Anne Charrier


TPR1 - 3 étage









From molecular variations to macroscopic properties

Our research activity focuses on studying multiscale effects to understand how small variations at the molecular or molecular assembly level impart specific physical properties to the macroscopic systems they constitute, which properties are then utilized in technological applications. Our research is divided into three distinct thematics: 1) Thin films field-effect transistor sensors. 2) Dynamics of red blood cells under flow. 3) Wood cell wall at the nanoscale.

Our activity is based on a deep intertwining of fundamental and applied research. From a fundamental perspective, we are interested in the relationship between chemical nature, structural organization, and physical properties to answer the question: how do small variations at the molecular level impact the physical properties (electrical, mechanical, structural) of assemblies constituted at the macroscopic scale?

Our work on applicative development falls into two main axes: (i) innovative sensors for ion detection in solution. (ii) functional and/or microfluidic platforms for studying cell behavior and their properties (red blood cell mechanics).


For further details, please visit our WEBSITE.




Classification of red cell dynamics with convolutional and recurrent neural networks: a sickle cell disease case study

Maxime Darrin, Ashwin Samudre, Maxime Sahun, Scott Atwell, Catherine Badens, Anne Charrier, Emmanuèle Helfer, Annie Viallat, Vincent Cohen-Addad, Sophie Giffard-Roisin

Scientific Reports 13:745 (2023)10.1038/s41598-023-27718-w

Physical mechanisms of red blood cell splenic filtration

Alexis Moreau, François Yaya, Huije Lu, Anagha Surendranath, Anne Charrier, Benoit Dehapiot, Emmanuèle Helfer, Annie Viallat, Zhangli Peng

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2023)10.1101/2023.01.10.523245


Dynamics of Individual Red Blood Cells Under Shear Flow: A Way to Discriminate Deformability Alterations

Scott Atwell, Catherine Badens, Anne Charrier, Emmanuèle Helfer, Annie Viallat

Frontiers in Physiology 12 (2022)10.3389/fphys.2021.775584

Affinity driven ion exchange EG-OFET sensor for high selectivity and low limit of detection of Cesium in seawater

Tin Phan Nguy, Volkan Kilinc, Ryoma Hayakawa, Catherine Henry-De-Villeneuve, Jean-Manuel Raimundo, Yutaka Wakayama, Anne Charrier

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 351:130956 (2022)10.1016/j.snb.2021.130956


In situ plant materials hyperspectral imaging by multimodal scattering near-field optical microscopy

Anne Charrier, Aubin C Normand, Ali Passian, Philip Schaefer, Aude L. L. Lereu

Communications Materials 2:59 (2021)10.1038/s43246-021-00166-7

Influence of force volume indentation parameters and processing method in wood cell walls nanomechanical studies

Aubin C Normand, Anne Charrier, Olivier Arnould, Aude L. Lereu

Scientific Reports 11:5739 (2021)10.1038/s41598-021-84994-0


Nanomechanics and Raman Spectroscopy of in Situ Native Carbohydrate Storage Granules for Enhancing Starch Quality and Lignocellulosic Biomass Production

Rubye Farahi, Aude L. Lereu, Anne Charrier, Udaya C Kalluri, Brian H Davison, Ali Passian

ACS Omega 5:2594−2602 (2020)10.1021/acsomega.9b02849

Femtomolar detection of Cu2+ ions in solution using super-Nernstian FET-sensor with a lipid monolayer as top-gate dielectric

A. Kenaan, F. Brunel, J.-M. Raimundo, Anne Charrier

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 316:128147 (2020)10.1016/j.snb.2020.128147

Electrolyte-gated-organic field effect transistors functionalized by lipid monolayers with tunable pH sensitivity for sensor applications

Tin Phan Nguy, Ryoma Hayakawa, Volkan Kilinc, Matthieu Petit, Yemineni S L V Narayana, Masayoshi Higuchi, Jean-Manuel Raimundo, Anne Charrier, Yutaka Wakayama

Applied Physics Express 13:011005 (2020)10.7567/1882-0786/ab5322


Self-organization of red blood cell suspensions under confined 2D flows

Cécile Iss, Dorian Midou, Alexis Moreau, Delphine Held, Anne Charrier, Simon Mendez, Annie Viallat, Emmanuèle Helfer

Soft Matter (2019)10.1039/C8SM02571A

Novel and Innovative Interface as Potential Active Layer in Chem-FET Sensor Devices for the Specific Sensing of Cs+

Volkan Kilinc, Catherine Henry-De-Villeneuve, Tin Phan Nguy, Yutaka Wakayama, Anne M Charrier, Jean-Manuel Raimundo

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11:47635-47641 (2019)10.1021/acsami.9b18188

Stable operation of water-gated organic field-effect transistor depending on channel flatness, electrode metals and surface treatment

Tin Phan Nguy, Ryoma Hayakawa, Volkan Kilinc, Matthieu Petit, Jean-Manuel Raimundo, Anne Charrier, Yutaka Wakayama

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58:SDDH02 (2019)10.7567/1347-4065/ab09d2


Nanometrology of Biomass for Bioenergy: The Role of Atomic Force Microscopy and Spectroscopy in Plant Cell Characterization

