6 years ago
Rim nucleation and step-train orientation effects in SOI(111) dewetting
Stefano Curiotto, Pierre Müller, Fabien Cheynis, Igor Ozerov, Frédéric Leroy
Surfaces and Interfaces 45:103912 (2024)10.1016/j.surfin.2024.103912
Nanoplasmonic sensing to study CO and oxygen adsorption and CO oxidation on size-selected Pt10 clusters
Benjamin Demirdjian, Mykhailo Vaidulych, Igor Ozerov, F. Bedu, Stefan Vajda, Claude R Henry
Nanoscale 16:20968-20976 (2024)10.1039/D4NR02682A
Plasmonic sensing: FDTD calculations to interpret experimental LSPR water adsorption isotherms
Benjamin Demirdjian, Igor Ozerov, F. Bedu, Alain Ranguis, Claude R Henry
Chemical Physics Letters 837:141063 (2024)10.1016/j.cplett.2023.141063
Designer metasurfaces via nanocube assembly at the air-water interface
Beniamino Sciacca, Muhammad L. Fajri, Nicolas Kossowski, Ibtissem Bouanane, F. Bedu, Peeranuch Poungsripong, Renato Juliano-Martins, Clement Majorel, Olivier Margeat, Judikaël Le Rouzo, Patrice Genevet
ACS Nano 18 (2024)https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.4c06022
Design of infrared optical absorber using silver nanorings array made by a top-down process
Ibtissem Bouanane, F. Bedu, Igor Ozerov, Beniamino Sciacca, Lionel Santinacci, David Duché, Gérard Berginc, Ludovic Escoubas, Olivier Margeat, Judikaël Le Rouzo
Scientific Reports 13:7770 (2023)10.1038/s41598-023-34579-w
Electrical monitoring of organic crystal phase transition using MoS2 field effect transistor
Ilan Boulet, Simon Pascal, F. Bedu, Igor Ozerov, Alain Ranguis, Thomas Leoni, Conrad Becker, Laurence Masson, Aleksandar Matkovic, Christian Teichert, Olivier Siri, Claudio Attaccalite, Jean-Roch Huntzinger, Matthieu Paillet, Ahmed-Azmi Zahab, Romain Parret
Nanoscale Advances 5:1681-1690 (2023)10.1039/d2na00817c
Fluorescence engineering in metamaterial-assisted super-resolution localization microscope
Kyu Ri Choi, Shilong Li, Igor Ozerov, F. Bedu, Bin Chan Joo, Dong Hee Park, Jeong Weon Wu, Síle Nic Chormaic, Yeon Ui Lee
Nanophotonics 12:2491-2498 (2023)10.1515/nanoph-2022-0751
Uniform Huygens Metasurfaces with Postfabrication Phase Pattern Recording Functionality
Elena Mikheeva, Remi Colom, Patrice Genevet, Frederic Bedu, Igor Ozerov, Samira Khadir, Guillaume Baffou, Redha Abdeddaim, Stefan Enoch, Julien Lumeau
ACS photonics 10:1538-1546 (2023)10.1021/acsphotonics.3c00128
Nonlinear Exciton‐Mie Coupling in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Nanoresonators
Anna Popkova, Ilya Antropov, Gleb Tselikov, Georgy Ermolaev, Igor Ozerov, Roman Kirtaev, Sergey Novikov, Andrey Evlyukhin, Aleksey Arsenin, Vladimir Bessonov, Valentyn Volkov, Andrey Fedyanin
Laser and Photonics Reviews 2100604 (2022)10.1002/lpor.202100604
CO and O2 Adsorption and CO Oxidation on Pt Nanoparticles by Indirect Nanoplasmonic Sensing
Benjamin Demirdjian, Igor Ozerov, Frédéric Bedu, Alain Ranguis, Claude R Henry
ACS Omega 6:13398-13405 (2021)10.1021/acsomega.1c01487
Ligand Nanocluster Array Enables Artificial-Intelligence-Based Detection of Hidden Features in T-Cell Architecture
Aya Nassereddine, Ahmed Abdelrahman, Emmanuelle Benard, F. Bedu, Igor Ozerov, Laurent Limozin, Kheya Sengupta
Nano Letters 21:5606-5613 (2021)10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c01073
Fabrication of sharp silicon arrays to wound Caenorhabditis elegans
Jérôme Belougne, Igor Ozerov, Céline Caillard, Bedu Frédéric, Jonathan J. Ewbank
Scientific Reports 10:3581 (2020)10.1038/s41598-020-60333-7
Optical spin-dependent beam separation in cyclic group symmetric metasurface
Yeon Ui Lee, Igor Ozerov, Frédéric Bedu, Ji Su Kim, Frédéric Fages, Jeong Weon Wu
Nanophotonics 9:3459-3471 (2020)10.1515/nanoph-2020-0160
