. Baghdad, V. Le Thanh, C. Coudreau
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11 10 9292-9295 (2011)
Surface segregation maps derived from tight-binding Ising model
J.-M. Roussel, B. Legrand, G. Tréglia
Solid State Phenomena 172-174 1008 (2011)
An atomistic modelling of the porosity impact on UO(2) matrix macroscopic properties
A. Jelea, M. Colbert, F. Ribeiro, G. Tréglia, R.J.M. Pellenq
Journal of nuclear materials 415 2 210-216 (2011)
Nucleoside-Lipid-Based Nanoparticles for Cisplatin Delivery
S. Khiati, D. Luvino, K. Oumzil, B. Chauffert, M. Camplo, P. Barthelemy
ACS Nano 5 11 8649-8655 (2011)
Dewetting dynamics of silicon-on-insulator thin films
F. Cheynis, E. Bussmann, F. Leroy, T. Passanante, P. Müller
Physical Review B 84 245439 (2011)
Electrospray tandem mass spectrometry of poly(amino)ester dendrimers: dissociation rules and structural characterization of defective molecules
A. Tintaru, C. Chendo, V. Monnier, C. Bouillon, G. Quelever, L. Peng, L. Charles
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 308 56-64 (2011)
Nanobiotechnological platform and use of cancer treatment
P. Barthelemy, M. Camplo
Bulletin du Cancer 98 S S50-S50 (2011)
Mn segregation in Ge/Mn(5)Ge(3) heterostructures: The role of surface carbon adsorption
M.T. Dau, V. Le Thanh, T.G. Le, A. Spiesser, M. Petit, L.A. Michez, R. Daineche
Applied Physics Letters 99 15 151908 (2011)
Physical origin of in-plane lattice spacing oscillations measured by reflection high-energy electron diffraction during epitaxial growth
J.D. Fuhr, P. Müller
Physical Review B 84 19 5429-5429 (2011)
Nanometrology of delignified Populus using mode synthesizing atomic force microscopy
L. Tetard, A. Passian, R.H. Farahi, G.H. Davison, S. Jung, A.J. Ragauskas, A.L. Lereu, T. Thundat
Nanotechnology 22 46 65702-65702 (2011)
Transverse chemical interface detection with coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy
S. Brustlein, D. Gachet, F. Billard, H. Rigneault
Journal of Biomedical Optics 16 086006 (2011)
Dynamical response function in sodium studied by inelastic x-ray scattering spectroscopy
S. Huotani, M. Cazzaniga, H.-C. Weissker, T. Pylkkänen, H. Müller, L. Reining, G. Onida, G. Monaco
Physical Review B 84 075108 (2011)
Discontinuity induced angular distribution of photon plasmon coupling
D. Brissinger, A.L. Lereu, L. Salomon, T. Charvolin, B. Cluzel, C. Dumas, A. Passian, F. De Forne
Optics Express 19 18 17750-17757 (2011)
Tight binding within the fourth moment approximation: Efficient implementation and application to liquid Ni droplet diffusion on graphene
J.H. Los, C. Bichara, R.-J.-M. Pellenq
Physical Review B 84 8 085455 (2011)
Morphology and composition of Au catalysts on Ge(111) obtained by thermal dewetting
S. Hajjar, G. Garreau, L. Josien, J.L. Bubendorff, D. Berling, A. Mehdaoui, C. Pirri, T. Maroutian, C. Renard, D. Bouchier, M. Petit, A. Spiesser, M.T. Dau, L. Michez, V. Le Thanh, T.O. Mentes, M.A. Nino, A. Locatelli
Physical Review B 84 12 125325 (2011)
Control of magnetic properties of epitaxial Mn(5)Ge(3)C(x) films induced by carbon doping
A. Spiesser, I. Slipukhina, M.-T. Dau, E. Arras, V. Le Thanh, L. Michez, P. Pochet, H. Saito, S. Yuasa, M. Jamet, J. Derrien
Physical Review B 84 16 165203 (2011)
Strong resistance of silicene nanoribbons towards oxidation
P. De Padova, C. Quaresima, B. Olivieri, P. Perfetti, G. Le Lay
Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics 44 31 312001 (2011)
Predictive nucleation of Crystals in Small Volumes and Its Consequences
R. Grossier, Z. Hammadi, R. Morin, S. Veesler
Physical Review Letters 107 2 025504 (2011)
Nucleation Control and Rapid Growth of KDP Crystals in Stationary Conditions
J. Leroudier, J. Zaccaro, M. Ildefonso, S. Veesler, J. Baruchel, A. Ibanez
Crystal Growth and Design 11 6 2592-2598 (2011)
Laser printing of n- and p-type semiconductors for complex organic thin film transistors
L. Rapp, J. Ailuno, A.P. Alloncle, S. Nénon, C. Videlot-ackermann, F. Fages, P. Delaporte
UVX 2010 221-225 (2011)
Top gate copper phthalocyanine thin film transistors with laser-printed dielectric
A.K. Diallo, L. Rapp, S. Nénon, A.P. Alloncle, P. Delaporte, F. Fages, C. Videlot-ackermann
Synthetic Metals 161 888 (2011)
Optical properties of dielectric thin films including quantum dots
F. Flory, Y.J. Chen, C.C. Lee, L. Escoubas, J.J. Simon, P. Torchio, J. Le Rouzo, S. Vedraine, H. Derbal-habak, I. Shupyk, Y. Didane, J. Ackermann
Applied Optics 50 9 C129-C134 (2011)
Using microfluidics for fast, accurate measurement of lysozyme nucleation kinetics
M. Ildefonso, N. Candoni, S. Veesler
Crystal Growth and Design 11 5 1527-1530 (2011)
Dynamics of solid thin-film dewetting in the silicon-on-insulator system
E. Bussmann, F. Cheynis, F. Leroy, P. Müller, O. Pierre-louis
New Journal of Physics 13 043017 (2011)
sp(2)-like hybridization of silicon valence orbitals in silicene nanoribbons
P. De Padova, C. Quaresima, B. Olivieri, P. Perfetti, G. Le Lay
Applied Physics Letters 98 8 081909 (2011)
Size-dependent selectivity and activity of silver nanoclusters in the partial oxidation of propylene to propylene oxide and acrolein: A joint experimental and theoretical study
L.M. Molina, S. Lee, K. Sell, G. Barcaro, A. Fortunelli, B. Lee, S. Seigert, R.E. Winans, J.W. Elam, M.J. Pellin, I. Barke, V. Von Oeynhausen, Y. Lei, R.J. Meyer, J.A. Alonso, A.F. Rodriguez, A. Kleibert, S. Giorgio, C.R. Henry, K.H. Weiwes-broer, S. Vajd
Catalysis today 160 1 116-130 (2011)
Improvement in semiconductor laser printing using a sacrificial protecting layer for organic thin-film transistors fabrication
L. Rapp, C. Cibert, S. Nenon, A.P. Alloncle, M. Nagel, T. Lippert, C. Videlot-ackermann, F. Fages, P. Delaporte
Applied Surface Science 257 12 5245-5249 (2011)
Multilayer laser printing for Organic Thin Film Transistors
L. Rapp, S. Nenon, A.P. Alloncle, C. Videlot-ackermann, F. Fages, P. Delaporte
Applied Surface Science 257 12 5152-5155 (2011)
Generating nanoliter to femtoliter microdroplets with ease
R. Grossier, Z. Hammadi, R. Morin, A. Magnaldo, S. Veesler
Applied Physics Letters 98 9 091916-3 (2011)
Jet exhaust particles alter human dendritic cell maturation
D. Ferry, C. Rolland, D. Delhaye, F. Barlesi, P. Robert, P. Bongrand, J. Vitte
Inflammation Research 60 3 255-263 (2011)
Thermal Analysis: a further step in characterizing solid forms obtained by Screening Crystallization of an API, International
T. Detoisien, M. Arnoux, P. Taulelle, D. Colson, J.P. Klein, S. Veesler
International Journal of pharmaceutics 403 29-36 (2011)
Adsorption studies of trichloroethylene (TCE) on MgO(100)/Mo(100)
S. Kunz, F.F. Schweinberger, G. Kwion, J. Kiermaier, S. Lemoal, C. Henry, U. Heiz
Surface Science 604 2184 (2010)
Low temperature STM/STS study of silicon nanowires grown on the Ag(110) surface
F. Ronci, S. Colonna, A. Cricenti, P. De Padova, C. Ottaviani, C. Quaresima, B. Aufray, G. Le Lay
Physica Status solidi (c) 7 2716 (2010)
Pulsed-Laser Printing Process for Organic Thin Film Transistors Fabrication
L. Rapp, A.P. Alloncle, A.K. Diallo, S. Nénon, C. Videlot-ackermann, F. Fages, P. Delaporte
AIP Conference Proceedings 1278 824 (2010)
Revisiting the Young's Double Slit Experiment for Background-Free Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy and Microscopy
D. Gachet, S. Brustlein, H. Rigneault
Physical Review Letters 104 213905 (2010)
Epitaxial growth of a silicene sheet
B. Lalmi, H. Oughaddou, H. Enriquez, A. Kara, S. Vizzini, B. Ealet, B. Aufray
Applied Physics Letters 97 22 223109 (2010)
Structural characterization of poly(amino)ester dendrimers and related impurities by electrospray tandem mass spectrometry
A. Tintaru, V. Monnier, C. Bouillon, R. Giordanengo, L. Peng, L. Charles
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 24 2207-2216 (2010)
Synthesis of Poly(amino)ester Dendrimers via Active Cyanomethyl Ester Intermediates
C. Bouillon, A. Tintaru, V. Monnier, L. Charles, G. Quelever, L. Peng
Journal of Organic Chemistry 75 8685–8688 (2010)
Probing Functional Groups at the Gas–Aerosol Interface Using Heterogeneous Titration Reactions: A Tool for Predicting Aerosol Health Effects?