Anne Charrier, Aude L. Lereu, Rubye Farahi, Brian Davison, Ali Passian

Frontiers in Energy Research 6:11 (2018)10.3389/fenrg.2018.00011

Facile Nanopatterning of PEDOT:PSS Thin Films

Mohammed Elmahmoudy, Anne Charrier, George G. Malliaras, Sébastien Sanaur

Advanced Materials Technologies 3:1700344 (2018)10.1002/admt.201700344

Ultra-thin supported lipid monolayer with unprecedented mechanical and dielectric properties

Ahmad Kenaan, Racha El Zein, Volkan Kilinc, Sébastien Lamant, Jean-Manuel Raimundo, Anne Charrier

Advanced Functional Materials 1801024 (2018)10.1002/adfm.201801024


Printing functional protein nano-dots on soft elastomers: from transfer mechanism to cell mechanosensing

Ranime Alameddine, Astrid Wahl, Fuwei Pi, Kaoutar Bouzalmate, Laurent Limozin, Anne Charrier, Kheya Sengupta

Nano Letters 17:4284-4290 (2017)10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b01254

Ligand Nano-cluster Arrays in a Supported Lipid Bilayer

Emmanuelle Benard, Fuwei Pi, Igor Ozerov, Anne Charrier, Kheya Sengupta

Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 122:e55060 (2017)10.3791/55060

Tailoring the electrochemical and mechanical properties of PEDOT : pss films for bioelectronics

Mohammed H Elmahmoudy, Sahika Inal, Anne Charrier, Ilke Uguz, George Malliaras, Sébastien Sanaur

Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 302 (2017)10.1002/mame.201600497

Plasticity, elasticity, and adhesion energy of plant cell walls: nanometrology of lignin loss using atomic force microscopy

R. H Farahi, Anne Charrier, A. Tolbert, A. Lereu, A. Ragauskas, B. Davison, A. Passian

Scientific Reports 7 (2017)10.1038/s41598-017-00234-4

High Aspect Ratio Sub-Micrometer Channels Using Wet Etching: Application to the Dynamics of Red Blood Cell Transiting through Biomimetic Splenic Slits

Priya Gambhire, Scott Atwell, Cécile Iss, Frédéric Bedu, Igor Ozerov, Catherine Badens, Emmanuèle Helfer, Annie Viallat, Anne Charrier

Small 13:1700967 (2017)10.1002/smll.201700967


Subpicomolar Iron Sensing Platform Based on Functional Lipid Monolayer Microarrays

Ahmad Kenaan, Tuyen D. Nguyen, Herve Dallaporta, Jean-Manuel Raimundo, Anne M. Charrier

Analytical Chemistry 88:3804-3809 (2016)10.1021/acs.analchem.5b04834


Size-Tunable Organic Nanodot Arrays: A Versatile Platform for Manipulating and Imaging Cells

Fuwei Pi, Pierre Dillard, Ranime Alameddine, Emmanuelle Benard, Astrid Wahl, Igor Ozerov, Anne Charrier, Laurent Limozin, Kheya Sengupta

Nano Letters 15:5178-5184 (2015)10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b01400


Mechanical characterization of cross-linked serum albumin microcapsules

Clément de Loubens, Julien Deschamps, Marc Georgelin, Anne Charrier, Florence Edwards-Levy, Marc Leonetti

Soft Matter 10:4561-4568 (2014)10.139/C4SM00349G

A field effect transistor biosensor with a γ-pyrone derivative engineered lipid-sensing layer for ultrasensitive Fe3+ion detection with low pH interference

T.-D. Nguyen, A. Labed, R. El Zein, S. Lavandier, F. Bedu, I. Ozerov, H. Dallaporta, J.-M. Raimundo, A.M. Charrier

Biosensors and Bioelectronics 54:571-577 (2014)10.1016/j.bios.2013.11.051


Determination of mechanical properties of cortical bone using AFM under dry and immersed conditions

Emmanuelle Lefevre, Carine Guivier-Curien, Martine Pithioux, Anne Charrier

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 16:337-339 (2013)10.1080/10255842.2013.815974

Nanometric Protein-Patch Arrays on Glass and Polydimethylsiloxane for Cell Adhesion Studies

Fuwei Pi, Pierre Dillard, Laurent Limozin, Anne Charrier, Kheya Sengupta

Nano Letters 13:3372-3378 (2013)10.1021/nl401696m


Wetting Properties and Critical Micellar Concentration of Benzalkonium Chloride Mixed in Sodium Hypochlorite

F. Bukiet, G. Couderc, J. Camps, H. Tassery, F. Cuisinier, I. About, A. Charrier, N. Candoni

Journal of Endodontics 38:1525-1529 (2012)

Supported Lipid Monolayer with Improved Nanomechanical Stability: Effect of Polymerization

R. Elzein, H. Dallaporta, A.M. Charrier

Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116:7190-7195 (2012)

Label free femtomolar electrical detection of Fe(III) ions with a pyridinone modified lipid monolayer as the active sensing layer

T. Nguyen Duc, R. Elzein, J-M. Raimundo, H. Dallaporta, A.M. Charrier

Journal of Materials Chemistry 1:443-446 (2012)