List of publications
Journal articles
M. L. Fajri, A. Capitaine, L. Santinacci, B. Sciacca*
Silver Nanocube Epitaxy via Nanogap-induced Electrostatics
Small Methods (2025)
Accepted ➡ pdfM. L. Fajri, N. Kossowski, I. Bouanane, F. Bedu, P. Poungsripong, R. Juliano-Martins, C. Majorel, O. Margeat, J. Le Rouzo, P. Genevet, B. Sciacca*
Designer Metasurfaces via Nanocube Assembly at the Air–Water Interface
ACS Nano (2024)
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.4c06022 ➡ pdfP. Poungsripong, V. Kannampalli, L. Santinacci, D. Grosso, D. Chatain, D. Duché, O. Margeat, B. Sciacca*
Statistical and Correlative Characterization of Individual Nanoparticle in Gap Plasmon Resonator Sensors
Advanced Material Technologies (Invited Paper) (2024)
DOI: 10.1002/admt.202400083 ➡ pdfA. Fotia, P. Frontera, L. Bonaccorsi, B. Sciacca, A. Malara*
Encapsulation of Disodium-EDTA in Electrospun Polymeric Fibers for the Detection of Heavy Metals
Advanced Sustainable Systems (2023)
https://10.1002/adsu.202300463 ➡ pdfA. Capitaine, M. L. Fajri, B. Sciacca*
Pushing the limits of capillary assembly for the arbitrary positioning of sub-50nm nanocubes in periodic arrays
Small Methods (invited paper) (2023) ➡ pdfI. Bouanane, F. Bedu, I. Ozerov, B. Sciacca, L. Santinacci, D. Duché, G. Berginc, L. Escoubas, O. Margeat, J. Le Rouzo*
Silver nanorings metamaterials at optical frequencies
Scientific Reports (2023) ➡ pdfA. Capitaine, M. Bochet-Modaresialam, P. Poungsripong, C. Badie, V. Heresanu, O. Margeat, L. Santinacci, D. Grosso, E. Garnett and B. Sciacca*
Nanoparticle imprint lithography: from nanoscale metrology to printable metallic grids
ACS Nano (2023) ➡ pdfC. Badie, H. Tissot, B. Sciacca, M. Barr, J. Bachmann, C. Vallee, G. Gautier, T. Defforge, V. Astié, J. M. Decams, M. Bechelany, L. Santinacci*
Conductive TiN thin films grown by plasma- enhanced atomic layer deposition: Effects of N-sources and thermal treatments
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (2023)
https://10.1116/6.0002288 ➡ pdfA. Capitaine, B. Sciacca*
Nanocube epitaxy for the realisation of printable monocrystalline nanophotonic surfaces
Advanced Materials (2022) ➡ pdfA. Capitaine, B. Sciacca*
Monocrystalline methylammonium lead halide perovskite materials for photovoltaics
Advanced Materials (2021) ➡ pdfJ. Nunez, A. Boersma, J. Grand, S. Mintova, B. Sciacca*
Thin functional zeolite layer supported on infrared resonant nano-antennas for the detection of benzene traces
Advanced Functional Materials (2021) ➡ pdfS. H. Gong, F. Alpeggiani, B. Sciacca, E. C. Garnett, L. Kuipers
Nanoscale chiral valley-photon interface through optical spin-orbit coupling
Science 359, 51 (2018) ➡ pdfB. Sciacca, A. Berkhout, B. J. M. Brenny, S. Z. Oener, M. A. van Huis, A. Polman, E. C. Garnett
Monocrystalline Nanopatterns Made by Nanocube Assembly and Epitaxy
Advanced Materials 29, 1701064 (2017) ➡ pdfS. A. Mann, B. Sciacca, Y. Y. Zhang, J. Wang, E. Kontoleta, H. Y. Liu, E. C. Garnett
Integrating Sphere Microscopy for Direct Absorption Measurements of Single Nanostructures
ACS Nano 11, 1412 (2017) ➡ pdfM. de Goede, E. Johlin, B. Sciacca, F. Boughorbel, E. C. Garnett
3D multi-energy deconvolution electron microscopy
Nanoscale 9, 684 (2017) ➡ pdfE. Klantsataya, A. Francois, H. Ebendorff-Heidepriem, B. Sciacca, A. Zuber, T. M. Monro
Effect of surface roughness on metal enhanced fluorescence in planar substrates and optical fibers
Optical Material Express 6, 2128 (2016) ➡ pdfX. Z. Zheng, B. Sciacca, E. C. Garnett, L. W. Zhang
AgFeS2-Nanowire-Modified BiVO4 Photoanodes for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting
ChemPlusChem 81, 1075 (2016) ➡ pdfB. Sciacca, J. van de Groep, A. Polman, E. C. Garnett
Solution-Grown Silver Nanowire Ordered Arrays as Transparent Electrodes
Advanced Materials 28, 905 (2016) ➡ pdfB. Sciacca, A. O. Yalcin, E. C. Garnett
Transformation of Ag Nanowires into Semiconducting AgFeS2 Nanowires
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137, 4340 (2015) ➡ pdfS. Z. Oener, S. A. Mann, B. Sciacca, C. Sfiligoj, J. Hoang, E. C. Garnett
Au-Cu2O core-shell nanowire photovoltaics
Applied Physics Letters 106, 023501 (2015) ➡ pdfB. Sciacca, S. A. Mann, F. D. Tichelaar, H. W. Zandbergen, M. A. van Huis, E. C. Garnett
Solution-Phase Epitaxial Growth of Quasi-Monocrystalline Cuprous Oxide on Metal Nanowires
Nano Letters 14, 5891 (2014) ➡ pdfS. N. A. Jenie, S. Pace, B. Sciacca, R. D. Brooks, S. E. Plush, N. H. Voelcker
Lanthanide Luminescence Enhancements in Porous Silicon Resonant Microcavities
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 6, 12012 (2014) ➡ pdfB. Sciacca and T. M. Monro
Dip Biosensor Based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance at the Tip of an Optical Fiber
Langmuir 30, 946 (2014) ➡ pdfS. Pace, B. Sciacca, F. Geobaldo
Surface modification of porous silicon microparticles by sonochemistry
Rsc Advances 3, 18799 (2013) ➡ pdfB. Sciacca, A. Francois, P. Hoffmann, T. M. Monro
Multiplexing of radiative-surface plasmon resonance for the detection of gastric cancer biomarkers in a single optical fiber
Sensors & Actuators B:Chemical 183, 454 (2013) ➡ pdfB. Sciacca, A. Francois, M. Klingler-Hoffmann, J. Brazzatti, M. Penno, P. Hoffmann, T. M. Monro
Radiative-surface plasmon resonance for the detection of apolipoprotein E in medical diagnostics applications
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology Biology and medicine 9, 550 (2013) ➡ pdfB. Sciacca, S. Pace, P. Rivolo, F. Geobaldo
Switching of fluorescence mediated by a peroxynitrite-glutathione redox reaction in a porous silicon nanoreactor
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14, 5251 (2012) ➡ pdfB. Sciacca, E. Secret, S. Pace, P. Gonzalez, F. Geobaldo, F. Quignard, F. Cunin
Chitosan-functionalized porous silicon optical transducer for the detection of carboxylic acid-containing drugs in water
Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 2294 (2011) ➡ pdfB. Sciacca, S. D. Alvarez, F. Geobaldo, M. J. Sailor
Bioconjugate functionalization of thermally carbonized porous silicon using a radical coupling reaction
Dalton Transactions 39, 10847 (2010) ➡ pdfF. Michelotti, B. Sciacca, L. Dominici, M. Quaglio, E. Descrovi, F. Giorgis, F. Geobaldo
Fast optical vapour sensing by Bloch surface waves on porous silicon membranes
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12, 502 (2010) ➡ pdfB. Sciacca, F. Frascella, A. Venturello, P. Rivolo, E. Descrovi, F. Giorgis, F. Geobaldo
Doubly resonant porous silicon microcavities for enhanced detection of fluorescent organic molecules
Sensors & Actuators B:Chemical 137, 467 (2009) ➡ pdfE. Descrovi, F. Frascella, B. Sciacca, F. Geobaldo, L. Dominici, F. Michelotti
Coupling of surface waves in highly defined one-dimensional porous silicon photonic crystals for gas sensing applications
Applied Physics Letters 91, 241109 (2007) ➡ pdfW. Navarrini, E. Canesi, M. Cantini, G. Resnati, P. Metrangolo, F. Ugger, V. Arcella, A. Casati, M. Masella, C. Guala, A. Ranzoni, L. Sallemi, B. Sciacca, F. Scotti
ASP studies on fluorine in biomedicine: two innovative applications
Chimica Oggi-Chemistry Today 25, 48 (2007) ➡ pdf