A. Setyan, J.-J. Sauvain, M. Guillemin, M. Riediker, B. Demirdjian, M.J. Rossi
ChemPhysChem 11 3823-3835 (2010)
Probing nanoscale structural and order/disorder phase transitions of supported Co-Pt clusters under annealing
P. Andreazza, C. Mottet, C. Andreazza-vignolle, J. Penuelas, H.C.N. Tolentino, M. De Santis, R. Felici, N. Bouet
Physical Review B 82 15 155453 (2010)
Nickel-assisted healing of defective graphene
S. Karoui, H. Amara, C. Bichara, F. Ducastelle
ACS Nano 4 10 6114-6120 (2010)
Formation of Ruthenium−Tin Nanoparticles on Al2O3/Ni3Al(111) from an Organometallic Precursor
A. Uhl, Y. Lei, H. Khosravian, C. Becker, K. Wandelt, R.D. Adams, M. Trenary, R.J. Meyer
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 17062-17068 (2010)
AFM tip characterization by Kelvin probe force microscopy
C. Barth, T. Hymninen, M. Bieletzki, C.R. Henry, A.S. Foster, F. Esch, U. Heiz
New Journal of Physics 12 093024 (2010)
CO adsorption on clean and oxidized Pt3Ti(111)
S. Le Moal, M. Moors, J.M. Essen, C. Becker, K. Wandelt
Surface Science 604 1637-1644 (2010)
The 2C putative helicase of echovirus 30 adopts a hexameric ring-shaped structure
N. Papageorgiou, B. Coutard, V. Lantez, E. Gautron, O. Chauvet, C. Baronti, H. Norder, X. De Lamballerie, V. Heresanu, N. Ferte, S. Veesler, A.E. Gorbalenya, B. Canard
Acta Crystallographica Section D 66 1116-1120 (2010)
Self-assembled Si nanostripe grating at the molecular scale as a template for 1D growth
H. Sahaf, F. Dettoni, C. Leandri, E. Moyen, L. Masson, M. Hanbücken
Surface and Interface Analysis 42 6-7 687-691 (2010)
Laser printing of organic insulator and semiconductor for thin film transistors
L. Rapp, S. Nénon, A.K. Diallo, A.P. Alloncle, P. Delaporte, C. Videlot-ackermann, F. Fages
Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 1270 1270-II11-10 (2010)
Evidence of graphene-like electronic signature in silicene nanoribbons
P. De Padova, C. Quaresima, C. Ottaviani, P.M. Sheverdyaeva, P. Moras, C. Carbone, D. Topwal, B. Olivieri, A. Kara, H. Oughaddou, B. Aufray, G. Le Lay
Applied Physics Letters 96 26 261905 (2010)
Mechanistic Study of the Collision-Induced Dissociation of Sodium-Cationized Polylactide Oligomers: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Investigation
J. De Winter, V. Lemaur, P. Marsal, O. Coulembier, J. Cornil, P. Dubois, P. Gerbaux
Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry 21 7 1159-1168 (2010)
S-Aryltriazole acyclonucleosides: Synthesis and biological evaluation against hepatitis C virus
Y. Liu, Y. Xia, W. Li, M. Cong, A. Maggiani, P. Leyssen, F. Qu, J. Neyts, L. Peng
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters / Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 20 12 3610-3613 (2010)
Detecting and localizing surface dynamics with STM: a study of the Sn/Ge(111) and Sn/Si(111) alpha-phase surfaces
F. Ronci, S. Colonna, A. Cricenti, G. Le Lay
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 22 26 264003 (2010)
Hybrid Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells Based on P3HT and Porphyrin-Modified ZnO Nanorods
A.J. Said, G. Poize, C. Martini, D. Ferry, W. Marine, S. Giorgio, F. Fages, J. Hocq, J. Boucle, J. Nelson, J.R. Durrant, J. Ackermann
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 25 11273-11278 (2010)
Growth and morphology properties of bis (2-phenylethynyl) end-substituted oligothiophenes based thin films
C. Videlot-ackermann, A.K. Diallo, H. Brisset, F. Fages, F. Serein-spirau, J.P. Lere-porte, A. Kumagai, N. Yoshimoto
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 4 5 699-704 (2010)
Asymmetric hysteresis of Néel caps in flux-closure magnetic dots
O. Fruchart, N. Rougemaille, A. Bendounan, J.-C. Toussaint, R. Belkhou, Y. Tian, H. Yu, F. Cheynis, A. Masseboeuf, P. Bayle-guillemaud, A. Marty
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 46 1552 (2010)
Rational Design of Two-Dimensional Nanoscale Networks by Electrostatic Interactions at Surfaces
S. Stepanow, R. Ohmann, F. Leroy, N. Lin, T. Strunskus, C. Wöll, K. Kern
ACS Nano 4 1813-1820 (2010)
Graphene-like silicon nanoribbons on Ag(110) : a possible formation of silicene
B. Aufray, A. Kara, S. Vizzini, H. Oughaddou, C. Léandri, B. Ealet, G. Le Lay
Applied Physics Letters 96 18 183102 (2010)
Core-level photoelectron study of indium chains on Si(111) at 10 K
V.Y. Aristov, O.V. Molodtsova, D.V. Vyalikh, M. Knupfer, P. De Padova, G. Le Lay
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 177 1 1-4 (2010)
Determination of the bulk melting temperature of nickel using Monte Carlo simulations : inaccuracy of extrapolation from cluster melting temperatures
J.H. Los, R.J.-M. Pellenq
Physical Review B 81 6 064112 (2010)
Topography and work function measurements of thin MgO(001) films on Ag(001) by nc-AFM and KPFM
M. Bielezki, T. Soini, M. Pivetta, C.R. Henry, A.S. Foster, F. Esch, C. Barth, U. Heiz
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 13 3203-3209 (2010)
Acetylenic spacers in phenylene end-substituted oligothiophene core for highly air-stable organic field-effect transistors
A.K. Diallo, C. Videlot-ackermann, P. Marsal, H. Brisset, F. Fages, A. Kumagai, N. Yoshimoto, F. Serein-spirau, J.P. Lere-porte
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 15 3845-3851 (2010)
Dimensionality Crossover in Magnetism: From Domain Walls (2D) to Vortices (1D)
A. Masseboeuf, O. Fruchart, J.C. Toussaint, E. Kritsikis, L. Buda-prejbeanu, F. Cheynis, P. Bayle-guillemaud, A. Marty
Physical Review Letters 104 127204 (2010)
Freezing desalinisation of sea water in a static layer crystalliser
A. Rich, Y. Mandri, N. Bendaoud, D. Mangin, S. Abderafi, C. Bebon, N. Semlali, J.P. Klein, T. Bounahmidi, A. Bouhaouss, S. Veesler
Desalinisation and water treatment 13 1-3 120-127 (2010)
Usual and Unusual Crystallization from Solution
E. Revalor, Z. Hammadi, J.P. Astier, R. Grossier, E. Garcia, C. Hoff, K. Furuta, T. Okutsu, R. Morin, S. Veesler
Journal of Crystal Growth 312 939-946 (2010)
Effect of thickness on structural and magnetic properties of Mn5Ge3 films grown on Ge(111) by solid phase epitaxy
A. Spiesser, L.A. Michez, A. Watanabe, V. Le Thanh, A. Glachant, J. Derrien
Thin Solid Films 518 113-117 (2010)
Long range Mn segregation and intermixing during subsequent deposition of Ge capping layers on Mn5Ge3/Ge(111) heterostructures
M.-T. Dau, A. Spiesser, T. Le Giang, L.A. Michez, S.F. Olive-mendez, V. Le Thanh, M. Petit, J.-M. Raimundo, A. Glachant, J. Derrien
Thin Solid Films 518 S266 (2010)
Silicon nano-ribbons on Ag(110): a computational investigation
A. Kara, S. Vizzini, C. Leandri, B. Ealet, H. Oughaddou, B. Aufray, G. Le Lay
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 22 045004 (2010)
Adsorption and Reaction of Rh(CO)2(acac) on Al2O3/Ni3Al(111)
Y. Lei, A. Uhl, J. Liu, C. Becker, K. Wandelt, B.C. Gates, R. Meyer, M. Trenary
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 1264–1270 (2010)
Cell placement and guidance on substrates for neurochip interfaces
A. Charrier, D. Martinez, R. Monette, T. Comas, R. Movileanu, C. Py, M. Denhoff, A. Krantis, G. Mealing
Biotechnology & Bioengineering 105 2 368-373 (2010)
Ultra-fast crystallization due to Confinement
R. Grossier, A. Magnaldo, S. Veesler
Journal of Crystal Growth 312 487-489 (2010)
Raman depolarization ratio of liquids probed by generalized linear polarization Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy
F. Munhoz, S. Brustlein, D. Gachet, F. Billard, S. Brasselet, H. Rigneault
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 40 775-780 (2009)
Comparative time resolved shadowgraphic imaging studies of nanosecond and picosecond laser transfer of organic materials
L. Rapp, C. Cibert, A.P. Alloncle, P. Delaporte, S. Nénon, C. Videlot-ackermann, F. Fages
Proceedings of SPIE. Bellingham: The International Society for Optical Engineering 7131 71311L (2009)
Real-time icosahedral to fcc structure transition during CoPt nanoparticle formation.
J. Penuelas, P. Andreazza, C. Andreazza-vignolle, C. Mottet, M. De Santis, H.C.N. Tolentino
European Physical Journal-special Topics 167 19-25 (2009)
Comment on a thermodynamic theory of the self assembly of quantum dots
P. Müller, R. Kern
New Journal of Physics 11 018001 (2009)
Is it possible to use external stress to tune silicon surface morphology ?
D. Karashanova, J.J. Métois, F. Leroy, P. Müller
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 12 12-15 (2009)
Chemical-vapour-deposition growth and electrical characterization of intrinsic silicon nanowires
B. Salem, F. Dhalluin, T. Baron, H. Jamgotchian, F. Bedu, H. Dallaporta, R. Gentile, N. Pauc, M.I. Den Hertog, J.L. Rouviere, P. Ferret
Materials Science and Engineering B 159-160 83-86 (2009)
New approaches on crystallization under electric fields
Z. Hammadi, S. Veesler
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology / Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology 101 38-44 (2009)
High-resolution three-dimensional tomographic diffractive microscopy of transparent inorganic and biological samples
M. Debailleul, V. Georges, B. Simon, R. Morin, O. Haeberlé
Optics Letters 34 1 79-81 (2009)
Single Molecule Probing of the Local Segmental Relaxation Dynamics in Polymer above the Glass Transition Temperature
E. Braeken, G. De Cremer, P. Marsal, G. Pèpe, K. Müllen, R.A.L. Vallée
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 34 12201-12210 (2009)
Laser reflectometry of submegahertz liquid meniscus ringing
R.H. Farahi, A. Passian, Y.K. Jones, L. Tetard, A.L. Lereu, T.G. Thundat
Optics Letters 34 3148 (2009)
Size and shape effects on the order -> disorder phase transition in CoPt nanoparticles
D. Alloyeau, C. Ricolleau, C. Mottet, T. Oikawa, C. Langlois, Y. Le Bouar, N. Braidy, A. Loiseau
Nature Materials 8 940-946 (2009)
Using the Antenna Effect as a Spectroscopic Tool; Photophysics and Solution Thermodynamics of the Luminescent Hydroxypyridonate Complex [EuIII(3,4,3LI(1,2-HOPO))]-
R.J. Abergel, A. D’aléo, C. Ng Pak Leung, D.K. Shuh, K.N. Raymond
Inorganic Chemistry 48 23 10868-10870 (2009)
A [Cyclentetrakis(methylene)]tetrakis[2-hydroxybenzamide] Ligand That Complexes and Sensitizes Lanthanide(III) Ions
A. D’aléo, J. Xu, K. Do, G. Muller, K.N. Raymond
Helvetica Chimica Acta 92 11 2439-2460 (2009)
Crystal structure determination of powdered paramagnetic lanthanide complexes by proton NMR
G. Kervern, A. D’aléo, L. Toupet, O. Maury, L. Emsley, G. Pintacuda
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 48 3082-3086 (2009)
A realistic molecular model of cement hydrates
R.J.-M. Pellenq, A. Kushima, R. Shahsavari, K.J. Van Vliet, M.J. Buehler, S. Yip, F.J. Ulm
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 38 16102-16107 (2009)
First-principles study of elastic constants and interlayer interactions of complex hydrated oxides : case study of Tobermorite and Jennite
R. Shahsavari, M.J. Buehler, R.J.-M. Pellenq, F.J. Ulm
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92 10 2323-2330 (2009)
Intrusion and retraction of fluids in nanopores : effect of morphological heterogeneity
B. Coasne, A. Galarneau, F. Di Renzo, R.J-M. Pellenq
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 5 1953-1962 (2009)
Zinc oxide nanostructures confined in porous silicas
