Group Leader

PhD Students

  • Muhammad Luthfi Fajri

  • Luigi Fenzi

  • Postdocs

  • Dr. Sugi Korath Shivan

  • Dr. Ali Dabbous

  • Dr. Charles Vernier

  • Former members

    • Peeranuch Poungsripong (joint PhD with Dr. O. Margeat)

    • Anna Capitaine (PhD student)

    • Antonio Fotia (visiting PhD student)

    • Oznur Gulabigul (intern)

    • Hugues Poussot (intern)

    • Ilyas Bitam (intern)

    Events & News


      Congratulations to Piw for the best poster award at the SCF PACA meeting!


      23/01/2023 - Congratulations to Anna for her PhD defence!


      Congratulations to Anna for the best talk award at the 12th Meeting on Nanoscale Advances (Porquerolles)!

    AMIDEX grants funding to the project NACHT in collaboration with Institute Fresnel (G. Baffou)

    ANR-gray ANR grants funding to the PRCI project APRiCOT in collaboration with the Fritz Haber Insititute (Max Planck) Berlin, the IEM (Montpellier) and RWTH Aachen

    ANR-gray ANR grants funding to the JCJC project MeMeNtO

    ANR-gray ANR grants funding to the PRC project PlasMORELIGHT in collaboration with the IM2NP, ICR and IEMS.

    Are you motivated to do a Master thesis, a PhD or a postdoc? Contact us!