List of publications

Journal articles

  1. M. L. Fajri, A. Capitaine, L. Santinacci, B. Sciacca*
    Silver Nanocube Epitaxy via Nanogap-induced Electrostatics
    Small Methods (2025)
    Accepted ➡ pdf

  2. M. L. Fajri, N. Kossowski, I. Bouanane, F. Bedu, P. Poungsripong, R. Juliano-Martins, C. Majorel, O. Margeat, J. Le Rouzo, P. Genevet, B. Sciacca*
    Designer Metasurfaces via Nanocube Assembly at the Air–Water Interface
    ACS Nano (2024)
    DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.4c06022 ➡ pdf

  3. P. Poungsripong, V. Kannampalli, L. Santinacci, D. Grosso, D. Chatain, D. Duché, O. Margeat, B. Sciacca*
    Statistical and Correlative Characterization of Individual Nanoparticle in Gap Plasmon Resonator Sensors
    Advanced Material Technologies (Invited Paper) (2024)
    DOI: 10.1002/admt.202400083 ➡ pdf

  4. A. Fotia, P. Frontera, L. Bonaccorsi, B. Sciacca, A. Malara*
    Encapsulation of Disodium-EDTA in Electrospun Polymeric Fibers for the Detection of Heavy Metals
    Advanced Sustainable Systems (2023)
    https://10.1002/adsu.202300463 ➡ pdf

  5. A. Capitaine, M. L. Fajri, B. Sciacca*
    Pushing the limits of capillary assembly for the arbitrary positioning of sub-50nm nanocubes in periodic arrays
    Small Methods (invited paper) (2023) ➡ pdf

  6. I. Bouanane, F. Bedu, I. Ozerov, B. Sciacca, L. Santinacci, D. Duché, G. Berginc, L. Escoubas, O. Margeat, J. Le Rouzo*
    Silver nanorings metamaterials at optical frequencies
    Scientific Reports (2023) ➡ pdf

  7. A. Capitaine, M. Bochet-Modaresialam, P. Poungsripong, C. Badie, V. Heresanu, O. Margeat, L. Santinacci, D. Grosso, E. Garnett and B. Sciacca*
    Nanoparticle imprint lithography: from nanoscale metrology to printable metallic grids
    ACS Nano (2023) ➡ pdf

  8. C. Badie, H. Tissot, B. Sciacca, M. Barr, J. Bachmann, C. Vallee, G. Gautier, T. Defforge, V. Astié, J. M. Decams, M. Bechelany, L. Santinacci*
    Conductive TiN thin films grown by plasma- enhanced atomic layer deposition: Effects of N-sources and thermal treatments
    Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (2023)
    https://10.1116/6.0002288 ➡ pdf

  9. A. Capitaine, B. Sciacca*
    Nanocube epitaxy for the realisation of printable monocrystalline nanophotonic surfaces
    Advanced Materials (2022) ➡ pdf

  10. A. Capitaine, B. Sciacca*
    Monocrystalline methylammonium lead halide perovskite materials for photovoltaics
    Advanced Materials (2021) ➡ pdf

  11. J. Nunez, A. Boersma, J. Grand, S. Mintova, B. Sciacca*
    Thin functional zeolite layer supported on infrared resonant nano-antennas for the detection of benzene traces
    Advanced Functional Materials (2021) ➡ pdf

  12. S. H. Gong, F. Alpeggiani, B. Sciacca, E. C. Garnett, L. Kuipers
    Nanoscale chiral valley-photon interface through optical spin-orbit coupling
    Science 359, 51 (2018) ➡ pdf

  13. B. Sciacca, A. Berkhout, B. J. M. Brenny, S. Z. Oener, M. A. van Huis, A. Polman, E. C. Garnett
    Monocrystalline Nanopatterns Made by Nanocube Assembly and Epitaxy
    Advanced Materials 29, 1701064 (2017) ➡ pdf

  14. S. A. Mann, B. Sciacca, Y. Y. Zhang, J. Wang, E. Kontoleta, H. Y. Liu, E. C. Garnett
    Integrating Sphere Microscopy for Direct Absorption Measurements of Single Nanostructures
    ACS Nano 11, 1412 (2017) ➡ pdf

  15. M. de Goede, E. Johlin, B. Sciacca, F. Boughorbel, E. C. Garnett
    3D multi-energy deconvolution electron microscopy
    Nanoscale 9, 684 (2017) ➡ pdf

  16. E. Klantsataya, A. Francois, H. Ebendorff-Heidepriem, B. Sciacca, A. Zuber, T. M. Monro
    Effect of surface roughness on metal enhanced fluorescence in planar substrates and optical fibers
    Optical Material Express 6, 2128 (2016) ➡ pdf