B. Coasne, A. Mezy, R.J-M. Pellenq, D. Ravot, J.C. Tedenac
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 6 2185-2198 (2009)
Dynamics of the negative thermal expansion in tellurium based liquid alloys
C. Otjacques, J-Y. Raty, M-V. Coulet, M. Johnson, H. Schober, C. Bichara, J-P. Gaspard
Physical Review Letters 103 245901 (2009)
Physics and chemistry of silicene nano-ribbons
G. Le Lay, B. Aufray, C. Leandri, H. Oughaddou, J.P. Bibérian, P. De Padova, M.E. Davila, B. Ealet
Applied Surface Science 256 2 524-529 (2009)
A Rapid Method for Screening Crystallization Conditions and Phases of an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient
T. Detoisien, M. Forite, P. Taulelle, J.L. Teston, D. Colson, J.P. Klein, S. Veesler
Organic Process Research and development 13 1338-1342 (2009)
Polymorphism in Processes of Crystallization in Solution: A Practical Review
D. Mangin, F. Puel, S. Veesler
Organic Process Research and development 13 1241-1253 (2009)
Probing surfaces and interfaces morphology with Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-Ray Scattering
G. Renaud, R. Lazzari, F. Leroy
Surface Science Reports 64 8 255-380 (2009)
Probing the local temperature by In situ electron microscopy on a heated Si3N4 membrane
A. Reguer, F. Bedu, S. Nitsche, D. Chaudanson, B. Detailleur, H. Dallaporta
Ultramicroscopy 110 61-66 (2009)
Nanostructure instability induced by anisotropic epitaxial stresses
J. Colin, J. Grilhé, P. Müller
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 052601 (2009)
Measuring Enthalpy of sublimation for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients: Validate Crystal Energy and Predict Crystal Habit
P. Taulelle, G. Sitja, G. Pépe, E. Garcia, C. Hoff, S. Veesler
Crystal Growth and Design 9 4706-4709 (2009)
Pulsed-laser printing of organic thin film transistors
L. Rapp, A.K. Diallo, A.P. Alloncle, C. Videlot-ackermann, F. Fages, P. Delaporte
Applied Physics Letters 95 171109 (2009)
PAMAM dendrimer mediated siRNA delivery to target heat-shock protein 27 and produce potent antiproliferation effect on prostate cancer PC-3 cells
X. Liu, P. Rocci, F. Qu, S. Zheng, Z. Liang, M. Cleave, J. Iovanna, L. Peng
ChemMedChem 4 1302-1310 (2009)
Purification studies of Thymosin a-1
G. Félix, S. Droux, P. Joly, L. Charles
Chromatographia 70 381-387 (2009)
Spatial and temporal control of nucleation by localized DC electric field
Z. Hammadi, J.P. Astier, R. Morin, S. Veesler
Crystal Growth and Design 9 5 3346-3347 (2009)
Dye-adsorption-induced gelation of suspensions of spherical and rodlike zinc oxide nanoparticles in organic solvents
C. Martini, F.J. Stadler, A. Said, V. Heresanu, D. Ferry, C. Bailly, J. Ackermann, F. Fages
Langmuir 25 15 8473-8479 (2009)
Large crystal growth by thermal control allows combined X-ray and neutron crystallographic studies to elucidate the protonation states in Aspergillus flavus urate oxidase
E. Oksanen, M.P. Blakeley, F. Bonneté, M.T. Dauvergne, F. Dauvergne, M. Budayova-spano
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 6 S599-S610 (2009)
First-principles calculations and bias-dependent STM measurements at the alpha Sn/Ge(111) surface
P. Gori, F. Ronci, S. Colonna, A. Cricenti, O. Pulci, G. Le Lay
EuroPhysics Letters 85 6 66001 (2009)
Hydrogen storage enhanced in Li-doped carbon replica of zeolites : a possible route to achieve fuel cell demand
T. Roussel, C. Bichara, K.E. Gubbins, R.J.M. Pellenq
Journal of Chemical Physics 130 17 174717 (2009)
Structures of metal nanoparticles adsorbed on MgO(001). II. Ptand Pd
J. Goniakowski, A. Jelea, C. Mottet, G. Barcaro, A. Fortunelli, Z. Kuntova, F. Nita, A.C. Levi, G. Rossi, R. Ferrando
Journal of Chemical Physics 130 17 174703 (2009)
Structures of metal nanoparticles adsorbed on MgO(001). I. Ag and Au
R. Ferrando, G. Rossi, A.C. Levi, Z. Kuntova, F. Nita, A. Jelea, C. Mottet, G. Barcaro, A. Fortunelli, J. Goniakowski
Journal of Chemical Physics 130 17 174702 (2009)
Metal-rich Au-silicide nanoparticles for use in nanotechnology
E. Moyen, M. Macé, G. Agnus, A. Fleurence, T. Maroutian, F. Houzé, A. Stupakiewics, L. Masson, B. Bartenlian, W. Wulfhekel, P. Beauvillain, M. Hanbücken
Applied Physics Letters 94 233101 (2009)
Controlled Switching of Néel Caps in Flux-Closure Magnetic Dots
F. Cheynis, A. Masseboeuf, O. Fruchart, N. Rougemaille, J.-C. Toussaint, R. Belkhou, P. Bayle- Guillemaud, A. Marty
Physical Review Letters 102 107201 (2009)
Synthesis and photochromic properties of crown-containing styryl derivatives of naphthopyrans
E.M. Glebov, A.B. Smolentsev, V.V. Korolev, V.F. Plyusnin, A.V. Chebunkova, S.V. Paramonov, O.A. Fedorova, V. Lokshin, A. Samat
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 22 5 537-545 (2009)
On-line multi-enzymatic approach for improved sequence coverage in protein analysis
C. Temporini, E. Calleri, K. Cabrera, G. Félix, G. Massolini
Journal of Separation Science 32 8 1120-1128 (2009)
Canonical molecular dynamics simulations for crystallization of metallic nanodroplets on MgO(100)
A. Jelea, C. Mottet, J. Goniakowski, G. Rossi, R. Ferrando
Physical Review B 79 16 165438 (2009)
Comment on "Metallic nature of the alpha-Sn/Ge(111) surface down to 2.5K" Reply
S. Colonna, F. Ronci, A. Cricenti, G. Le Lay
Physical Review Letters 102 15 159602 (2009)
Reaching one single and stable critical cluster through finite sized systems
R. Grossier, S. Veesler
Crystal Growth and Design 9 4 1917-1922 (2009)
Early stages in the nucleation process of carbon nanotubes
M. Moors, H. Amara, T. Visart De Bocarme, C. Bichara, F. Ducastelle, N. Kruse, J.-C. Charlier
ACS Nano 3 3 511-516 (2009)
Physics of silicene stripes
A. Kara, C. Leandri, M. Davila, P. Padova, B. Ealet, H. Oughaddou, B. Aufray, G. Le Lay
Journal of superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 22 3 259-263 (2009)
Diffusion in supported lipid bilayers: influence of substrate and preparation technique on the bilayer internal dynamics
C. Scomparin, S. Lecuye, M. Ferreira, T. Charitat, B. Tinland
European Physical Journal E 28 2 211-220 (2009)
Simple phenomenological model for phase transitions in confined geometry.2.Capillary condensation/Evaporation in cylindrical mesopores
R.J.-M. Pellenq, B. Coasne, R.O. Denoyel, O. Coussy
Langmuir 25 3 1393-1402 (2009)
Design, synthesis and electrochemical properties of a thiophene derivative functionalized with a siderophore-like chelator
F. Moggia, F. Fages, H. Brisset, C. Chaix, B. Mandrand, E. Levillain, J. Roncali
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 626 42-46 (2009)
Giant magnetoresistance in melt spun Cu85Co10Ni5
S. Curiotto, E. Johnson, F. Celegato, M. Coisson, N. Pryds
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 3 131-136 (2009)
Step bunching to step-meandering transition induced by electromigration on Si(111) vicinal surface
F. Leroy, D. Karashanova, M. Dufay, J.M. Debiere, T. Frisch, J.J. Métois, P. Müller
Surface Science 603 507-512 (2009)
Tight-binding potential for atomistic simulations of carbon interacting with transition metals: Application to the Ni-C system
H. Amara, J.M. Roussel, C. Bichara, J.-P. Gaspard, F. Ducastelle
Physical Review B 79 1 014109 (2009)
Strong electromagnetic confinement near dielectric microspheres to enhance single-molecule fluorescence
D. Gérard, J. Wenger, A. Devilez, D. Gachet, B. Stout, N. Bonod, E. Popov, H. Rigneault
Optics Express 16 15297-15303 (2008)
Localized measurements of optical thickness variations in femtosecond trimmed structures
A.L. Lereu, F. Lemarchand, M. Lequime
Proceedings of SPIE. Bellingham: The International Society for Optical Engineering 7102 710203 (2008)
Molecular simulations of water in hydrophobic microporous solids
R.-J.-M. Pellenq, T. Roussel, J. Puibasset
Adsorption Journal of the International Adsorption Society 14 4-5 733-742 (2008)
Photophysical study of bay substituted perylenediimides
E. Fron, G. Schweitzer, P. Osswald, F. Wurthner, P. Marsal, D. Beljonne, K. Mullen, F.C. De Schryver, M. Van Der Auweraer
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 7 12 1509-1521 (2008)
Selective electro- chemical gold deposition onto p-Si (100) surfaces
L. Santinacci, T. Djenizian, P. Schwaller, T. Suter, A. Etcheberry, P. Schmuki
Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics 41 17 175301 (2008)
Thermoplasmonic processes in thin metal films
A.L. Lereu, A. Passian, R.H. Farahi, N.F. Van Hulst, T.G. Thundat
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 26 836 (2008)
Probing the local field at metallic antennas using single particle luminescence
A.L. Lereu, G. Sanchez-mosteiro, P. Ghenuche, A. Passian, R. Quidant, N.F. Van Hulst
Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics 100 052038 (2008)
Individual gold dimers investigated by far and near field imaging
A.L. Lereu, G. Sanchez-mosteiro, P. Henuche, R. Quidant, N.F. Van Hulst
Journal of Microscopy 229 254 (2008)
Efficient sensitization process of europium, ytterbium and neodymium through charge-transfer excited state
A. D’aléo, A. Picot, A. Beeby, J.A.G. Williams, B. Leguennic, C. Andraud, O. Maury
Inorganic Chemistry 47 10258-10268 (2008)
Tricaesium tris(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-κ3O2,N,O6)lutetium(III) octahydrate
V. Legrand, F. Aubert, A. D’aléo, P. Rabiller and O. Maury
Acta Crystallographica Section E 64 m1280–m128 (2008)
Strong Supramolecular Interactions Between Tris-dipicolinate Lanthanide Complexes and Arginine Amino Acid: Application to Protein Crystallography
G. Pompidor, A. D'aléo, N. Giraud, J. Vicat, L. Toupet, L. Emsley, R. Kahn, O. Maury
Angewandte Chemie/Angew Chem Int Ed 47 18 3388-3391 (2008)
Ordered phthalocyanine superstructures on Ag(110)
P. Palmgren, T. Angot, C.I. Nlebedim, J.M. Layet, G. Le Lay, M. Gothelid
Journal of Chemical Physics 128 6 064702 (2008)
Magnetic characterization of iron nanocubes
A.V. Trunova, R. Meckenstock, I. Barsukov, C. Hassel, O. Margeat, M. Spasova, J. Lindner, M. Farle
Journal of Applied Physics 104 093904 (2008)
Ultrasmall iron nanoparticles: Effect of size reduction on anisotropy and magnetization
L.-M. Lacroix, S. Lachaize, A. Falqui, T. Blon, J. Carrey, M. Respaud, F. Dumestre, C. Amiens, O. Margeat, B. Chaudret, P. Lecante, E. Snoeck
Journal of Applied Physics 103 3084-3086 (2008)
Strong physisorption site for H-2 in K- and Li-doped porous carbons
R.J.-M. Pellenq, F. Marinelli, J.D. Fuhr, F. Fernandez-alonso, K. Refson
Journal of Chemical Physics 129 22 224701 (2008)
Adsorption of simple fluid on silica surface and nanopore : effect of surface chemistry and pore shape
B. Coasne, F. Di Renzo, A. Galarneau, R.J. -M. Pellenq
Langmuir 24 14 7285-7293 (2008)
Elaboration of self-organized magnetic nanoparticles by selective cobalt silicidation
A. Fleurance, G. Agnus, T. Maroutian, B. Bartenlian, P. Beauvillain, E. Moyen, M. Hanbücken
Applied Surface Science 254 10 3147-3152 (2008)
Metallic nature of the alpha-Sn/Ge(111) surface down to 2;5 K
S. Colonna, F. Ronci, A. Cricenti, G. Le Lay
Physical Review Letters 101 18 186102 (2008)
Glycosylated asterisks are among the most potent low valency inducers of Concanavalin A aggregation
M. Sleiman, A. Varrot, J.-M. Raimundo, M. Gingras, P.G. Goekjian
Chemical Communications / Chem Commun (Cambridge) 48 6507-6509 (2008)
