Zhancun Bian
TPR1 - 4 étage
E2F signature is predictive for the pancreatic adenocarcinoma clinical outcome and sensitivity to E2F inhibitors, but not for the response to cytotoxic-based treatments
W. Lan, B. Bian, Y. Xia, S. Dou, O. Gayet, M. Bigonnet, P. Santofimia-castano, M. Cong, L. Peng, N. Dusetti, J. Iovanna
Scientific Reports 8 8330 (2018)
Molecular self-assembly and clustering in nucleation processes: general discussion
S. Price, S. Veesler, H. Pan, K. Lewtas, M. Smets, B. Rimez, A. Myerson, C. Hughes, A. Hare, F. Zhang, H. Meekes, M. Mazzotti, I. Rosbottom, D. Khamar, J. Van Den Ende, L. Fabian, S. Black, F. Taulelle, M. Gich, P. Vekilov, D. Toroz, C.A. Bertran, J. Sefc
Faraday Discussions 179 155-197 (2015)