The "X-ray diffraction",XRD, service is located in the L3 and the staff consists of an IR2, the person in charge of the service. It provides services and user training in the field of XRD, X-Ray reflectivity (XRR), as well as small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS).
It tries to offer an answer to the quite varied requests of the users: diffraction on powders (in transmission or reflection), diffraction on powders at high temperatures (T <900 ° C), diffraction on single crystals, XRR measurements and SAXS on various samples.
The users, as part of the non-paying services, are constituted by the members of CINaM and their collaborators as well as direct collaborators of the service. The service also offers paid services, for public or private institutions.
The service is also used for the realization of TP on XRD for the students from Polytech Luminy.