Using temperature to crystallize proteins: a mini-review
J.P. Astier, S. Veesler
Crystal Growth and Design 8 12 4215-4219 (2008)
Epitaxial growth of Mn5Ge3/Ge(111) heterostructures for spin injection
S. Olive-mendez, A. Spiesser, L.A. Michez, V. Le Thanh, A. Glachant, J. Derrien, T. Devillers, A. Barski, M. Jamet
Thin Solid Films 517 191-196 (2008)
Characteristic ordering in liquid phase change materials
C. Steimer, M.-V. Coulet, W. Welnic, H. Dieker, R. Detemple, C. Bichara, B. Beuneu, J.-P. Gaspard, M. Wuttig
Advanced Materials 20 23 4535-4540 (2008)
Real time imaging of supramolecular assembly formation via programmed nucleolipid recognition
L. Moreau, M. Camplo, M. Wathier, N. Taib, M. Laguerre, I. Bestel, M.W. Grinstaff, P. Barthelemy
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 44 14454-14455 (2008)
Anisotropy of the surface thermodynamic properties of silicon
P. Müller, J.J. Métois
Thin Solid Films 517 65-68 (2008)
Model of surface segregation driving forces and their coupling
J. Creuze, I. Braems, F. Berthier, C. Mottet, G. Treglia, B. Legrand
Physical Review B 78 7 075413 (2008)
A Tight-Binding Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Study of the Catalytic Growth of Carbon Nanotubes
H. Amara, C. Bichara, F. Ducastelle
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8 6099-6104 (2008)
Growth of Co on Au(111) studied by multiwavelength anomalous grazing-incidence small-angle x-ray scattering: From ordered nanostructures to percolated thin films and nanopillars
F. Leroy, G. Renaud, A. Letoublon, R. Lazzari
Physical Review B 77 235429 (2008)
Self-organization of Ge tetramers on Ag(001) surface : A 2D realization of unusual substrate mediated interactions
H. Oughaddou, B. Aufray, J.P. Bibérian, B. Ealet, G. Le Lay, G. Tréglia, A. Kara, T.S. Rahman
Surface Science 602 2 506-510 (2008)
Dating cartonate rocks with in-situ produced cosmogenic Be-10:why it often fails
S. Merchel, R. Braucher, L. Benedetti, O. Grauby, D.L. Bourles
Quaternary Geochronology 3 4 299-307 (2008)
Burning match oxidation process of silicon nanowires screened at the atomic scale
P. De Padova, C. Léandri, S. Vizzini, C. Quaresima, P. Perfetti, B. Olivier, H. Oughaddou, B. Aufray, G. Le Lay
Nano Letters 8 8 2299-2304 (2008)
Crystal growth and elasticity
P. Müller
European Physical Journal : Applied Physics 43 271-276 (2008)
Polymorphisme et transition de phases solides en solution
D. Mangin, F. Puel, S. Veesler
Les Techniques de l'ingénieur J2160 1-10 (2008)
Are conductance plateaus independent events in atomic point contact measurements ? A statistical approach
T. Leoni, R. Zoubkoff, S. Homri, N. Candoni, P. Vidakovic, A. Ranguis, H.R. Klein, A. Saul, P. Dumas
Nanotechnology 19 35 355401 (2008)
Growth of magnetic materials and Structures on Si(001) substrates using Co2Si as a template layer
S. Olive Mendez, V. Le Thanh, A. Ranguis, J. Derrien
Applied Surface Science 254 19 6040 (2008)
Growth and structural properties of CuAg and CoPt bimetallic nanoparticles
C. Langlois, D. Alloyeau, Y. Le Bouar, A. Loiseau, T. Oikawa, C. Mottet, C. Ricolleau
Faraday Discussions 138 375-391 (2008)
Synthesis of new (2) rotaxane including a macrocyclic receptor and a photochromic unit
E.A. Shilova, V.P. Perevalov, P. Valery, V.V. Susiov, C. Moustrou
Tetrahedron Letters 49 21 3453-3457 (2008)
Interlevel transitions and two-photon processes in Ge/Si quantum dot photocurrent
E. Finkman, N. Shuall, A. Vardi, V. Le Thanh, S.E. Schacham
Journal of Applied Physics 103 9 093114 (2008)
Chromatic alteration of red lead pigments in artworks : a review
S. Aze, J.-M. Vallet, V. Detalle, O. Grauby, A. Baronnet
Phase Transitions 81 2-3 145-154 (2008)
Controlling structure and morphology of CoPt nanoparticles through dynamical or static coalescence effects
J. Penuelas, P. Andreazza, C. Andreazza-vignolle, H.C.N. Tolentino, M. De Santis, C. Mottet
Physical Review Letters 100 115502 (2008)
Kink ordering and organized growth of Co clusters on a stepped Au(111) surface: A combined grazing-incidence x-ray scattering and STM study
F. Leroy, G. Renaud, A. Letoublon, S. Rohart, Y. Girard, V. Repain, S. Rousset, A. Coati, Y. Garreau
Physical Review B 77 045430 (2008)
Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulation Study of Water Adsorption in Silicalite at 300 K
J. Puibasset, R.J.-M. Pellenq
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 6390-6397 (2008)
Molecular simulation of adsorption and intrusion in nanopores
B. Coasne, A. Galarneau, F. Di Renzo, R.J.-M. Pellenq
Adsorption 14 2-3 215-221 (2008)
Engineering the bonding scheme in C-S-H: the iono-covalent framework
R.J.M. Pellenq, N. Lequeux, H. Van Damme
Cement and Concrete Research 38 2 159-174 (2008)
External field as a tool for measuring absolute values of step-step interaction
F. Leroy, P. Müller
Surface Science 602 126-132 (2008)
Synthesis of large quantities of single-walled aluminogermanate nanotube
C. Levard, J. Rose, A. Masion, E. Doelsch, D. Borschneck, L. Olivi, C. Dominici, O. Grauby, J.C. Woicik, J.Y. Bottero
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 18 5862 (2008)
Nucleoside, nucleotide and oligonucleotide based amphiphiles : a successful mariage of nucleic acids with lipids
A. Gissot, M. Camplo, M.W. Grinstaff, P. Barthelemy
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry / Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 6 8 1324-1333 (2008)
Strong interactions in dye-sensitized interfaces
P. Palmgren, K. Nilson, S. Yu, F. Hennies, T. Angot, C.I. Nlebedim, J.M. Layet, G. Le Lay, M. Gothelid
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 15 5972-5977 (2008)
Zoning of phosphorus in igneous olivine
M.S. Milman-barris, J.R. Beckett, M.B. Baker, A.E. Hofmann, Z. Morgan, M.R. Crowley, D. Vielzeuf, E. Stolper
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 155 6 739-765 (2008)
Understanding the nucleation mechanisms of carbon nanotubes in catalytic chemical vapor deposition
H. Amara, C. Bichara, F. Ducastelle
Physical Review Letters 100 5 056105 (2008)
Water interaction with hydrophobic and hydrophilic soot particles
O. Popovicheva, N.M. Persiantseva, N.K. Shonija, P. Demott, K. Koehler, M. Petters, S. Kreidenweis, V. Tishkova, B. Demirdjian, J. Suzanne
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10 2332-2344 (2008)
The evolution of crystal shape during dissolution : predictions and experiments
R.C. Snyder, S. Veesler, M.F. Doherty
Crystal Growth and Design 8 4 1100-1101 (2008)
Coverage dependence of Sb/Si(111) adsorption and desorption mode : interplay between chemical interactions and site transitions
H. Guesmi, L. Lapena, G. Treglia, P. Müller
Physical Review B 77 085402 (2008)
Growth of straight, atomically perfect, highly metallic silicon nanowires with chiral asymmetry
P. De Padova, C. Quaresima, P. Perfetti, B. Olivieri, C. Leandri, B. Aufray, S. Vizzini, G. Le Lay
Nano Letters 8 1 271-275 (2008)
Crystallization mechanisms of acicular crystals
F. Puel, E. Verdurand, P. Taulelle, C. Bebon, D. Colson, J.P. Klein, S. Veesler
Journal of Crystal Growth 310 1 110-115 (2008)
Interaction of carbon clusters with Ni(100) : application to the nucleation of carbon nanotubes
H. Amara, C. Bichara, F. Ducastelle
Surface Science 602 1 77-83 (2008)
X-ray photoelectron emission microscopy in combination with X-ray magnetic circular cichroism investigtion of size effects on eld-induced Neel-cap reversal
F. Cheynis, N. Rougemaille, R. Belkhou, J.-C. Toussaint, O. Fruchart
Journal of Applied Physics 103 07D915 (2008)
Synthesis and zinc(II) complexation modulated fluorescence emission properties of two pyrene-oligo(phenylene vinylene)-2,2’-bipyridine conjugated molecular rods
S. Leroy-lhez, M. Allain, J. Oberlé, F. Fages
New Journal of Chemistry 31 1013-1021 (2007)
Anaerobic 1-alkene metabolism by the alkane- and alkene-degrading sulfate-reducer Desulfatibacillum aliphaticivorans strain CV2803T
V. Grossi, C. Cravo-laureau, A. Meou, D. Raphel, F. Garzino, A. Hirschler-rea
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73 7882-7890 (2007)
Growth modes of Fe(110) revisited : a contribution of self-assembly to magnetic materials
O. Fruchart, P.-O. Jubert, M. Eleoui, F. Cheynis, B. Borca, P. David, V. Santonacci, A. Liénard, M. Hasegawa, C. Meyer
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 19 053001 (2007)
Spironaphthoxazines produced from crown-containing dihydroisoquinolines: Synthesis and spectroscopic study of cation- dependent photochromism
V.V. Korolev, D.Y. Vorobyev, E.M. Glebov, V.P. Grivin, V.F. Plyusnin, A.V. Koshkin, O.A. Fedorova, S.P. Gromov, M.V. Alfimov, Y.V. Shklyaev, T.S. Vshivkova, Y.S. Rozhkova, A.G. Tolstikov, V. Lokshin, A. Samat
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 192 75-83 (2007)
Photoreversible cyclisation of a 3-(2-benzylbenzoyl)- quinolinone: a higly efficient photochromic compound
J. Berthet, J-C. Micheau, V. Lokshin, M. Vales, A. Samat, G. Vermeersch, S. Delbaere
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 187 269-274 (2007)
New porosification of n-inp and n-gaas in acidic liquid ammonia at 223 k : unusual morphologies associated to distinguished electrochemical behaviours
A.M. Goncalves, L. Santinacci, A. Eb, C. David, C. Mathieu, M. Herlem, A. Etcheberry
Physica Status solidi (a) 204 5 1286-1291 (2007)
In situ electrochemical characterization of porous n-InP (100)
L. Santinacci, A.M. Goncalves, C. David, A. Eb, I. Gerard, C. Mathieu, M. Herlem, A. Etcheberry
Physica Status solidi (c) 4 6 1898–1902 (2007)
Plasmons lend a helping hand
A.L. Lereu
Nature Photonics 1 368 (2007)
Stochastic excitation and delayed oscillation of a micro-oscillator
A. Passian, A.L. Lereu, D. Yi, S. Barhen, T. Thundat
Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology 15 25 (2007)
Stochastic excitation and delayed oscillation of a micro-oscillator
A. Passian, A.L. Lereu, D. Yi, S. Barhen, T. Thundat
Physical Review B 75 19 233403 (2007)
An experimental investigation of analog delay generation for dynamic control of microsensors and atomic force microscopy
D. Yi, A. Passian, A.L. Lereu, T. Thundat
Ultramicroscopy 107 1020 (2007)
Lanthanide Containing Biological and Bio-inspired Materials for Nonlinear Biphotonic Microscopy
A. D’aléo, G. Pompidor, B. Elena, J. Vicat, P.L. Baldeck, L. Toupet, R. Kahn, C. Andraud, O. Maury
ChemPhysChem 8 2125-2132 (2007)
Benzyl and t-butyl carbamate derivativesof 1,- amino acids as simple yet efficientgelators
A. D’aléo, J.-L. Pozzo, K. Heuzé, F. Vögtle
Tetrahedron 63 7482-7488 (2007)
Aggregation of oligothio dendrimer-semi-capped nanoparticles on solid surfaces: Droplets and “Doughnuts
A. Fahmi, S.P. Barragan, A. D’aléo, R.M. Williams, J. Van Heyst, L. De Cola, F. Vögtle
Materials chemistry and Physics 103 361-363 (2007)
Converting Self-Assembled Nanoparticle/Dendrimer Nanodroplets into Horse-shoe-like Nanostructures by Thermal Annealing
A. Fahmi, A. D’aléo, R.M. Williams, L. De Cola, N. Gindy, F. Vögtle
Langmuir 23 7831-7835 (2007)
Germanium adsorption on Ag(111) : an AES-LEED and STM study
H. Oughaddou, A. Mayne, B. Aufray, J.P. Bibérian, G. Le Lay, B. Ealet, G. Dujardin, A. Kara
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 7 9 3189-3192 (2007)
NiFe nanoparticles: a soft magnetic material?