Growth and orientation relationships of Ni and Cu films annealed on slightly miscut (1-102) r-sapphire substrates
Dominique Chatain, Blandine Courtois, Igor Ozerov, Nathalie Bozzolo, Madeleine Kelly, Gregory S Rohrer, Paul Wynblatt
Journal of Crystal Growth 508:24-33 (2019)10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2018.11.024
Enhanced Four-Wave Mixing in Doubly Resonant Si Nanoresonators
Rémi Colom, Lei Xu, Loris Marini, Frédéric Bedu, Igor Ozerov, Thomas Begou, Julien Lumeau, Andrey E. Miroshnichenko, Dragomir N. Neshev, Boris Kuhlmey, Stefano Palomba, Nicolas Bonod
ACS photonics 6:1295-1301 (2019)10.1021/acsphotonics.9b00442
Ultra-narrow surface lattice resonances in plasmonic metamaterial arrays for biosensing applications
Artem Danilov, Gleb Tselikov, Fan Wu, Vasyl G. Kravets, Igor Ozerov, F. Bedu, Alexander N. Grigorenko, Andrei V. Kabashin
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 104:102-112 (2018)10.1016/j.bios.2017.12.001
Water adsorption by a sensitive calibrated gold plasmonic nanosensor
Benjamin Demirdjian, Frédéric Bedu, Alain Ranguis, Igor Ozerov, Claude Henry
Langmuir 34:5381-5385 (2018)10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b00040
Strong Nonlinear Optical Response in the Visible Spectral Range with Epsilon-Near-Zero Organic Thin Films
Yeon Ui Lee, Eleonora Garoni, Hanayo Kita, Kenji Kamada, Byung Hoon Woo, Young Chul Jun, Sang Min Chae, Hyo Jung Kim, Kwang Jin Lee, Seokhyun Yoon, Eunyoung Choi, Fabrice Mathevet, Igor Ozerov, Jean Charles Ribierre, Jeong Weon Wu, Anthony d'Aléo
Advanced Optical Materials 6:1701400 (2018)10.1002/adom.201701400
Live nanoscopic to mesoscopic topography reconstruction with an optical microscope for chemical and biological samples
Olivier Theodoly, Nicolas Garcia-Seyda, Frédéric Bedu, Xuan Luo, Sylvain Gabriele, Tam Mignot, Joanna Giermanska, Jean-Paul Chapel, Mélinda Métivier, Marie-Pierre Valignat
PLoS ONE 13:e0207881 (2018)10.1371/journal.pone.0207881
Ligand Nano-cluster Arrays in a Supported Lipid Bilayer
Emmanuelle Benard, Fuwei Pi, Igor Ozerov, Anne Charrier, Kheya Sengupta
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 122:e55060 (2017)10.3791/55060
High Aspect Ratio Sub-Micrometer Channels Using Wet Etching: Application to the Dynamics of Red Blood Cell Transiting through Biomimetic Splenic Slits
Priya Gambhire, Scott Atwell, Cécile Iss, Frédéric Bedu, Igor Ozerov, Catherine Badens, Emmanuèle Helfer, Annie Viallat, Anne Charrier
Small 13:1700967 (2017)10.1002/smll.201700967
Enhancement and Inhibition of Spontaneous Photon Emission by Resonant Silicon Nanoantennas
Dorian F Bouchet, Mathieu F Mivelle, Julien Proust, Bruno Gallas, Igor Ozerov, Maria F. Garcia-Parajo, Angelo Gulinatti, Ivan Rech, Yannick F de Wilde, Nicolas F Bonod, Valentina F Krachmalnicoff, Sébastien F Bidault
Physical Review Applied 6:064016 (2016)10.1103/PhysRevApplied.6.064016
All-Dielectric Colored Metasurfaces with Silicon Mie Resonators
Julien Proust, Frédéric Bedu, Bruno Gallas, Igor Ozerov, Nicolas Bonod
ACS Nano 10:7761-7767 (2016)10.1021/acsnano.6b03207
Optimized 2D array of thin silicon pillars for efficient antireflective coatings in the visible spectrum
Julien Proust, Anne-Laure Fehrembach, Frédéric Bedu, Igor Ozerov, Nicolas Bonod
Scientific Reports 6:24947 (2016)10.1038/srep24947
All-Dielectric Silicon Nanogap Antennas To Enhance the Fluorescence of Single Molecules
Raju Regmi, Johann Berthelot, Pamina M. Winkler, Mathieu Mivelle, Julien Proust, Frédéric Bedu, Igor Ozerov, Thomas Begou, Julien Lumeau, Hervé Rigneault, María F. García-Parajó, Sébastien Bidault, Jérôme Wenger, Nicolas Bonod
Nano Letters 16:5143-5151 (2016)10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b02076