  17. X. Z. Zheng, B. Sciacca, E. C. Garnett, L. W. Zhang
    AgFeS2-Nanowire-Modified BiVO4 Photoanodes for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting
    ChemPlusChem 81, 1075 (2016) ➡ pdf

  18. B. Sciacca, J. van de Groep, A. Polman, E. C. Garnett
    Solution-Grown Silver Nanowire Ordered Arrays as Transparent Electrodes
    Advanced Materials 28, 905 (2016) ➡ pdf

  19. B. Sciacca, A. O. Yalcin, E. C. Garnett
    Transformation of Ag Nanowires into Semiconducting AgFeS2 Nanowires
    Journal of the American Chemical Society 137, 4340 (2015) ➡ pdf

  20. S. Z. Oener, S. A. Mann, B. Sciacca, C. Sfiligoj, J. Hoang, E. C. Garnett
    Au-Cu2O core-shell nanowire photovoltaics
    Applied Physics Letters 106, 023501 (2015) ➡ pdf

  21. B. Sciacca, S. A. Mann, F. D. Tichelaar, H. W. Zandbergen, M. A. van Huis, E. C. Garnett
    Solution-Phase Epitaxial Growth of Quasi-Monocrystalline Cuprous Oxide on Metal Nanowires
    Nano Letters 14, 5891 (2014) ➡ pdf

  22. S. N. A. Jenie, S. Pace, B. Sciacca, R. D. Brooks, S. E. Plush, N. H. Voelcker
    Lanthanide Luminescence Enhancements in Porous Silicon Resonant Microcavities
    Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 6, 12012 (2014) ➡ pdf

  23. B. Sciacca and T. M. Monro
    Dip Biosensor Based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance at the Tip of an Optical Fiber
    Langmuir 30, 946 (2014) ➡ pdf

  24. S. Pace, B. Sciacca, F. Geobaldo
    Surface modification of porous silicon microparticles by sonochemistry
    Rsc Advances 3, 18799 (2013) ➡ pdf

  25. B. Sciacca, A. Francois, P. Hoffmann, T. M. Monro
    Multiplexing of radiative-surface plasmon resonance for the detection of gastric cancer biomarkers in a single optical fiber
    Sensors & Actuators B:Chemical 183, 454 (2013) ➡ pdf

  26. B. Sciacca, A. Francois, M. Klingler-Hoffmann, J. Brazzatti, M. Penno, P. Hoffmann, T. M. Monro
    Radiative-surface plasmon resonance for the detection of apolipoprotein E in medical diagnostics applications
    Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology Biology and medicine 9, 550 (2013) ➡ pdf

  27. B. Sciacca, S. Pace, P. Rivolo, F. Geobaldo
    Switching of fluorescence mediated by a peroxynitrite-glutathione redox reaction in a porous silicon nanoreactor
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14, 5251 (2012) ➡ pdf

  28. B. Sciacca, E. Secret, S. Pace, P. Gonzalez, F. Geobaldo, F. Quignard, F. Cunin
    Chitosan-functionalized porous silicon optical transducer for the detection of carboxylic acid-containing drugs in water
    Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 2294 (2011) ➡ pdf

  29. B. Sciacca, S. D. Alvarez, F. Geobaldo, M. J. Sailor
    Bioconjugate functionalization of thermally carbonized porous silicon using a radical coupling reaction
    Dalton Transactions 39, 10847 (2010) ➡ pdf

  30. F. Michelotti, B. Sciacca, L. Dominici, M. Quaglio, E. Descrovi, F. Giorgis, F. Geobaldo
    Fast optical vapour sensing by Bloch surface waves on porous silicon membranes
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12, 502 (2010) ➡ pdf

  31. B. Sciacca, F. Frascella, A. Venturello, P. Rivolo, E. Descrovi, F. Giorgis, F. Geobaldo
    Doubly resonant porous silicon microcavities for enhanced detection of fluorescent organic molecules
    Sensors & Actuators B:Chemical 137, 467 (2009) ➡ pdf

  32. E. Descrovi, F. Frascella, B. Sciacca, F. Geobaldo, L. Dominici, F. Michelotti
    Coupling of surface waves in highly defined one-dimensional porous silicon photonic crystals for gas sensing applications
    Applied Physics Letters 91, 241109 (2007) ➡ pdf

  33. W. Navarrini, E. Canesi, M. Cantini, G. Resnati, P. Metrangolo, F. Ugger, V. Arcella, A. Casati, M. Masella, C. Guala, A. Ranzoni, L. Sallemi, B. Sciacca, F. Scotti
    ASP studies on fluorine in biomedicine: two innovative applications
    Chimica Oggi-Chemistry Today 25, 48 (2007) ➡ pdf