O. Margeat, D. Ciuculescu, C. Amiens, B. Chaudret, M. Respaud, P. Lecante
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Magnetism and structure of chemically disordered FePt-3 nanocubes
O. Margeat, M. Tran, M. Spasova, M. Farle
Physical Review B 75 134410 (2007)
Synthesis, structures, and optical and electrochemical characteristics of novel crown-containing polythiophene systems
E.V. Lukovskaya, A.A. Bobyleva, O.A. Fedorova, YU.V. Fedorov, A.V. Anisimov, H. Brisset, Y. Didane, F. Fages
Russian Chemical Bulletin 5 967-974 (2007)
Controlled growth of aluminum oxide thin films on hydrogen terminated Si(001) surface
S. Vizzini, H. Oughaddou, C. Leandri, V.K. Lazarov, A. Kohn, K. Nguyen, C. Coudreau, J.-P. Biberian, B. Ealet, J.-L. Lazzari, F.A. D'avitaya, B. Aufray
Journal of Crystal Growth 305 26 (2007)
Experimental and atomistic simulation study of the structural and adsorption properties of Faujasite zeolite-templated nanostructured carbon materialst
T. Roussel, A. Didion, R.J.M. Pellenq, R. Gadiou, C. Bichara, C. Vix-guterl
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 15863 (2007)
Effect of morphological defects on gas adsorption in nanoporous silicas
F. Renzo, R.J.M. Pellenq
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 15759 (2007)
Structure of narrow-diameter single-wall carbon nanotubes grown in AlPO4-5 zeolite
T. Roussel, R.J.M. Pellenq, C. Bichara
Physical Review B 76 235418 (2007)
X-ray scattering from stepped and kinked surfaces: an approach with the paracrystal model
F. Leroy, R. Lazzari, G. Renaud
Surface Science 601 1915-1929 (2007)
Structural and morphological evolution of Co on faceted Pt/W(111) surface upon thermal annealing
C. Revenant, F. Leroy, G. Renaud, R. Lazzari, A. Letoublon, T. Madey
Surface Science 601 3431 (2007)
Self-similarity during growth of the Au/TiO2 (110) model catalyst as seen by the scattering of x-rays at grazing-angle incidence
R. Lazzari, G. Renaud, J. Jupille, F. Leroy
Physical Review B 76 125412 (2007)
Grazing-incidence small-angle x-ray scattering from dense packing of islands on surfaces: Development of distorted wave Born approximation and correlation between particle sizes and spacing
R. Lazzari, F. Leroy, G. Renaud
Physical Review B 76 125411 (2007)
Structure of gold monoatomic wires connected to two electrodes
R. Zoubkoff, L. De La Vega, A. Martin-rodero, A. Levy Yeyati, A. Saul
Physica B 398 309 (2007)
Stability study and catalytic properties of chymotrypsin-bioreactors based on epoxy-monolithic silica columns prepared with a new silanization method
C. Temporini, E. Calleri, D. Campèse, K. Cabrera, G. Félix, G. Massolini
Journal of Separation Science 30 17 3069 (2007)
Effect of doping location on photoconductive spectrum of SiGe quantum dots
S.E. Schacham, A. Vardi, V. Le Thanh, E. Finkman
Physica Status solidi (a) 204 477 (2007)
Importance of Size to Charge Ratio in Construction of Stable and Uniform Nanoscale RNA/dendrimer Complexes
X-C. Shen, J. Zhou, X. Liu, J. Wu, F. Qu, Z-L. Zhang, D.W. Pang, G. Quélever, C.X. Zhang, L. Peng
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry / Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 5 3674-3681 (2007)
Propagation of structural deviation of poly(amido)amine fan-shape dendrimers (generations 0 to 3) characterized by MALDI and electrospray mass spectrometry
R. Giordanengo, M. Mazarin, J. Wu, L. Peng, L. Charles
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 266 1-3 62-75 (2007)
Direct Synthesis of 5-Aryltriazole Acyclonucleosides via Suzuki Coupling in Aqueous Solution
R. Zhu, F. Qu, G. Quelever, L. Peng
Tetrahedron Letters 48 2389-2393 (2007)
Fibroblast adaptation and stiffness matching to soft elastic substrates
J. Solon, I. Levental, K. Sengupta, P.C. Geortes, P.A. Janmey
Biophysical Journal 93 12 4453-4461 (2007)
Coordination-induced structure of the Mg 2p core level in i-ZnMgR quasicrystals
V. Karpus, A. Suchodolskis, J. Taulavicius, U.O. Karlsson, G. Le Lay, W. Assmus, S. Bruhne
Physical Review B 76 15 155119 (2007)
Silicon quantum wires on Ag(110) : Fermi surface and quantum well states
M.A. Valbuena, J. Avila, M.E. Davila, C. Leandri, B. Aufray, G. Le Lay, M.C. Asensio
Applied Surface Science 254 1 50-54 (2007)
Red lead darkening in wall paintings : natural ageing of experimental wall paintings versus artificial ageing tests
S. Aze, J.M. Vallet, M. Pomey, A. Baronnet, O. Grauby
European Journal of Mineralogy 19 6 883-890 (2007)
Improvement of reflection electron microscopy : LODREM
J.J. Métois, P. Muller
Jeol News 42E 1 8 (2007)
Pb induced charge accumulation on InAs(111)B
K. Smamota-leandersson, R. Bugoi, M. Gothelid, G. Le Lay, U.O. Karlsson
Surface Science 601 15 3246-3252 (2007)
Lead phthalocyanine films by near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy
E. Salomon, N. Papageorgiou, T. Angot, A. Verdini, A. Cossaro, L. Floreano, A. Morgante, L. Giovanelli, G. Le Lay
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 33 12467-1247 (2007)
Formation of a one-dimensional grating at the molecular scale by self-assembly of straight silicon nanowires
H. Sahaf, L. Leandri, C. Masson, B. Aufray, G. Le Lay, F. Ronci
Applied Physics Letters 90 26 263110 (2007)
Evidence of sn adatoms quantum tunneling at the alpha-Sn/Si(111) surface
F. Ronci, S. Colonna, A. Cricenti, G. Le Lay
Physical Review Letters 99 16 166103 (2007)
Water confined in two mesoporous silica glasses: influence of temperature ion adsorption/desorption hystersis loop and fluid structure
J. Puibasset, R.J.M. Pellenq
European Physical Journal-special Topics 141 41 (2007)
Controlled growth of aluminum oxide thin films on hydrogen terminated Si(001) surface
S. Vizzini, H. Oughaddou, C. Leandri, V.K. Lazarov, A. Kohn, K. Nguyen, C. Coudreau, J.P. Biberian, B. Ealet, J.-L. Lazzari, F. Arnaud D'avitaya, B. Aufray
Journal of Crystal Growth 305 26-29 (2007)
Growth of magnetic tunnel junctions on Si(001) substrates.
S. Olive-mendez, V. Le Thanh, I. Ozerov, S. Ferrero, C. Coudreau, J.-L. Lazzari, F. Arnaud D'avitaya, L. Ravel, P. Boivin
Thin Solid Films 515 6501-6506 (2007)
Equilibrium nanoshapes : from thermodynamics to atomistic simulations
P. Muller, C. Mottet
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 4 1-10 (2007)
Dating carbonate rocks with in situ produced cosmogenic Be-10 : why it often fails
S. Merchel, R. Braucher, L. Benedetti, O. Grauby, D.L. Bourles
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 15 A653-A653 (2007)
Vicinal silicon surfaces : from step density wave to faceting
F. Leroy, P. Muller, J.J. Metois, O. Pierre-louis
Physical Review B 76 045402 (2007)
Growth of Si nanostructures on Ag(001)
C. Leandri, H. Oughaddou, B. Aufray, J.M. Gay, G. Le Lay, A. Ranguis, Y. Garreau
Surface Science 601 (1) 262-267 (2007)
In situ study of quasicrystal growth by synchrotron X-ray imaging
J. Gastaldi, G. Reinhart, H. Nguyen-thi, N. Mangelinck-noel, B. Billia, T. Schenk, J. Hartwig, B. Grushko, H. Klein, A. Buffet, J. Baruchel, H. Jung, P. Pino, B. Przepiarzynski
Philosophical Magazine 87 18-21 3079-3087 (2007)
Adsorption and neutron scattering studies : a reliable way to characterize both the mesoporous MCM-41 and the filling mode of the adsorbed species
N. Floquet, J.P. Coulomb, P. Llewellyn, G. André, R. Kahn
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 160 71-78 (2007)
The Samson phase, beta-Mg2Al3, revisited
M. Feuerbacher, C. Thomas, J. Makongo, S. Hoffmann, W. Carrillo-cabrera, R. Cardoso, Y. Grin, G. Kreiner, J.M. Joubert, T. Schenk, J. Gastaldi, H. Nguyen-thi, N. Mangelinck-noel, B. Billia, P. Donnadieu, A. Czyrska-filemonowicz, A. Zielinska-lipiec, B. Du
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 222 6 259-288 (2007)
Structural and dynamic properties of confined hydrogen isotopes (H-2, HD, D-2) in model porous materials : silicalite-I, AIPO4-N family (N = 5, 81 11, 54) and MCM-41 (empty set = 25 angstrom)
J.P. Coulomb, N. Floquet, N. Dufau, P. Llewellyn, G. Andre
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 101 1-2 271-278 (2007)
Effect of Morphological Defects on Gas Adsorption in Nanoporous Silicas
B. Coasne, A. Galarneau, F. Di Renzo, R. J. M. Pellenq
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 43 15759-1577 (2007)
STM observation of a single diarylethene flickering
N. Battaglini, H.R. Klein, C. Hortholary, C. Coudret, F. Maurel, P. Dumas
Ultramicroscopy 107 10-11 958-962 (2007)
Protein crystallization induced by a localized high voltage
Z. Hammadi, J.P. Astier, R. Morin, S. Veesler
Crystal Growth and Design 8 1476-1482 (2007)
Photochemically induced nucleation in supersaturated and undersaturated thaumatin solutions
T. Okutsu, K. Sugiyama, K. Furuta, I. Watanebe, H. Mori, K. Obi, K. ; Horota, H. Horiuchi, G. Sazaki, S. Veesler, S. H. Hiratsuka
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 190 88-93 (2007)
Protein Crystallography under Xenon and Nitrous Oxide Pressure: Comparison with In Vivo Pharmacology Studies and Implications for the Mechanism of Inhaled Anesthetic Action
N. Colloc'h, J. Sopkova De Oliveira Santos, P. Retailleau, D. Vivares, F. Bonneté, B. Langlois D'estainto, B. Gallois, A. Brisson, J.J. Risso, M. Lemaire, T. Prangé, J.H. Abraini
Biophysical Journal 92 217-224 (2007)
Refractive effects in Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) Microscopy
N. Djaker, D. Gachet, N. Sandeau, P.-F. LENNE & H. Rigneault
Applied Optics 45 7005-7011 (2006)
Electronic properties and reactivity of short-chain oligomers of 3,4-phenylenedioxythiophene (PheDOT)
I.F. Perepichka, S. Roquet, P. Leriche, J-M. Raimundo, P. Frere, J. Roncali
Chemistry - A European Journal 12 11 2960-2966 (2006)
Molecular modeling of porous carbons using the hybrid reverse Monte Carlo method
S.K. Jain, R.-J.-M. Pellenq, J.P. Pikunic, K.E. Gubbins
Langmuir 22 24 9942-9948 (2006)
Molecular modeling and adsorption properties of porous carbons
S.K. Jain, K.E. Gubbins, R.-J.-M. Pellenq, J.P. Pikunic
Carbon 44 12 2445-2451 (2006)
Closed loop miscibility gap in sulphur-tellurium melts : structural evidences and thermodynamic modeling
M.-V. Coulet, R. Bellissent, C. Bichara
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 18 11471-11486 (2006)