The clean room is equipped with numerous technological equipment and processes well adapted to the scientific projects carried out within the CINaM as well as in the different research institutes and laboratories of the region. The CINaM laboratory shares nano- and microtechnological equipment with the academic research community as well as with innovative companies carrying out research and development projects:
- Focused charged particle beam assisted deposition, lithography and etching
- Optical and electron beam lithography
- Evaporative deposition of metals
- Deposition of metals (Al, Ti, W, Cr) by magnetron sputtering
- Deposition of SiO2, Si3N4 and metal oxydes and nitrides by reactive sputtering
- Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) of Si, SiO2 and Si3N4 by fluorine-containing plasma
- Argon Ion Beam Etching (IBE) of metals (Co, Fe, Ni, Ti, Al) by inductively coupled plasma (ICP)
- Wet chemical etching
- Optical microscopy
- Contact profilometry
- Electrical measurements
The PLANETE platform is open to the regional research community as well as to innovative companies carrying out research and development projects. All the clean room facilities and the equipment are made available to realize their projects accompanied by a technical assistance from the platform team members according to their needs.
Platform users are welcomed by a technical team (Igor Ozerov, Frédéric Bedu and Romain Jeannette).
All users should accept to respect the PLANETE users' charter.
PLANETE users' charter
The hourly rate for the use of the clean room equipment for the academic partners (CNRS units, other EPST and academics) is:
- 64,887 €HT/hour.
For industrials, the hourly rates for the use of cleanroom equipment are:
- 118 €HT/hour (in autonomy, without assistance);
- 229 €HT/hour (with assistance by technical team).
The direction of the CINaM and all the staff of the PLANETE technological platform are involved in the quality approach aimed at reinforcing the reliability of the platform's equipment and the technological processes available within the platform.
Planète's quality policy (in French)
The Planète platform has received a label as a member of the regional network "Plateformes Technologiques du Site d’Aix-Marseille " (Technology Platforms at the Aix-Marseille area) approved by the Aix-Marseille University, the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) and the INSERM (French National Institute for Health and Medical Research).
Charter of the label of Technology Platforms at the Aix-Marseille area (in French)
Since 2009, the Planet Platform has also been one of the three components of the regional proximity technology facility CT-PACA, accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and lʼInnovation. The other two components of this technological facility are CRHEATec at the Sophia Antipolis site, hosted by the CRHEA, and NanoTecMat at the Marseille Saint Jérôme site, hosted by the IM2NP.
Within the national technological framework RENATECH+, Planète is associated with the NanoLyon technological facilities (INSA and École Centrale de Lyon) and the PTA technological platform in Grenoble.
In collaboration with IM2NP's NanoTecMat platform, Planète is among the winners of the structuring action "Potentialisation du développement des plateformes technologiques Aix-Marseille" financed by A*Midex in 2019. This project initiates a quality management approach within the two platforms and is accompanied and supported by "Direction de l’Amélioration Continue" (Continuous Improvement Department) of Aix-Marseille University.
Sofia Bekdouche, Quality Engineer on a 1-year A*Midex fixed-term contract, shares her time between the two platforms.
Planète's quality policy (in French)