Water on extended and point defects at MgO surfaces
D. Costa, C. Chizallet, B. Ealet, J. Goniakowski, F.FINOCCHI F.
Journal of Chemical Physics 125 054702 (2006)
Vertical nanopatterning of 6H-SiC(0001) surfaces using gold-metal nanotube membrane lithography
W. Lee, E. Moyen, W. Wulfhekel, A. Leycuras, K. Nielsch, U. Goesele, M. Hanbücken
Applied Physics A : Materials Science and Processing 83 3 361-363 (2006)
Synthesis and cation-dependent photochromism of spironaphthoxazines obtained from crown-containing dihydroisoquinolines
V.V. Korolev, D.Y. Vorobyev, E.M. Glebov, V.P. Grivin, V.F. Plyusnin, A.V. Koshkin, O.A. Fedorova, S.P. Gromov, M.V. Alfimov, Y.V. Shklyaev, T.S. Vshivkova, Y.S. Rozhkova, A.G. Tolstikov, V. Lokshin, A. Samat
Mendeleev Communications 16 6 302-304 (2006)
Temperature and coverage dependent evolution of the Au/Pd(110) surface structure
M. Kralj, A. Bailly, M.-C. Saint-lager, S. Degen, A. Krupski, C. Becker, P. Dolle, M. De Santis, K. Wandelt
Surface Science 600 2614–2622 (2006)
Nucleation of ordered Fe islands on Al2O3 /Ni3Al(111)
A. Lehnert, A. Krupski, S. Degen, K. Franke, R. Decker, S. Rusponi, M. Kralj, C. Becker, H. Brune, K. Wandelt
Surface Science 600 1804-1808 (2006)
Light induced molecular motion of azobenzene-containing molecules : a random walk model
B. Bellini, J. Ackermann, H.R. Klein, C. Grave, PH. Dumas, S. Safarov
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 18 S1817-1835 (2006)
Plasmonic Marangoni forces
A.L. Lereu, A. Passian, R.H. Farahi, S. Zahrai, T. Thundat
Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid publications 1 06030 (2006)
Ethanol vapor detection in saline solution using piezoresistive microcantilevers
C. Parks-cheney, A. Wig, D.L. Hedden, A. Gehl, A.L. Lereu, R.H. Farahi, S.R. Hunter, T.L. Ferrell
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Nonradiative surface plasmon assisted microscale Marangoni forces
A. Passian, S. Zahrai, A.L. Lereu, R.H. Farahi, T.L. Ferrell, T. Thundat
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 066311 (2006)
Microscale Marangoni actuation: All-optical and all-electrical methods
R.H. Farahi, A. Passian, S. Zahrai, A.L. Lereu, T.L. Ferrell, T. Thundat
Ultramicroscopy 106 815 (2006)
Surface plasmon assisted thermal coupling of multiple photon energies
A. Passian, A.L. Lereu, R.H. Ritchie, F. Meriaudeau, T. Thundat, T.L. Ferrell
Thin Solid Films 497 315 (2006)
The structure of pyrazoles in the solid state : a combined CPMAS NMR and crystallographic study
R.M. Claramunt, P. Cornago, V. Torres, E. Pinilla, M. Rosario Torres, A. Samat, V. Lokshin, M. Vales, J. Elguero
Journal of Organic Chemistry 71 18 6881-6891 (2006)
Optimization of a trypsin-bioreactor coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectroscopy for quality control of biotechnological drugs
C. Temporini, E. Perani, F. Mancini, M. Bartolini, E. Calleri, D. Lubda, G. Félix, V. Andrisano, G. Massolini
Journal of Chromatography A 1120 121-131 (2006)
Cationic Nucleoside lipids derived for gene delivery
P. Chabaud, M. Camplo, D. Payet, G. Serin, L. Moreau, P. Barthelemy, M. Grinstaff
Bioconjugate Chemistry 17 2 466-472 (2006)
Design, Synthesis and Redox Properties of Two Ferrocene-Containing Iron Chelators
F. Moggia, H. Brisset, F. Fages, C. Chaix, B. Mandrand, M. Dias, E. Levillain
Tetrahedron Letters 47 20 3371-3374 (2006)
Synthesis and Antiviral Evaluation of Cyclic and Acyclic 2-Methyl-3-hydroxy-4-pyridinone Nucleosides Derivatives
K. Barral, J. Balzarini, J. Neyts, E. De Clercq, R.C. Hider, M. Camplo
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry / JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY 49 43-50 (2006)
Cooperative Binding and Self-Assembling Behavior of Cationic Low-Molecular-Weight Dendrons with RNA Molecules
J. Zhou, J. Wu, X. Liu, F. Qu, M. Xiao, Y. Zhang, L. Charles, C.-C. Zhang, L. Peng
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry / Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 4 581-585 (2006)
Testing the feasibility of using the Density Functional Theory route for pore size distribution calculations on ordered microporous carbons
T. Roussel, R.J.-M. Pellenq, J. Jagiello, M. Thommes, C. Bichara
Molecular Simulation 32 551-555 (2006)
Zeolites and zeolitization of acid pyroclastic rocks from paroxysmal paleogene volcanism, East Rhodopes, Bulgaria.
Y. Yanev, J.J. Cocheme, R. Ivanova, O. Grauby, E. Burlet
Neuen Jahrbuch fuer Mineralogie 181 1-19 (2006)
In situ and real-time probing of quasicrystal solidification dynamics by synchrotron imaging
H.N. Thi, J. Gastaldi, T. Schenk, G. Reinhart, N. Mangelinck-noel, V. Cristiglio, B. Billia, B. Grushko, J. Hartwig, H. Klein, J. Baruchel
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 3 031605 (2006)
Creation of a metallic channel at the Sn/InAs(111)B surface studied using synchrotron-radiation photoelectron spectroscopy
K. Szamota-leandersson, M. Gothelid, J. Kanski, L. Ilver, G. Le Lay, U.O. Karlsson
Physical Review B 74 (20) 205406 (2006)
Low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and scanning tunneling spectroscopy study at the alpha-Sn/Ge (111) surface
F. Ronci, S. Colonna, S.D. Thorpe, A. Cricenti, G. Le Lay
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 45, 3B 2180-2183 (2006)
Spirals on Si(111) at sublimation and growth REM and LODREM observations
B. Ranguelov, J.J. Metois, P. Müller
Surface Science 21 4848-4854 (2006)
Growth of aluminium oxide thin films on cobalt : an AES and AFM study 2
H. Oughaddou, S. Vizzini, B. Aufray, B. Ealet, J.P. Bibérian, L. Ravel, J.M. Gay, F.A. D'avitaya
Journal de Physique IV Colloque 132 269-272 (2006)
Growth and oxidation of Al thin films deposited on Ag(111)
H. Oughaddou, S. Vizzini, B. Aufray, B. Ealet, J.-M. Gay, J.-P. Bibérian, F. A. D'avitaya
Applied Surface Science 252 4167 (2006)
Nucleation, growth and ageing scenarios in closed systems I : a unified mathematical framework for precipitation, condensation and crystallization
C. Noguera, B. Fritz, A. Clement, A. Baronnet
Journal of Crystal Growth 297 (1) 180-186 (2006)
Nucleation, growth and ageing scenarios in closed systems II : dynamics of a new phase formation
C. Noguera, B. Fritz, A. Clement, A. Baronnet
Journal of Crystal Growth 297 (1) 187-198 (2006)
Effect of thermal annealing on the optical properties of self-assembled Ge/Si quantum dots
T.K. Nguyen-duc, V. Le Thanh, J. Derrien, V. Yam, P. Boucaud, D. Bouchier
Journal de Physique IV Colloque 132 163-170 (2006)
Influence of point defects on the optical properties of self-assembled Ge/Si hut clusters
T.K. Nguyen-duc, V. Le Thanh, V. Yam, P. Boucaud, D. Bouchier, O.G. Schmidt, J. Derrien
Thin Solid Films 508 207-212 (2006)
Etching nanoholes in silicon carbide using catalytic platinum nanoparticles
E. Moyen, W. Wulfhekel, L. Woo, A. Leycuras, K. Nielsch, U. Gösele, M. Hanbücken
Applied Physics A : Materials Science and Processing 84 369 (2006)
Site segregation in size-mismatched nanoalloys : application to Cu-Ag
V. Moreno, J. Creuze, F. Berthier, C. Mottet, G. Treglia, B. Legrand
Surface Science 600 22 5011-5020 (2006)
Ordered silicon structures on silver (100) at 230 degrees C
C. Leandri, B. Aufray, G. Le Lay, C. Girardeaux, C. Ottaviani, A. Cricenti
Journal de Physique IV Colloque 132 311-314 (2006)
X-Ray studies on optical and structural properties of ZnO nanostructured thin films
S. Larcheri, C. Armellini, F. Rocca, A. Kuzmin, R. Lalendarev, G. Dalba, R. Graziola, J. Purans, D. Pailharey, F. Jandard
Superlattices and Microstructures 39 1-4 267-274 (2006)
Mg 2p shallow core-level and local atomic structure of i-ZnMgRE quasicrystals
V. Karpus, A. Suchodolskis, U.O. Karlsson, G. Le Lay, L. Giovanelli, W. Assmus, S. Brühne, E. Uhrig
Applied Surface Science 252 5411 (2006)
Near monolayer deposition of palladium phthalocyanine and perylene tetracarboxylic diimide on Au(100): a STM study.
O. Guillermet, A. Glachant, M. Mossoyan, J.C. Mossoyan
Journal de Physique IV Colloque 132 77-81 (2006)
Structural study of vapour phase deposited 3,4,9,10-perylene tetracarboxylicacid diimide: comparison between single crystal and ultra thin films grown on Pt(100).
O. Guillermet, M. Mossoyan-deneux, M. Giorgi, A. Glachant, J.C. Mossoyan
Thin Solid Films 514 1-2 25-32 (2006)
"In situ" observation of pore evolution during melting and solidification of Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystals by synchrotron X-ray radiography
J. Gastaldi, T. Schenk, G. Reinhart, Y. Klein, J. Hartwig, N. Mangelinck-noel, B. Grushko, T. H. Nguyen, P. Pino, B. Billia, J. Baruchel
Philosophical Magazine 86 3-5 335 (2006)
In situ observation of pore evolution during melting and solidification of Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystals by synchrotron X-ray radiography
J. Gastaldi, T. Schenk, G. Reinhart, H. Klein, J. Hartwig, N. Mangelinck-noel, B. Grushko, H.N. Thi, P. Pino, B. Billia, J. Baruchel
Philosophical Magazine 86 3-5 335-340 (2006)
Synchotron X-ray diffractometry and imaging on strains and defects in icosahedral quasicrystal grains
J. Gastaldi, T. Schenk, L. Mancini, H. Klein, J. Härtwig, S. Agliozzo, J. Baruchel, M. De Boissieu
Philosophical Magazine 86 36 5897-5907 (2006)
Dynamics of long-wavelength phason fluctuations in the i-Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystal
S. Francoal, F. Livet, B. M. De, F. Yakhou, F. Bley, A. Letoublon, R. Caudron, J. Gastaldi, R. Currat
Philosophical Magazine 86 1029 (2006)
Deuterium adsorption in single wall carbon nanotube doped with lithium and potassium: adsorption isotherms and in situ neutron diffraction
L. Duclaux, S. Los, P. Azais, R.J.M. Pellenq, Y. Breton, O. Isnard
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67 5-6 1122-1126 (2006)
Perturbations of Ge(111) and Si(111)R3Xr3 Sn surfaces by adsorption of dopants
M.E. Davila, J. Avila, M.C. Asensio, M. Gothelid, U.O. Karlsson, G. Le Lay
Surface Science 600 16 3154-3159 (2006)
Photoelectron spectrocopy study of Pb/Ag(111) in the submonolayer range Surface Science, 2006, vol. 600, pp. 1227-1230
J. Dalmas, H. Oughaddou, G. Le Lay, B. Aufray, G. Treglia, C. Girardeaux, J. Bernardini, J. Fujii, G. Panaccione
Surface Science 600 1227-1230 (2006)
Formation of an unexpected ordered two-dimensional Ag2Pb surface alloy on Ag(111) : A SXRD and STM study
J. Dalmas, H. Oughaddou, C. Leandri, J.M. Gay, G. Le Lay, G. Treglia, B. Aufray, O. Bunk, R.L. Johnson
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67 1-3 601-604 (2006)
Gas Adsorption in Mesoporous Micelle-Templated Silicas: MCM-41, MCM-48, and SBA-15
B. Coasne, A. Galarneau, F. Di Renzo, R. J. M. Pellenq
Langmuir 22 11097 (2006)
Adsorption of Simple Gases in MCM-41 Materials: The Role of Surface Roughness
B. Coasne, F. R. Hung, R. J.-M. Pellenq, F. R. Siperstein, K. E. Gubbins
Langmuir 22 194 (2006)
The fading of red lead pigment in wall paintings : tracking the physico-chemical transformations by means of complementary microanalysis techniques
S. Aze, J.M. Vallet, A. Baronnet, O. Grauby
European Journal of Mineralogy 18 (6) 835-843 (2006)
Atomistic calculations of structural and elastic properties of serpentine minerals: the case of lizardite.
A.-L. Auzende, R.-J.-M. Pellenq, B. Devouard, A. Baronnet, O. Grauby
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 33 4 266-275 (2006)
Formation of carbon nanostructures on nickel surfaces : a tight-binding grand canonical Monte Carlo study
H. Amara, C. Bichara, F. Ducastelle
Physical Review B 73 11 113404 (2006)
Wetting of Decagonal Al13Co4 and Cubic AlCo Thin Films by Liquid Pb
C. Bergman, C. Girardeaux, C. Perrin-pellegrino, P. Gas, D. Chatain, J.M. Dubois, N. Rivier
Philosophical Magazine 86(6-8) 849-854 (2006)
Numerical Analysis of the Shapes and Energies of Droplets on Micropatterned Substrates
D. Chatain, D. Lewis, J.P. Baland, W.C. Carter
Langmuir 22(9) 4237-4243 (2006)
Wetting of Pb on oxidized micro-patterned Si wafers
D. Chatain, C. Lesueur, J.P. Baland
Langmuir 22(9) 4230-4236 (2006)
A thermodynamic and neutron scattering study of hydrogen adsorption in two mesoporous ordered carbons
T. Roussel, R.J.M. Pellenq, M. Bienfait, C. Vix-guterl, R. Gadiou, F. Beguin, M. Johnson
Langmuir 22 n°10 4614-4619 (2006)
Adsorption of sample gases in MCM-41 materials : the role of surface roughness
B. Coasne, F.R. Hung, R.J.M. Pellenq, F.R. Siperstein, K.E. Gubbins
Langmuir 22 194-202 (2006)
MPCD : a new interactive on-line crystallization data bank for screening strategies
M. Charles, S. Veesler, F. Bonneté
Acta Crystallographica Section D 62 1311-1318 (2006)
Crystals from light: Photochemically-induced nucleation of Hen Egg-White Lysozyme
S. Veesler, K. Furuta, H. Horiuchi, N. Ferté, T. Okutsu
Crystal Growth and Design 6 1631-1635 (2006)
Exploring Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor Phase Transitions.
S. Grouazel, F. Bonnete, J.-P. Astier, N. Ferte, J. Perez, S. Veesler
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 19664-1967 (2006)
Crystallization in the Presence of a Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation.
S. Veesler, E. Revalor, O. Bottini, C. Hoff
Organic Process Research and development 10 841-845 (2006)
A new method to characterize chemically and topographically nanopatterned surfaces
A. Charrier, T. J. Porri, C. J. Murphy, P. F. Nealey
Journal of Biotechnology 126 196 (2006)
A preliminary neutron diffraction study of Rasburicase, a recombinant urate oxidase enzyme, complexed with 8-azaxanthin
M. Budayova-spano, F. Bonneté, N. Ferté, M. El Hajji, F. Meilleur, M. Blakeley, B. Castro
Acta Crystallographica Section F 62 306-309 (2006)
Pharmaceutical compound crystallization : growth mechanism of needle-like crystals
P. Taulelle, J.P. Astier, C. Hoff, G. Pèpe, S. Veesler
Chemical Engineering and Technology 29 239-246 (2006)
Polymorphism of Urate oxidase in PEG solutions
D. Vivares, S. Veesler, J. P. Astier, F. Bonneté
Crystal Growth and Design 6 287-292 (2006)
Modeling of the dissolution of a pharmaceutical compound.
D. Mangin, E. Garcia, S. Gerard, C. Hoff, J.P. Klein and S. Veesler
Journal of Crystal Growth 286 121-125 (2006)
"Electrical" behaviour of photochromic compounds
C. Coudret, G. Guirado, C. Hortolary, J.P. Launay, N. Battaglini, H.R. Klein, PH. Dumas
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 431 501-508 (2005)
SIMS analysis of oxygen isotopes : matrix effects in Fe-Mg-Ca garnets
D. Vielzeuf, M. Champenois, J.W. Valley, F. Brunet, J.L. Devidal
Chemical Geology 223 4 208-226 (2005)
Uphill diffusion and zero flux planes in garnets: an experimental and ATEM study.
D. Vielzeuf, A. Lupulescu, A.L. Perchuk, D. Laporte, A. Baronnet, A. Addad
TMS Letters 2/3 89-90 (2005)
An experimental and mesoscopic lattice simulation study of styrene-butadiene latex-cement composites properties
O. Rozenbaum, R.J.M. Pellenq, H. Van Damme
Materials and Structures 38 467-478 (2005)
Selenium and carbon nanostructures in the pores of AlPO4-5
T. Roussel, C. Bichara, R.J.M. Pellenq
Adsorption Journal of the International Adsorption Society 11 709-714 (2005)
Direct observation of Sn adatoms dynamical fluctuations at the Sn/Ge(111) surface
F. Ronci, S. Colonna, S.D. Thorpe, A. Cricenti, G. Le Lay
Physical Review Letters vol. 95 15 156101 (2005)
Optical and morphological investigation of backward-deposited layer induced by laser ablation of steel in ambient air
A. Pereira, P. Delaporte, M. Sentis, W. Marine, A. Lise Thomann, C. Boulmer-leborgne
Journal of Applied Physics 98 064902-8 (2005)
Low dimensionality and confining materials
R.J.P. Pellenq, H. Van Damme
Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux 30 4 327-328 (2005)
Low distortion reflection electron microscopy for surface studies
P. Müller, J.J. Metois
Surface Science 599 187 (2005)
Ab initio calculations on hydrogen storage in porous carbons
O. Maresca, F. Marinelli, R.J.M. Pellenq, L. Duclaux, P. Azais, J. Conard
Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux 30 4 385-391 (2005)
Self-organized growth of nanoparticles on a surface patterned by a buried dislocation network
F. Leroy, G. Renaud, A. Letoublon, R. Lazzari, C. Mottet, J. Goniakowski
Physical Review Letters vol. 95 18 185501 (2005)
Effects of activation on the structure and adsorption properties of a nanoporous carbon using molecular simulation
S. Jain, J.P. Pikunic, R.J.M. Pellenq, K.E. Gubbins
Adsorption Journal of the International Adsorption Society 11 355-360 (2005)
Ordered surface alloy formation of immiscible metals : the case of Pb deposited on Ag(111)
L. G. Le, G. Treglia, B. Aufray, O. Bunk, R.L. Johnson
Physical Review B 72 155424 (2005)
Growth mode of hydrogen in mesoporous MCM-41. Adsorption and neutron scattering coupled studies
N. Floquet, J.P. Coulomb, P. Llewellyn, G. Andre, R. Kahn
Adsorption Journal of the International Adsorption Society vol. 11, s 679-684 (2005)
Mineralogy of Air-pollution-control residues from a secondary lead smelter : environmental implications
V. Ettler, Z. Johan, A. Baronnet, F. Jankosky, C. Gilles, M. Mihaljevic, O. Sebek, L. Strnad, P. Bezdicka
Environmental Science and Technology 39 9309-9316 (2005)
Ordered surface alloy formation of immiscible metals : the case of pb deposited on Ag(111)
J. Dalmas, H. Oughaddou, C. Leandri, J.M. Gay, G. Le Lay, G. Treglia, B. Aufray, O. Bunk, R.L. Johnson
Physical Review B vol. 72 15 155424 (2005)
Reverse Monte Carlo analysis of the local order in liquid Ge0.15Te0.85 alloys combining neutron scattering and X-ray absorption spectroscopy
M.V. Coulet, D. Testemale, J.L. Hazemann, J.P. Gaspard, C. Bichara
Physical Review B 72 174209 (2005)
Light-induced random-walk motion in azo-polymers
B. Bellini, J. Ackermann, H.R. Klein, P. Dumas, V. Safarov
Materials Science and Engineering C 25 5-8 675-678 (2005)
Extended investigation of porosity in quasicrystals by synchrotron X-ray phase contrast radiography : Part I - in icosahedral Al-Pd grains
S. Agliozzo, E. Brunello, H. Klein, L. Mancini, J. Hartwig, J. Baruchel, J. Gastaldi
Journal of Crystal Growth 281 623 (2005)
Extended investigation of porosity in quasicrystals by synchrotron X-ray phase contrast radiography : Part II, in grains of other alloys and structures than Al-Pd-Mn
S. Agliozzo, E. Brunello, H. Klein, L. Mancini, J. Hartwig, J. Baruchel, J. Gastaldi
Journal of Crystal Growth 282 228 (2005)
Magnetic properties of marine tertiary tephra investigated over a wide temperature range
S. Agliozzo, E. Brunello, H. Klein, L. Mancini, J. Hartwig, J. Baruchel, J. Gastaldi
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 293/2 816-825 (2005)
Cristallisation : aspects théoriques
F. Puel, S. Veesler, D. Mangin
Les Techniques de l'ingénieur J2710 1-16 (2005)
Light-induced nucleation of metastable hen egg-white lysozyme solutions
T. Okutsu, K. Furuta, M. Terao, H. Hiratsuka, A. Yamano, N. Ferte, S. Veesler
Crystal Growth and Design 5 1393-1398 (2005)
Polymorphisme dans les procédés de cristallisation en solution.
S. Veesler, F. Puel, G. Fevotte
STP Pharma Pratiques 15 53-84 (2005)
Urate oxidase from Aspergillus flavus: new crystal-packing contacts in relation to the content of the active site
P. Retailleau, N. Colloc'h, D. Vivarès, F. Bonneté, B. Castro, M. El Hajji and T. Prangé
Acta Crystallographica Section D 61 218-229 (2005)
In situ monitoring of the impact of liquid-liquid phase separation on drug crystallization by seeding
L. Lafferrere, C. Hoff, and S. Veesler
Crystal Growth and Design 4 1175-1180 (2004)
Temperature and pH effect on the polymorphism of Aprotinin (BPTI) in sodium bromide solutions
S. Veesler, N. Ferté, M.S. Costes, M. Czjzek, and J.P. Astier
Crystal Growth and Design 4 1137-1141 (2004)
Protein Crystallization: Contribution of Small Angle X ray Scattering (SAXS).
F. Bonneté, N. Ferté, J.P. Astier, and S. Veesler
Journal de Physique IV Colloque 118 3-13 (2004)
Complexed and ligand-free high resolution structures of urate oxidase (Uox) from aspergillus flavus: A re-assignation of the active site binding mode
P. Retailleau, N. Colloc'h, D. Vivares, F. Bonneté, B. Castro, M. El Hajji, J.P. Mornon, T. Prangé
Acta Crystallographica Section D 60 453-462 (2004)
Study of liquidliquid demixing from drug solution
L. Lafferrère, C. Hoff, S. Veesler
Journal of Crystal Growth 269 550-557 (2004)
Finite size effects on surface excess quantities: application to crystal growth and surface melting of epitaxial layers
P. Muller
Materials Physics and Mechanics 6 34 (2003)
Scattering techniques to help crystallization
F. Bonneté, D. Vivares, S. Tanaka, N. Ferté, J.P. Astier, S. Veesler
European Biophysics Journal 32 (3) 326 (2003)
Intermolecular interactions and crystallogenesis of urate oxidase: fundamental study and applications
D. Vivares, P. Retailleau, TH. Prangé, N. Colloc'h, F. Bonneté
European Biophysics Journal 32 (3) 259 (2003)
The influence of organic additives on the crystallization and agglomeration of gibbsite
A.M. Paulaime, I. Seyssiecq, S. Veesler
Powder Technology 130 345-351 (2003)
Polymorphism and Liquid-Liquid Demixing in Supersaturated Drug Solution
L. Lafferrère, C. Hoff, S. Veesler
Engineering in Life Science 3 127-131 (2003)
Polymorphic-polytypic transition induced in crystals by interaction of spirals and 2D growth mechanisms
D. Aquilano, S. Veesler, J.P. Astier, L. Pastero
Journal of Crystal Growth 247 541-550 (2003)
Phase transitions in supersaturated drug solution
S. Veesler, L. Lafferrère, E. Garcia, C. Hoff
Organic Process Research and development 7 (6) 983-989 (2003)
Investigation of aprotinin (BPTI) solutions during nucleation
M. Budayova-spano, F. Bonneté, J.P. Astier, S. Veesler
Journal of Crystal Growth 235 547-554 (2002)
Dissolution and phase transition of pharmaceutical compounds
E. Garcia, C. Hoff, S. Veesler
Journal of Crystal Growth 237-239 2233-2239 (2002)
BPTI liquid-liquid phase separation monitored by light and small angle X-ray scattering
S. Grouazel, J. Ferez, J.P. Astier, F. Bonneté, S. Veesler
Acta Crystallographica Section D 58 1560-1563 (2002)
pH dependent ologomerization of BPTI in undersaturated and supersaturated solutions studied by dynamic light scattering
S. Tanaka, M. Ataka, K. Onuma, J.P. Astier, S. Veesler
Journal of Crystal Growth 237-239 289-294 (2002)
alpha-amylase crystal growth investigated by in situ atomic force microscopy
J.P. Astier, D. Bokern, L. Lapena, S. Veesler
Journal of Crystal Growth 226 294-302 (2001)
Teoretical morphology of adipic acid crystals
G. Pfefer, R. Boistelle
Journal of Crystal Growth 208 615-622 (2000)
Crystal Structure of 3- (3- chloro-p-tolyl) 1-1 dimethylurea, C10H13CLN2O
G. Pepe, S. Veesler, J.P. Astier, C. Corti, G. Pfefer
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 215 63-64 (2000)
The BPTI decamer observed in acidic pH crystal forms pre-exists as a stable species in solution
C. Hamiaux, J. Perez, T. Prange, S. Veesler, M. Ries-kautt, P. Vachette
Journal of Molecular Biology 297 697-712 (2000)
Comparison of solubility and interactions of aprotinin (BPTI) solution in H2O and D2O
M. Budayova-spano, S. Lafond, J.P. Astier, C. Ebel, S. Veesler
Journal of Crystal Growth 217 311-319 (2000)
Modelling gibssite agglomeration in a constant supersaturation crystallizer
I. Seyssiecq, S. Veesler, D. Mangin, J.P. Klein, R. Boistelle
Chemical Engineering and Science 55 5565-5578 (2000)
Crystallization of a recombinant form of the complete sequence of human gamma-interferon:characterization by small-angle X-ray scattering, mass spectrometry and preliminary x-ray diffraction studies
M. Budayova-spano, W. Shepard, B. Schoot, J.P. Astier, S. Veesler
Acta Crystallographica Section D 57 900-905 (2000)
Proteins in solution: from X-ray scattered intensities to interaction potentials
A. Tardieu, A. Le Verge, M. Malfois, F. Bonneté, S. Finet, M. Ries-kautt, L. Belloni
Journal of Crystal Growth 196 193-203 (1999)
Nucleation of calcium oxalate crystals by albumin: involvement in the prevention of stone formation
C. Cerini, S. Geider, B. Dussol, C. Hennequin, M. Daudon, S. Veesler, S. Nitsche, R. Boistelle
Kidney International 55 (5) 1776-1786 (1999)
Biophysical characterization of lithostathine Evidences for a polymeric structure at physiological, pH and a proteolysis mechanism leading to the formation of fibrils
C. Cerini, V. Peyrot, C. Garnier, L. Duplan, S. Veesler, J.P. Le Caer, J.P. Bernard, H. Bouteille, R. Michel, A. Vazi, P. Dupuy, B. Michel, Y. Berland, J.M. Verdier
Journal of Biological Chemistry 274 (32) 22266-2227 (1999)
The decameric structure of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) crystallized from thiocyanate at 2. 7Å resolution
C. Hamiaux, T. Prangé, M. Ries-kautt, A. Ducruix, S. Lafont, J.P. Astier, S. Veesler
Acta Crystallographica Section D 55 103-113 (1999)
The influence of additives on the crystal habit of gibbsite
I. Seyssiecq, S. Veesler, G. Pepe, R. Boistelle
Journal of Crystal Growth 196 174-180 (1999)
Characterization and crystallization of the endoglucanase a from clostridium cellulolyticum in solution
M. Budayova, J.P. Astier, S. Veesler, M. Czjzek, A. Belaich, R. Boistelle
Journal of Crystal Growth 196 297-304 (1999)
Crystallization of gypsum from hemihydrate in presence of additives
E. Badens, S. Veesler, R. Boistelle
Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199 704-709 (1999)
Crystallization and dissolution of pharmaceutical compounds an experimental approach
E. Garcia, S. Veesler, R. Boistelle, C. Hoff
Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199 1360-1364 (1999)
Relation between young's modulus of set plaster and complete wetting of grain boundaries by water
E. Baden, S. Veesler, R. Boistelle, D. Chatain
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 156 373-379 (1999)
protein crystal orientation in a magnetic field (communication)
J.P. Astier, S. Veesler, R. Boistelle
Acta Crystallographica Section D 54 703-706 (1998)
Agglomeration of gibssite (Al (OH) 3 crystals in bayer liquors. influence of the process parameters
I. Seyssiecq, S. Veesler, R. Boistelle
Chemical Engineering and Science 53 n°12 2177-2185 (1998)
Study of gypsum dehydration by controlled transformation rate of thermal analysis (CRTA)
E. Badens, P. Llewellyn, F. Rouquerol, S. Veesler, R. Boistelle
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 139 37-44 (1998)
Comparison of solubilities and molecular interactions of BPTI molecules giving different polymorphs
S. Lafont, S. Veesler, J.P. Astier, R. Boistelle
Journal of Crystal Growth 173 132-140 (1997)
Different tools to study interactions potentials in gamma-crystallin solutions: relevance to crystal growth
F. Bonneté, M. Malfois, S. Finet, A. Tardieu, S. Lafont, S. Veesler
Acta Crystallographica Section D 53 438-447 (1997)
Half-crystal energy and anthalpy of sublimation of diuron 3- (3, 4 dichlorophenyl) -1-1 dimethylurea
G. Pfefer, R. Sabbah, R. Boistelle
Journal of Applied Crystallography 30 527-531 (1997)
Enthalpies de dissolution dans l'eau de composes mineraux
S. Veesler, B. Lefrançois
Les Techniques de l'ingénieur K592 1-10 (1997)
Thermodynamical approach to the brittle fracture of dry plasters
P. Coquard, R. Boistelle
Journal of Materials Science 31 4573-4580 (1996)
Eléments de cristallographie et de cristallogénèse a l'usage des industriels de la chimie et de la pharmacie
R. Boistelle, J.P. Klein, A.M. Guyot-hermann
STP Pharma Pratiques 6 (2) 111-140 (1996)
The gypsum-brushite system : crystallization from solution poisoned by phosphate ions
C. Rinaudo, A.M. Lanfranco, R. Boistelle
Journal of Crystal Growth 158 316-321 (1996)
Experimental and theoretical morphologies of diuron 3- (3, 4 dichlorophenyl) -1-1 dimethylurea
G. Pfefer, R. Boistelle
Acta Crystallographica Section B 52 662-667 (1996)
Control of molecular crystals morphology
G. Pfefer, R. Boistelle
IChemE 74, part A 744-749 (1996)
Pancreatic lithostathine as a calcite habit modifier
S. Geider, A. Baronnet, C. Cerini, S. Nitsche, J.P. Astier, R. Michel, R. Boistelle, Y. Berland, J.C. Dagorn, J.M. Verdier
Journal of Biological Chemistry 271 n°42 26302-2630 (1996)
A non immersed induction conductivity system for controlling supersaturation in corrosive meotire : the case of gibbsite crystals agglomeration in Bayer liquors
I. Seyssiecq, S. Veesler, R. Boistelle
Journal of Crystal Growth 169 124-128 (1996)
Prenucleation and nucleation of proteins : Application to BPTI solutions
S. Lafont, S. Veesler, J.P. Astier, R. Boistelle
IChemE 74, part A 839-843 (1996)
Calcium carbonate crystals promote calcium oxalate crystallization by heterogeneous or epitaxial nucleation : possible involvement in the control of urinary lithogenesis
S. Geider, B. Dussol, S. Nitsche, S. Veesler Et Al
Calcified Tissue International 59 33-37 (1996)
Prenucleation, crystal growth and polymorphism of some proteins
S. Veesler, S. Lafont, S. Marcq, J.P. Astier, R. Boistelle
Journal of Crystal Growth 168 124-129 (1996)
Préparation et dosage par diffraction de rayons X des trois formes cristallines de l'oxalate de calcium en mélange
J.P. Beaufays, R. Bouche, R. Boistelle
Journal de Pharmacie de Belgique 50 n°5 429-437 (1995)
Lithogenese oxalo-calcique : Cristallisation en présence d'urine de sujets sains
J.P. Beaufays, R. Bouche, R. Boistelle
Néphrologie 16 325-331 (1995)
Pure paracetamol for direct compression. Part I Development of sintered-like crystals of paracetamol
J.M. Fachaux, A.M. Guyot-hermann, J.C. Guyot, P. Conflant, M. Drache, S. Veesler, R. Boistelle
Powder Technology 82 123-128 (1995)
Pure paracetamol for direct compression. Part II Study of the physicochemical and mechanical properties of sintered-like crystals of paracetamol
J.M. Fachaux, A.M. Guyot-hermann, J.C. Guyot, P. Conflant, M. Drache, S. Veesler, R. Boistelle
Powder Technology 82 129-133 (1995)
Diflufenican, N- (2, 4-diflurophenyl) -2-[3- (trifluoromethyl) phenoxy]-3-pyridinecarboxamide
G. Pepe, G. Pfefer, R. Boistelle
Acta Crystallographica Section C 51 2671-2672 (1995)
Water and solvent effects on the strength of set plasters
P. Coquard, R. Boistelle
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 31 n°5 517-524 (1994)
Hardness, Elasticity modulus and flexion strength of dry set plasters
P. Coquard, R. Boistelle, L. Amathieu, R. Barriac
Journal of Materials Science 29 4611-4617 (1994)
solubilities of calcium acetates in the temperature range 0-100°C
C. Saury, R. Boistelle, C. Dalemat, J. Bruggeman
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 38 56-59 (1994)
General concepts of hydrargillite (Al (OH) 3) agglomeration
S. Veesler, S. Roure, R. Boistelle
Journal of Crystal Growth 135 505-512 (1994)
Growth kinetics of hydrargillite Al (OH) 3 from caustic soda solution
S. Veesler, R. Boistelle
Journal of Crystal Growth 142 177-183 (1994)
Cristallisation industriellle : Aspect pratique
J.P. Klein, R. Boistelle, J. Dugua
Les Techniques de l'ingénieur 6 J 2788 1-31 (1994)
Influence of polydispersity on protein crystallization : a quasi elastic light scattering study applied to alpha-amylase
S. Veesler, S. Marcq, S. Lafont, J.P. Astier, R. Boistelle
Acta Crystallographica Section D 50 355-360 (1994)
Solubility, and prenucleation of aprotinin (BPTI) molecules in sodium chloride solution
S. Lafont, S. Veesler, J.P. Astier, R. Boistelle
Journal of Crystal Growth 143 249-255 (1994)
Attrition of hydrargillite (Al (OH) 3) : mechanism and quantification of particle fragility by a new attrition index
S. Veesler, R. Boistelle, J.M. Lamerant, G. Philipponneau
Powder Technology 75 49-57 (1993)
About supersaturation and growth rates of hydrargillite (Al (OH) 3) in alumina caustic solutions
S. Veesler, R. Boistelle
Journal of Crystal Growth 130 411-415 (1993)
Linuron : 3- (3, 4 dichlorophenyl) -1-methoxy-1 methylurea
H. Cadiergue, G. Pepe, J.P. Astier, R. Boistelle
Acta Crystallographica Section C 49 1078-1080 (1993)
Influence of structure and size of crystalline aggregates on their compression ability
S. Veesler, R. Boistelle, A. Delacourte, J.C. Guyot, A.M. Guyot-hermann
Drug. Development and Industrial Pharmacy 18 (5) 539-560 (1992)
Solubility, phase transition, kinetic ripening and growth rates of porcine pancreatic alpha-amylase isoenzymes
R. Boistelle, J.P. Astier, G. Marchis Mouren, V. Desseaux, R. Haser
Journal of Crystal Growth 123 109-120 (1992)